import { bool , func } from 'prop-types' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' ;
import { assetPropType } from '../../assetPropType' ;
import { DrawerContents } from './DrawerContents' ;
import Base from './TransferDrawer.styles' ;
// ##################################################################################
// # Asset TRANSFER Drawer
// ##################################################################################
export const TransferDrawer = ( { visible, onClose, record } ) => {
const drawerContentsProps = {
} ;
const { maskLocked } = useSelector ( ( state ) => state . drawer ) ;
// NOTE: destroyOnClose: means that any state on Base will NOT get destroyed, only Base's children's state will get destroyed
return (
< Base
width = { 541 }
title = { < h1 > Transfer Asset< / h1 > }
visible = { visible }
onClose = { onClose }
maskClosable = { ! maskLocked }
destroyOnClose >
< DrawerContents { ...drawerContentsProps } / >
< / Base >
) ;
} ;
TransferDrawer . propTypes = {
visible : bool ,
onClose : func ,
record : assetPropType ,
} ;
export default TransferDrawer ;
import { SideDrawer } from '@Lorem/Ipsum' ;
import styled from 'styled-components' ;
export default styled ( SideDrawer ) `
.ant-drawer-body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
& > .ant-card {
margin-bottom: 28px;
& > .ant-table-wrapper {
margin-bottom: 12px;
& > a,
& > button {
align-self: flex-end;
` ;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
import { Skeleton , useMounted } from '@Lorem/Ipsum' ;
import { PropTypes as PT } from 'prop-types' ;
import React , { useEffect , useState } from 'react' ;
import { FormSkeleton } from '../../../common/FormSkeleton' ;
import { assetPropType } from '../../assetPropType' ;
import { Alert , AlertSkeleton } from './alert' ;
import { TransferDestinationForm } from './forms' ;
import { Heading } from './heading' ;
// ##################################################################################
// ##################################################################################
export const DrawerContents = ( { visible, record, onClose } ) => {
const isMounted = useMounted ( ) ;
const [ isFormDisabled , setIsFormDisabled ] = useState ( record . has_lgs_associated === true ) ;
const [ fakeLoading , setFakeLoading ] = useState ( true ) ;
useEffect ( ( ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
setFakeLoading ( false ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
return (
< >
< FormSkeleton loading = { fakeLoading } noBottomMargin >
< Heading record = { record } / >
< / FormSkeleton >
< AlertSkeleton loading = { fakeLoading } >
< Alert
hasLogsAssociated = { record . has_lgs_associated }
isFormDisabled = { isFormDisabled }
setIsFormDisabled = { setIsFormDisabled }
onClose = { onClose }
/ >
< / AlertSkeleton >
< Skeleton loading = { fakeLoading } style = { { marginTop : '14px' } } >
< TransferDestinationForm
isFormDisabled = { isFormDisabled }
onClose = { onClose }
record = { record }
/ >
< / Skeleton >
< Skeleton avatar loading = { fakeLoading } style = { { marginTop : '28px' } } / >
< / >
) ;
} ;
DrawerContents . propTypes = {
visible : PT . bool ,
record : assetPropType ,
onClose : PT . func ,
} ;
export default DrawerContents ;
import { colors , units } from '@Lorem/Ipsum' ;
import React from 'react' ;
import styled from 'styled-components' ;
import { assetPropType } from '../../../assetPropType' ;
import { Title } from '../typography' ;
const DefinitionList = styled . dl `
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: max-content auto;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: ${ remCalc ( 2 ) } ;
` ;
const SubTitle = styled . dt `
grid-column-start: 1;
font-size: ${ remCalc ( 12 ) } ;
text-align: right;
color: ${ colors . grey [ 60 ] } ;
border-bottom: ${ remCalc ( 1 ) } solid ${ colors . grey [ 30 ] } ;
height: ${ remCalc ( 36 ) } ;
line-height: ${ remCalc ( 32 ) } ;
&.first {
line-height: ${ remCalc ( 16 ) } ;
height: ${ remCalc ( 29 ) } ;
` ;
const Description = styled . dd `
grid-column-start: 2;
font-size: ${ remCalc ( 12 ) } ;
font-weight: 400;
text-align: left;
color: ${ colors . grey [ 90 ] } ;
padding-left: ${ remCalc ( 17 ) } ;
border-bottom: ${ remCalc ( 1 ) } solid ${ colors . grey [ 30 ] } ;
height: ${ remCalc ( 36 ) } ;
line-height: ${ remCalc ( 32 ) } ;
&.first {
line-height: ${ remCalc ( 16 ) } ;
height: ${ remCalc ( 29 ) } ;
` ;
// ##################################################################################
// ##################################################################################
export const Heading = ( { record } ) => {
return (
< >
< Title > Asset to be Transferred< / Title >
< DefinitionList >
< SubTitle className = 'first' > Asset Type:< / SubTitle >
< Description className = 'first' > { record . type_name } < / Description >
< SubTitle > Model:< / SubTitle >
< Description > { record . model_name } < / Description >
< SubTitle > Asset Name:< / SubTitle >
< Description > { record . name } < / Description >
< SubTitle > Serial Number:< / SubTitle >
< Description > { record . serial_number } < / Description >
< / DefinitionList >
< / >
) ;
} ;
Heading . propTypes = {
record : assetPropType ,
} ;
export default Heading ;
import { colors , remCalc } from '@Lorem/ipsum' ;
import styled from 'styled-components' ;
export const DefinitionList = styled . dl `
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: max-content auto;
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: ${ remCalc ( 2 ) } ;
` ;
export const SubTitle = styled . dt `
grid-column-start: 1;
font-size: ${ remCalc ( 10 ) } ;
font-weight: 400;
text-align: right;
color: ${ colors . orange [ 5 ] } ;
line-height: ${ remCalc ( 16 ) } ;
` ;
export const Description = styled . dd `
grid-column-start: 2;
font-size: ${ remCalc ( 12 ) } ;
font-weight: 400;
text-align: left;
color: ${ colors . grey [ 50 ] } ;
padding-left: ${ remCalc ( 9 ) } ;
line-height: ${ remCalc ( 16 ) } ;
` ;
import { Radio } from '@paloaltonetworks/ethos' ;
import { PropTypes as PT } from 'prop-types' ;
import React , { useState } from 'react' ;
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux' ;
import {
useGetSupportAccountsQuery ,
} from '../../../../../hooks/rtkq-api-and-hooks' ;
import { assetPropType } from '../../../assetPropType' ;
import { Title } from '../typography' ;
import { Buttons } from './Buttons' ;
import { FormItemEmail } from './FormItemEmail' ;
import FormItemSupportAccount from './FormItemSupportAccount' ;
import { StyledForm , StyledFormItemRadGrp } from './TransferDestinationForm.styles' ;
} ;
USER : FormItemEmail ,
SUPPORT_ACCOUNT : FormItemSupportAccount ,
} ;
// ##################################################################################
// # Transfer Destination form
// ##################################################################################
export const TransferDestinationForm = ( { record, isFormDisabled, onClose } ) => {
const [ form ] = StyledForm . useForm ( ) ;
const { userAccountId, supportAccountId, emailAddress } = useSelector ( ( state ) => state . auth ) ;
const [ startTransfer , { isLoading } ] = useStartTransferMutation ( ) ;
const [ destination , setDestination ] = useState ( DESTINATIONS . USER ) ;
const [ skipAccounts , setSkipAccounts ] = useState ( true ) ;
const { data : supportAccountOptions , isFetching : fetchingAccounts } =
useGetSupportAccountsQuery ( emailAddress , { skip : skipAccounts } ) ;
const onFinish = async ( values ) => {
await form . validateFields ( ) ;
try {
const result = await startTransfer ( {
formValues : values ,
} ) ;
if ( ! result . error ) {
onClose ( ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . log ( '🚀 ~ onFinish error: ' , error ) ;
} ;
const onDestinationChange = ( event ) => {
const val = event . target . value ;
setSkipAccounts ( false ) ;
setDestination ( val ) ;
} ;
USER : {
disabled : isFormDisabled ,
} ,
loading : fetchingAccounts ,
options : supportAccountOptions ,
disabled : isFormDisabled ,
} ,
} ;
const DestinationInput = DESTINATION_FORM_ITEMS [ destination ] ;
return (
< >
< Title disabled = { isFormDisabled } > Transfer Destination< / Title >
< StyledForm
initialValues = { {
'transfer-destination' : destination ,
email : '' ,
'notify-user' : false ,
} }
form = { form }
name = 'register'
onFinish = { onFinish }
scrollToFirstError >
< StyledFormItemRadGrp
colon = { false }
name = 'transfer-destination'
rules = { [
required : true ,
message : 'Please select a transfer destination' ,
} ,
] }
onChange = { onDestinationChange } >
< Radio . Group >
< Radio disabled = { isFormDisabled } value = { DESTINATIONS . USER } >
User (Email Address)
< / Radio >
< Radio disabled = { isFormDisabled } value = { DESTINATIONS . SUPPORT_ACCOUNT } >
Support Account
< / Radio >
< / Radio . Group >
< / StyledFormItemRadGrp >
< DestinationInput { ...DESTINATION_PROPS [ destination ] } disabled = { isFormDisabled } / >
< StyledForm . Item >
< Buttons onClose = { onClose } isLoading = { isLoading } disabled = { isFormDisabled } / >
< / StyledForm . Item >
< / StyledForm >
< / >
) ;
} ;
TransferDestinationForm . propTypes = {
record : assetPropType ,
isFormDisabled : PT . bool ,
onClose : PT . func ,
} ;
export default TransferDestinationForm ;
// StoryBook
import React from 'react' ;
import { TransferDrawer } from '.' ;
import { MOCKED_RESPONSE_ASSET_DETAILS } from '../../../../mocks/mock-responses' ;
export default {
title : 'Drawers > Transfer Drawer' ,
component : TransferDrawer ,
} ;
const Template = ( args ) => (
< table >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td >
< TransferDrawer
{ ...args }
onClose = { ( ) => {
console . log ( '🚀 ~ Closed...' ) ;
} }
/ >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
) ;
export const Primary = Template . bind ( { } ) ;
Primary . args = {
primary : true ,
label : 'TransferDrawer' ,
} ;
// Cypress (FRAGMENT)
import { MOCKED_RESPONSE_ASSET_DETAILS } from '../../../../mocks/mock-responses' ;
const COMPONENT_SB_PATH = '/iframe.html?path=/story/drawers-transfer-drawer--primary' ;
const DRAWER_BODY = '.ant-drawer-body' ;
// ##################################################################################
// ##################################################################################
describe ( 'TRANSFER Drawer' , ( ) => {
beforeEach ( ( ) => {
cy . visit ( COMPONENT_SB_PATH ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'title should be correct' , ( ) => {
cy . get ( '.ant-drawer-title > h1' ) . contains ( 'Transfer Asset' ) ;
} ) ;
it . only ( '“Assets to be transferred” heading area is populated correctly' , ( ) => {
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( 'Asset to be Transferred' ) ;
// labels + values
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( 'Asset Type:' ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( MOCKED_RESPONSE_ASSET_DETAILS . data . type_name ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( 'Model:' ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( MOCKED_RESPONSE_ASSET_DETAILS . data . model_name ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( 'Asset Name:' ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( MOCKED_RESPONSE_ASSET_DETAILS . data . name ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( 'Serial Number:' ) ;
cy . get ( DRAWER_BODY ) . contains ( MOCKED_RESPONSE_ASSET_DETAILS . data . serial_number ) ;
} ) ;
// ...
} ) ;