dibb.ca is my personal porfolio website. Built with React. Background animation created with Blender.
Fork and clone the repository
Change to directory
cd dibbca
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the app in development mode
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
This project was deployed using Netlify
- create account
- connect to git provider - authorize netlify to access your github, then select the repository to deploy - Netlify will build and deploy the site each time you push to the repository/specified branch in question
- add environment variables - .env file is ignored when pushing to github, so environment variables need to be declared in Netflify
- from Netlify dashboard
- Settings > Build & deploy > Environment > Environment variables
- add key: GENERATE_SOURCEMAP and value: false
- more info on adding environment variables in Netlify available here
React Spring - used for creating cool parallax effect
React Router - used to be able to show different pages and be able to link to them, e.g. can link directly to dibb.ca/resume
React-pdf - for showing a pdf of resume
- resume pdf has links in it - why I used a pdf and not an image
React Media - used for showing a different version of the site to mobile/desktop users