cruhl - initial code
cruhl - Clean up and making column widths variable based on content.
cruhl - Re-worked printf calculation to use colors rather than "-f" for frozen. Limited checking for frozen to "Latest" and the primary environmnet
cruhl - Allow multiple primaries Show obsolete constraints
cruhl - Primary environment(s) can now by set by cli option or in knife.rb
cruhl - Environments are now pulled from Chef server, Order can be set by cli option or in knife.rb Improved Comments & cleaned up a little.
cruhl - Added Highlight (bold w/ Blue background) for any version constraint that is different than the most recent. This is intended to quickly show which environments are still "behind" during a roll-out.
cruhl - Updated to markdown formatting. Fixed error when constrained cookbook does not exist on server.
cruhl - First shot at making this into a Gem.
cruhl - Made a gem that actually works. Updated README accordingly.
cruhl - Changed updated to use Chef::CookbookVersion#list, rather than #latest_cookbooks.
cruhl - re-sorted cookbooks, which changed with 2.7.2
cruhl - Added option to select specific cookbooks - Changed options to avoid conflict with knife options
cruhl - Added yellow highlight to denote cookbook versions which do not exist on the chef server
cruhl - Added basics for output in html
cruhl - finalized html output, updated
cruhl - Adjusted colors for clarity
cruhl - Corrected hardcoded server name on html output.
nshemonsky - fix populating of envorder array cruhl - allow envorder to be either string or array
cruhl - Fixed incorrect envorder test. B A D cruhl - corrected envorder test