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Automate Development Environment

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The Automate Development Environment employs habitat and the chef-automate CLI to manage deploying an instance of Automate to develop against, allows quick iteration on Go binary changes, re-building and hot loading of habitat components, as well as other standard operations needed for working on Automate.

By leveraging habitat, we have a environment we can spin up quickly. Additionally, we have a common set of tools we can standardize on without worrying about version spread across developer environments and other related issues.

Since the dev env is simply using the chef-automate CLI, it will be very similar to a real deploy of Automate, meaning we are developing against real infrastructure that will be deployed in the wild. It also means we can leverage it in CI, so that testing and deploying there and on your laptop looks the same.


  1. Install Docker Desktop. Start docker before trying to start the Habitat Studio.
  2. Set up your GitHub account.
  3. Create a Chef Habitat Builder account and a Builder profile.
  1. Create a Builder personal access token and copy it to an accessible location. You will use it as the value for the HAB_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.
  2. Install Chef Habitat. The Habitat package installs with Chef Workstation so you may already have it on your computer.
  3. Set up the Habitat CLI with the command hab cli setup.
    • Habitat Builder Instance: No
    • Set up a default origin: Yes
    • Habitat Personal Access Token: Yes UNLESS you created one in Builder, in which case you need to save it as an environment variable.
    • Supervisor Control Gateway Secret: No
  4. Set the following environment variables:
# Angle brackets are just to indicate that the value needs replaced. Don't include them in your environment variables.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github token>
export TOK=<your chef automate token>
# Habitat
export HAB_ORIGIN=<your origin>
export HAB_AUTH_TOKEN=<your personal access token>
# Cert location. You may need this setting
export SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem


I just wanna run some commands and get rolling! What should I do?

$ hab studio enter

If you don't need local UI development:

# start_all_services

If you want to develop against the UI:

# build components/automate-ui-devproxy
# start_automate_ui_background
# start_all_services

Open https://a2-dev.test/ in your browser.

Sign in as admin, viewer, or editor, each using the same password of chefautomate.

  • admin gives access to everything.
  • editor defines the permissions most users will have. It gives them access to everything except for Node Credentials, Notifications, Identity pages, Roles, and Policies.
  • viewer gives access to the same pages as editor, but users cannot take any action.


To be able to build and run Automate on your workstation, you need the following prerequisites:

  1. Clone Automate repo locally

    From a terminal: run git clone

  2. Install direnv and integrate it into your shell

    1. First, install the package. On Homebrew: run brew install direnv, on Ubuntu: run apt-get install direnv
    2. Next, hook direnv into your shell
    3. Finally, run direnv allow from the Automate source directory.
  3. Install and configure Habitat

    From a terminal:

    1. Determine the supported version of Habitat. It is 0.77.0 at the time of writing this, but the current version can be found in studio-common's .hab-version file.
    2. To install version 0.77.0 of Habitat: curl | sudo bash -s -- -v 0.77.0 or refer to the Habitat installation guide.
    3. To configure the Habitat cli run and follow the instructions: hab cli setup

There are currently two supported ways of running the dev env: inside a vagrant VM or on docker. There are some small speed advantages of running inside vagrant but running inside docker will be faster to spin up and down the actual studio (since you don't have the overhead of building the vagrant box). Both are fully supported, so choose whichever suits your needs.

Docker Setup

  • Install Docker.
  • Modify your /etc/hosts to resolve the hostname a2-dev.test to (aka localhost) by adding a2-dev.test to the line for localhost a2-dev.test

NOTE Remove any other entry for a2-dev.test

  • Run hab studio enter.

Vagrant Setup

  • Install Vagrant either from the Vagrant website or brew cask install vagrant
  • Install Virtualbox
  • Modify your /etc/hosts to resolve the hostname a2-dev.test (only need to do this once) by including the line: a2-dev.test

NOTE Remove any other entry for a2-dev.test

  • vagrant up
  • vagrant ssh -- -R 4200:localhost:4200

This will open the npm devserver port so you can develop the UI locally.

Development Basics

Spin Everything Up

To get started, run start_all_services. This will start the deploy service and use the chef-automate CLI to deploy a fully functional installation of Automate in your studio. This will deploy all of the dev versions of the hart packages. Once deployed, you can override any component from source.

When you are starting on a new piece of work, you might want to consider rm -rf results/* to get rid of any old, outdated builds before firing up the studio. The deploy tool will look for local builds before downloading the dev images, so if you have outdated builds lying around, you might run into issues (see "Rebuilding a Habitat Component" for details).

The FQDN for the studio is https://a2-dev.test.

Spin Up Just What You Need

If you don't need to spin up everything to work on your change, you can spin up just your service and its dependencies!

chef-automate dev deploy-some chef/<SERVICE_NAME> --with-deps

Or if you want to build it from source first (see "Rebuilding a Habitat Component" for details):

rebuild components/<SERVICE_NAME>
chef-automate dev deploy-some $HAB_ORIGIN/<SERVICE_NAME> --with-deps

Rebuilding a Habitat Component

You can rebuild a habitat component (which will replace the 'dev' build), by simply rebuilding it:

rebuild component/<COMPONENT_NAME>

The deploy tool will detect the rebuild and pick it up. It currently polls at 30 seconds

but there is work in flight to make it detect changes and fire instantly in dev mode.

Rebuilding without Chef Software premium content

Currently, the default build includes two items which pull in proprietary assets:

  • automate-compliance-profiles: proprietary profiles available for use for Chef Automate users.

  • docs-chef-io: Our documentation contains some proprietary assets, notably fonts.

To avoid pulling in these components, set


PLEASE NOTE: This flag only prevents the inclusion of the above-mentioned items. It does NOT produce a build free of Chef trademarks.

Rebuild Go Components

You can re-compile just the Go binary instead of rebuilding the whole hab package by running

# go_update_component <COMPONENT_NAME>`

You can even do this against dev images you haven't done a hab rebuild on yet.

Recompiling Protobufs

Anytime you edit a .proto file you need to recompile it.

compile_go_protobuf_component <COMPONENT_NAME>

Some proto files can not be recompiled individually. If you are seeing unexpected changes after recompiling a .proto file (such as git status reporting missing files) or just want to be on the safe side, you can recompile all .proto files at once:


Accessing the Logs

You can run sl to see the supervisor logs. If you are running in docker, to access them on a different terminal, run

# docker exec -i -t $(docker ps |grep studio | awk '{print $1}') tail -f /hab/studios/src/hab/sup/default/sup.log

If you are using vagrant, ssh into the VM again in a separate tab in run sl.

Running a Specific Build of Automate

Working with Secrets

Some tests require access to build infrastructure and other secret data. Chef employees have access to this data via an internal instance of Vault. To get started, the scripts/ script will download the mostly commonly needed secrets:

  1. Connect to the Chef VPN.

  2. Log into our Hashicorp Vault instance (you can download vault here)

vault login -method=okta username=your-chef-ad-username
  1. Run the get_secrets script as below:
CHEF_USERNAME=your-chef-ad-username scripts/
source dev/

You should only need to run scripts/ when a new secret has been added or an existing secret has been updated. If you update a secret, let other developers know via Slack.

You can interact with vault directly using the vault command:

  1. Connect to the Chef VPN.

  2. Install vault and log into our vault instance. One easy way to do this is to run the get_secrets script again:

CHEF_USERNAME=your-chef-ad-username scripts/
  1. Setup your environment to run vault:
export VAULT_ADDR=
# If you are in the studio, install the cacerts:
export VAULT_CACERT="$(hab pkg path core/cacerts)/ssl/certs/cacert.pem"
  1. Run your desired vault commands:
vault kv list 'secret/a2'

Working with Automate UI

There is a whole separate document devoted to developing for the Automate UI. Go check it out!

But Wait There's More

There are a variety of other tools to aid you in your quest. Type describe to see all of them with a quick summary of each.

Traditional Habitat Application

A traditional Habitat application will use Habitat in the following parts of the Application Workflow: Habitat Workflow Diagram

By bringing Habitat to the left side of the workflow, inside the development environment and CI Systems, we will be able to have consistency across:

  1. Development environments
  2. CI Systems
  3. Acceptance/QA Environments
  4. Production

This will ensure that every developer uses the same compilers and tools with the correct version, has the same packaging and deployment methods, and runs the application as it will run on customers' machines.

Additional Resources


Now that we have knowledge of how to do development using the Habitat studio, it is time to learn how to test our micro-services. The main benefit of running our tests inside the Habitat studio is that we will be running the exact same tests we run locally in our CI System.

Unit (Go)

There are a number of Automate components that are written in Go, for those micro-services you can use the method go_component_unit COMPONENT_NAME within the hab-studio to execute its unit tests as the following example:

[1][default:/src:0]# go_component_unit ingest-service
=> Executing Go test
=== RUN   TestJsonMarshalling
--- PASS: TestJsonMarshalling (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestCCRToNode
--- PASS: TestCCRToNode (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestCountNumberOfValuesMapSimple
--- PASS: TestCountNumberOfValuesMapSimple (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCountNumberOfValuesMapEmpty
--- PASS: TestCountNumberOfValuesMapEmpty (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCountNumberOfValuesMapLarge
--- PASS: TestCountNumberOfValuesMapLarge (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestCCRToRun
--- PASS: TestCCRToRun (0.01s)
=== RUN   TestCCRToNodeAttribute
--- PASS: TestCCRToNodeAttribute (0.01s)
coverage: 65.1% of statements
ok        0.038s  coverage: 65.1% of statements
?        [no test files]
?       [no test files]
?     [no test files]
?    [no test files]
? [no test files]
?    [no test files]
?   [no test files]
? [no test files]
?       [no test files]
?       [no test files]
?     [no test files]
?     [no test files]
?   [no test files]
? [no test files]
?     [no test files]


Integration tests are the tests that require the micro-service to interact with other component(s) and/or with it's data-store (elasticsearch, postgres, etc). There are just a few components that have this functionality enabled within the studio:

  1. Config Management Service (config_mgmt_integration)
  2. Ingest Service (ingest_integration)
  3. Gateway Service (gateway_integration)
  4. Secrets Service (secrets_integration)

The idea behind these kind of functions is that they have the knowledge of which are the dependencies that they need to bring up in order to run its integration tests, for instance, the config-mgmt-service requires elasticsearch to be running so the method config_mgmt_integration will first install & start elasticsearch and then run the tests:


Development Tools

This is a very non-exhaustive list of tools useful while doing development against Automate.


Like cURL, but for gRPC: You can issue GRPC calls from the studio by using the grpcurl tool.

List all methods from the provided fully-qualified service name:

[2][default:/src:0]# grpcurl --insecure -cert /hab/svc/config-mgmt-service/config/service.crt -key /hab/svc/config-mgmt-service/config/service.key localhost:10119 list

[3][default:/src:0]# grpcurl --insecure -cert /hab/svc/config-mgmt-service/config/service.crt -key /hab/svc/config-mgmt-service/config/service.key localhost:10119 list service.CfgMgmt

GET Request:

[4][default:/src:0]# grpcurl --insecure -cert /hab/svc/config-mgmt-service/config/service.crt -key /hab/svc/config-mgmt-service/config/service.key localhost:10119 list service.CfgMgmt.GetVersion
  "name": "config-mgmt-service",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "SHA": "4f1un3",
  "built": "DATE"
Sent 0 requests and received 1 response

POST Request:

[5][default:/src:1]# grpcurl --insecure -cert /hab/svc/ingest-service/config/service.crt -key /hab/svc/ingest-service/config/service.key -d '@' localhost:10122 ingest.ChefIngester.ProcessChefAction
  "message_type": "action",
  "message_version": "0.1.1",
  "organization_name": "chef",
  "service_hostname": "",
  "recorded_at": "2017-11-01T14:42:44Z",
  "remote_hostname": "",
  "request_id": "g3IAA2QAEGVyY2hlZkAxMjcuMC4wLjEBAAIksQbkAAIAAAAA",
  "requestor_name": "chefdk-debian-7-tester-2d206b",
  "requestor_type": "client",
  "user_agent": "Chef Client/12.21.3 (ruby-2.3.1-p112; ohai-8.24.0; x86_64-linux; +",
  "id": "action-id",
  "run_id": "run-id",
  "task": "delete",
  "entity_type": "node",
  "entity_name": "chefdk-debian-7-tester-2d206b",
  "remote_request_id": "8a64e85c-7ffb-4db3-a02e-1074d8aab25b",
  "data": {}

Sent 1 request and received 1 response
[6][default:/src:0]# sl
--> Tailing the Habitat Supervisor's output (use 'Ctrl+c' to stop)
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg="Running ChefAction pipeline" message_id=5f4e536f-97ba-440c-9ff3-c9031a249a16
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg="Performing action" message_id=5f4e536f-97ba-440c-9ff3-c9031a249a16
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=error msg="Message failure" error="Zero nodes found with the provided filters"
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg="Transforming ChefAction" message_id=5f4e536f-97ba-440c-9ff3-c9031a249a16
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg="Setting revision ID for policy action" message_id=5f4e536f-97ba-440c-9ff3-c9031a249a16
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg="Publishing ChefAction" message_id=5f4e536f-97ba-440c-9ff3-c9031a249a16 publisher_id=0
elasticsearch.default(O): [2018-01-26T03:22:55,775][INFO ][o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [IVRepjk] [actions-2017.11.01] creating index, cause [auto(bulk api)], templates [actions], shards [5]/[1], mappings [_default_, action]
elasticsearch.default(O): [2018-01-26T03:22:55,851][INFO ][o.e.c.m.MetaDataMappingService] [IVRepjk] [actions-2017.11.01/CFriiVKuTk6CWDH-j0JTCQ] create_mapping [actions]
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg=metric index=actions-2017.11.01 metric=elasticsearch ms=107 type=doc_insert
ingest-service.default(O): time="2018-01-26T03:22:55Z" level=info msg="Chef action ingested successfully" message_id=5f4e536f-97ba-440c-9ff3-c9031a249a16

Debugging Go code

We have chosen Delve as our Go debugger tool.

VS Code

To enable the Go Debugger in VS Code, create a file named .vscode/launch.json with the content:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Remote Habitat Studio",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "remote",
            "remotePath": "/hab/cache/src/go/src/",
            "port": 2345,
            "host": "",
            "program": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "env": {"GOPATH": "/hab/cache/src/go"},
            "args": [],
            "showLog": true

Then you need to launch a Delve server for the service you're trying to debug.

For example, to debug the config-mgmt-service you will open a terminal and run:

$ hab studio enter
[1][default:/src:0]# debug_cfgmgmt
=> Starting headless Delve Server in port '*:2345'

      << suppressed output >>

API server listening at: [::]:2345

If you see something like

[1][default:/src:130]# debug_cfgmgmt
2018/04/24 14:03:38 server.go:73: Using API v1
2018/04/24 14:03:38 debugger.go:70: attaching to pid 17221
could not attach to pid 17221: decoding dwarf section info at offset 0x0: too short

it means that you need to rebuild the component. The reason this happens is because most components strip their binaries before publishing them, so things pulled from the hab depot won't be directly debuggable.

After that, you can open your VS Code editor and start debugging, you can set breakpoints, start the service and a few other functionalities.

Debug in VSCode

Developing Against LDAP

If you wish to develop against an LDAP environment, you can spin one up in AWS.

Live Development Tutorials

These tutorials were written before the deploy tool was being used inside the dev vm, so some of them might be slightly out of date, but they still contain great content and are worth a look!

Let's go over a few exercises to learn how to do development inside the studio. On every example you will find the written explanation as well as an Asciinema recording that you can watch live!

Working with a single component

Let's make the simplest modification we can ever made: let's update the version of one of our components. This will involve the following process:

  1. Bring our development environment up. (Start our service, for this exercise we will use the config-mgmt-service)
  2. Check the current version of the service. (We will use the tool grpcurl to do a quick grpc function call)
  3. Make the modification in the source code to update the version. (You can use your favorite editor for this task)
  4. Compile and Update the running service.
  5. Verify the version once again.


Working with multiple components

There are some tasks that require you to modify more than one single component at the same time. A very common pattern in Automate is the creation of a new endpoint. In the following exercise we will create an endpoint called /cfgmgmt/demo that will be defined in the automate-gateway (our Open API), then the gateway will make an RPC call to the config-mgmt-service that will print a message saying it ran.

Here are the steps we will follow:

  1. Start the automate-gateway service.
  2. Verify that the new endpoint does not exist. (Leverage helper method gateway_get)
  3. Create the new endpoint /cfgmgmt/demo in the Gateway. This will involve:
    1. Compiling the protobuf definitions.
    2. Update the running service.
  4. Verify the new endpoint exists.
  5. Connect the new endpoint from the gateway to call the config-mgmt-service
    1. Create a new RPC function called GetDemo() in the config-mgmt-service.
    2. Start the config-mgmt-service. NOTE: This process will detect the upstream dependency with the gateway and will restart it to connect it with the config-mgmt-service)
  6. Verify that the endpoint is calling the config-mgmt-service! 😄
