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ChangeLogs (from 0.1.x to 0.2.0)

v0.2 is a rewrite of the whole package. Most layers and API in 0.1 is removed or changed. Some of them are replaced with new one. The basic policy is, if a functionality is achievable with a well-maintained package easily, or there isn't much gain by self-hosting/maintaining it, then we remove the functionality from Transformers.jl.

Here is list of the changes with brief explanation:


The Pretrain module is entirely removed, due to the duplication of functionality v.s. Transformers.HuggingFace. We do not host the small list of the origin official released pretrained weights anymore. All use that require a pretrained weight should refer to HuggingFace module. This is a table of the old pretrain name and corresponding huggingface model name:

old pretrain name corresponding huggingface model name
cased_L-12_H-768_A-12 bert-base-cased
uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12 bert-base-uncased
chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12 bert-base-chinese
multi_cased_L-12_H-768_A-12 bert-base-multilingual-cased
multilingual_L-12_H-768_A-12 bert-base-multilingual-uncased
cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16 bert-large-cased
uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16 bert-large-uncased
wwm_cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16 bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking
wwm_uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16 bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking
scibert_scivocab_cased allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased
scibert_scivocab_uncased allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased
scibert_basevocab_cased N/A
scibert_basevocab_uncased N/A
OpenAIftlm openai-gpt


The Stacks module is entirely removed. Stacks provide a small DSL for creating nontrivial Chain of layers. However, the DSL isn't intuitive enough and it also doesn't seems worth maintaining a DSL. We don't provide direct replacement for this, but for the specific use case of building transformer models, we have a few new constructors/layers in Transformers.Layers.


The Basic module is now destructed and most of the elements in Basic is separated to other module/package.

  1. Transformer and TransformerDecoder: The Transformer/TransformerDecoder layer is replaced with the new implementation in Layers (the Layers.TransformerBlock, Layers.TransformerDecoderBlock, and friends).

  2. MultiheadAttention: The implementation of attention operations are move out to NeuralAttentionlib. In NeuralAttentionlib, we can use multihead_qkv_attention to do the same computation. Since most transformer variant only use a modified version of self or cross attention, we do not provied the MultiheadAttention layer type. One should be able to redefine the MultiheadAttention layer type with Flux and NeuralAttentionlib easily. For example:

    using Flux, Functors
    using NeuralAttentionlib: multihead_qkv_attention, CausalMask
    struct MultiheadAttention{Q,K,V,O}
    @functor MultiheadAttention (iqproj, ikproj, ivporj, oproj)
    MultiheadAttention(head, hidden_size, head_size; future = true) =
        MultiheadAttention(head, future,
            Dense(hidden_size, head_size * head),
            Dense(hidden_size, head_size * head),
            Dense(hidden_size, head_size * head),
            Dense(head_size * head, hidden_size),
    (mha::MultiheadAttention)(q, k, v) = mha.oproj(multihead_qkv_attention(mha.head,
        mha.iqproj(q), mha.ikproj(k), mha.ivproj(v), mha.future ? nothing : CausalMask()))
  3. TransformerModel: This is just a Flux layer with embedding layer, transformer layer, and classifier layer bundle together. One can define this easily with Flux/Functors API, thus removed.

  4. Positionwise, PwFFN, and @toNd: This was originally designed for applying Flux.Dense on 3-dim arrays, but since Flux.Dense support multi-dim input now. This isn't needed and thus removed.

  5. EmbeddingDecoder: Replaced with Layers.EmbedDecoder. Name change and support extra trainable bias parameter.

  6. PositionEmbedding: This is replace with Layers.SinCosPositionEmbed and Layers.FixedLenPositionEmbed for the old trainable keyword argument setting.

  7. crossentropy with masking: We extend Flux.logitcrossentropy and Flux.crossentropy with 3-args input (the prediction, label, and mask) and 4-args input (sum or mean, prediciton, label, and mask).

  8. kldivergence: In our use case (i.e. training language model), this is equivalent to cross-entropy, thus removed.

  9. logcrossentropy/logkldivergence: This is a fault design. Originally I would put a logsoftmax at the head of the prediction head. However, that is not only unnecessary but also increasing the amount of memory needed. One should use Flux.logitcrossentropy without the logsoftmax directly.

  10. Vocabulary: Replaced with TextEncodeBase.Vocab.

  11. with_firsthead_tail/segment_and_concat/concat: These can be implemented with TextEncodeBase.SequenceTemplate and friends thus removed.

  12. getmask: The attention mask functionality is moved to NeuralAttentionlib. Manually construct attention mask should use constructor in NeuralAttentionlib.Masks.

Transformers.Layers (new)

The Layers module is a new module introduced in v0.2.0. It provide a set layer types for construct transformer model variants.

Transformers.TextEncoders (new)

The TextEncoders module is a new module introduced in v0.2.0. Basically all old functionality about text preprocessing are moved to this module, including WordPiece, Unigram, BertTextEncoder, GPT2TextEncoder, etc.

Transformers.BidirectionalEncoder / Transformers.GenerativePreTrain

These modules are removed since we are switching to the Transformers.HuggingFace for the pretrained model. The text encoder are moved to Transformers.TextEncoders. Weight loading and conversion functionality are removed. If you need that, use the tools that huggingface transformers python package provided and make sure the model can be loaded with pytorch. Then we can use the weight in pytorch format.


The changes in Transformers.HuggingFace are mainly about the configurations and models. The tokenizer/textencoder part are mostly the same, except the process functions.


For the configuration, the loading mechanism is changed. In previous version, each model type need to define a specific HGF<XXModelType>Config struct where XXModelType is the model type name. The reason for that is, for some reason, huggingface transformers doesn't serialize all the configuration values into the file, but rely on their constructor with pre-defined default values instead. As a result, some model only need the configuration file, while some need the python code for the defaults as well. The hgf config struct was more like a interal data carrier. You usually won't (and actually can't) manipulate the model with it.

In v0.2, we tried to make the process for adding model more automatic, and enable the ability to build model with different configurations. The struct for holding the configuration is now changed to a parametric struct depending on a Symbol parameter specifying the model type (e.g. HGFConfig{:bert}). With this, the specific HGF<XXModelType>config can be constructed on the fly. The HGFConfig has 2 field, one for storing the read-only deserialized object loaded from the configuration file, and another for the overwritten values. This should turn the config struct into a user level interface.


For the model part, the main change is that we do not make a 1-1 mapping between the python model/layer class and our julia layer struct. When one wants to add a new model type, there are actually 2 things need to be done. One is defining a model forward method that can do the same computation as the python model, and another is defining a mapping between the python model and the julia model (so that the model parameters/weights can be transferred between 2 language). In the previous version, we chose to make a 1-1 mapping between the model, so that the parameters/weights loading process can be fully automatic. However, for some reason, huggingface transformers is not reusing their attention or transformer implementation for each model type. Which means for different model type, even if they are actually doing the same computation (i.e. the computation graph is the same), the model layout can be different (e.g. consider the differences between Chain(Chain(dense1, dense2), dense3) and Chain(dense1, dense2, dense3)). As a result, these make implementing the model forward method a real pain, and also it's hard to apply optimizations.

We noticed that the model forward method is more important and difficult than the model mapping. On the other hand, though manually defining model mapping is tedious, it's less prone to go wrong. So instead of making a 1-1 mapping for fully automatic model loading, we choose to reduce the work needed for forward method. In v0.2, the attention implementation is switched to NeuralAttentionlib's modulated implementation and we build all internal layers with layer from Transformers.Layers. As a result, layers like FakeTH<XXLayer> or HGF<XXModelType>Attention/MLP/... are removed, only the outer-most types remain (e.g. HGFBertModel, HGFGPT2LMHeadModel...).

Since we want to make it possible to finetune a pretrained model on new dataset/task easily, the model loading would be a combination of initialization and parameters/weights loading. In normal Flux workflow, you would build a complete new model and then inplace load the parameter/weight values into the specific layers/arrays in the model. In v0.2, we combine the 2 step into one load_model function, which take the model type, configuration, and a state dictionary ( the term comes from PyTorch, which is a OrderedDict of variable names to weights). load_model would either lookup variable from the state dictionary, or initialize with configuration, recursively. As a result, load_model! is removed.

Behavior Changes

  • All text encoder (including HuggingFace one) process function returned NamedTuple: Some field name changed, tok => token, mask => attention_mask.
  • Most layer/model from Transformers.jl would be taking and returning NamedTuple.
  • For HuggingFace model: All input is basically NamedTuple. The returned NamedTuple field name from the forward method is also changed.