- 工作区(Working Directory)
- 版本库(Repository)
, 叫做Git的版本库。
Git的版本库存放很多东西, 其中比价重要的就是stage(或者index) 的暂存区, 还有Git为我们自动创建的第一个分支master
, 以及指向master
- 远程仓库区(Remote)
git clone <remote-url>
克隆某个远端仓库 -
git add <file path>
把工作区中修改的文件添加到暂存区 -
git commit -m 'xx'
把暂存区中的内容提交到当前分支 -
git pull
拉取远端代码,并自动合并 -
git push origin master
分支)代码推送到远端仓库 -
git push origin local_branch_name:local_branch_name
分支, 远端没有local_branch_name
会自动创建 -
git rebase
变基操作作用:把本地未 push 的分叉提交历史整理成直线;
把 experiment 分支合并到 master 分支上使用rebase操作流程: 1. git checkout experiment 2. git rebase master 3. git checkout master 4. git merge experiment # 发生冲突之后,解决完毕后,不再使用 git commit 命令,而是继续执行 rebase 操作 git rebase --continue
git reset --hard HEAD^
把当前分支指向上一个版本,git reset --hard HEAD~100
, 把当前分支回退往上100个版本,git reset --hard xxxx
, 把当前分支指到指定版本
git rest
的原理是: 让最新提交的指针回到以前某个时点,该时点之后的提交都从历史中消失。
默认情况下, git reset
不改变工作区的文件(但会改变暂存区), --hard
另一种常见场景是,提交代码之后,突然意识到这个提交有问题,应该撤销掉, 需要执行 git revert HEAD
上面代码原理是: 在当前提交后面,新增一次提交,抵消掉上一次提交导致的所有变化。它不会改变过去的历史,所以是首选方式,没有任何丢失代码的风险。
git revert
- --no-edit
执行时不打开默认编辑器,直接使用 Git 自动生成的提交信息。
- --no-commit
替换上一次提交, 使用 git commit --amend -m "A new commit."
git add
)git checkout -- <file path>
把文件在工作区的修改全部撤销,这里有两种情况:- 一种是自修改后还没有被放到暂存区,现在,撤销修改就回到和版本库一模一样的状态;
- 一种是已经添加到暂存区后,又作了修改,现在,撤销修改就回到添加到暂存区后的状态。
git add
, 尚未使用git commit
)git reset HEAD <file>
),重新放回工作区git checkout -- <file path>
git commit
)git reset HEAD^
回退当前提交到工作区git checkout -- <file path>
List local branches :
git branch
List remote branches:
git branch -r
List all branches (both local and remote)
git branch -a
Create a branch with:
git branch
Switch to a different branch with:
git checkout
Create a branch and switch to it with:
git checkout -b
Merge a specific branch to current with:
git merge
Delete a local branch with:
git branch -d
To delete a local branch that has not been merged to the current branch or an upstream:
git branch -D
Delete a remote branch with:
git push origin --delete
git push origin :
Delete multiple branches
git branch | grep 'fix/' | xargs git branch -d
This will delete all branches that start with fix/
To rename the current(local) branch:
git branch -m
To rename a different(local) branch:
git branch -m
git stash
git checkout <exist-branch-name>
git stash pop
If you want to keep one branch's version of the code, you can use --ours
or --theirs
git checkout --ours
If you want to resoleve conflic manually, first find the conflict content, then correct the content.
After resolved commit and push to remote.
git clone --recursive
If already cloned
git submodule update --init --recursive
To remove a submodule with the following:
git submodule deinit <submodule-name>
git rm <submodule-name>
git rm --cached <submodule-name>
git -rf .git/modules/<submodule-name>
Add a submodule to your exist repository with:
git submodule add
option means where you want to save the submodule, if empty the submodule will save in the root directory.
git submodule update --remote
Generate a publish key with:
publick key usually located in the ~/.ssh
Show the list of tags with:
git tag
Show a specific tag with:
git tag
Create a tag with:
git tag -a
Or add some message with:
git tag -a
-m 'xxx'
Create a tag from previous commit with:
git tag -a
Use the git log
command to get the commit id
Push a specific tag to remote with:
git push origin
Push all the tags with:
git push origin --tags
Delete a local tag with:
git tag -d
Delete remote tag:
git push --delete origin
Create a .gitignore
file at the root directory of your repository.
Commit the .gitignore
file and push it to remote.
Some rules about the .gitignore
# 忽略 .a 文件
# 但否定忽略 lib.a, 尽管已经在前面忽略了 .a 文件
# 仅在当前目录下忽略 TODO 文件, 但不包括子目录下的 subdir/TODO
# 忽略 build/ 文件夹下的所有文件
# 忽略 doc/notes.txt, 不包括 doc/server/arch.txt
# 忽略所有的 .pdf 文件 在 doc/ directory 下的
First remove the file from you local cache:
git rm --cached
Then create a .gitignore
file and edit the ignore rules
Finally push it to remote with:
git add .
git commit -m "xxx"
git push
Show the latest commit on your current HEAD with:
git show
git log -n1 -p
git log --pretty=oneline
See a file at a specific commit with:
git show
If you wrote the wrong thing and the commit has not yet been pushed, you can do the following to change the commit message without changing the changes in the commit:
git commit --amend --only
This will open your default text editor, where you can edit the message.
On the other hand, you can do this all in one command:
git commit --amend --only -m 'xxx'
In order to remove changes for a file form the previous commit, do the following:
$ git checkout HEAD^ myfile
$ git add myfile
$ git commit --amend --on-edit
In case the file was newly added to the commit and you want to remove it(from Git alone), do:
$ git rm --cached myfile
$ git commit --amend --no-edit
The --no-edit
option is used to keep the existing commit message.