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65 lines (40 loc) · 2.02 KB
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raylibstarter - minimal edition


A simple raylib project template for CMake and C/C++


Use CMake or a CMake compatible development environment to build a minimalistic raylib project. The raylib library will be downloaded automatically by CMake.

Changing the project title and version number

The project name and version number can be customized in the src/CMakeLists.txt file. By default, the project name is 'game':

project(game VERSION 0.1 LANGUAGES CXX)

Change the window size and switch to fullscreen

The width and height of the output window can be adjusted in the src/ file.

By removing the comment


the project starts in full screen mode.

Manage assets

Store assets in the designated 'assets' folder. The project already contains a sample graphic file. In the main.cpp file, this image is loaded and displayed.

Choose a different raylib version

Which raylib version is used can be specified in the cmake/raylib.cmake file. If this is changed after CMake has already created the project once, you must use CMake to completely rebuild the project.

What next?

Modify the main.cpp file according to your needs.

Create a binary distribution

The cpack command can be used on the command line to create a binary distribution of the project, for example:

cpack -G ZIP -C Debug

All assets will be packed into the distribution.


see LICENCE file for details.