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var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client

This object allows you to make client connections to a WebSocket server.


new WebSocketClient([clientConfig]);

Client Config Options

webSocketVersion - uint - Default: 13 Which version of the WebSocket protocol to use when making the connection. Currently supported values are 8 and 13. This option will be removed once the protocol is finalized by the IETF It is only available to ease the transition through the intermediate draft protocol versions. The only thing this affects the name of the Origin header.

maxReceivedFrameSize - uint - Default: 1MiB
The maximum allowed received frame size in bytes. Single frame messages will also be limited to this maximum.

maxReceivedMessageSize - uint - Default: 8MiB
The maximum allowed aggregate message size (for fragmented messages) in bytes.

fragmentOutgoingMessages - Boolean - Default: true
Whether or not to fragment outgoing messages. If true, messages will be automatically fragmented into chunks of up to fragmentationThreshold bytes.

fragmentationThreshold - uint - Default: 16KiB
The maximum size of a frame in bytes before it is automatically fragmented.

assembleFragments - boolean - Default: true
If true, fragmented messages will be automatically assembled and the full message will be emitted via a message event. If false, each frame will be emitted on the WebSocketConnection object via a frame event and the application will be responsible for aggregating multiple fragmented frames. Single-frame messages will emit a message event in addition to the frame event. Most users will want to leave this set to true.

closeTimeout - uint - Default: 5000
The number of milliseconds to wait after sending a close frame for an acknowledgement to come back before giving up and just closing the socket.

tlsOptions - object - Default: {}
Options to pass to https.request if connecting via TLS. See Node's HTTPS documentation


###connect(requestUrl, requestedProtocols, [[[origin], headers], requestOptions])

Will establish a connection to the given requestUrl. requestedProtocols indicates a list of multiple subprotocols supported by the client. The remote server will select the best subprotocol that it supports and send that back when establishing the connection. origin is an optional field that can be used in user-agent scenarios to identify the page containing any scripting content that caused the connection to be requested. (This seems unlikely in node.. probably should leave it null most of the time.) requestUrl should be a standard websocket url, such as: ws://

headers should be either null or an object specifying additional arbitrary HTTP request headers to send along with the request. This may be used to pass things like access tokens, etc. so that the server can verify authentication/authorization before deciding to accept and open the full WebSocket connection.

requestOptions should be either null or an object specifying additional configuration options to be passed to http.request or https.request. This can be used to pass a custom agent to enable WebSocketClient usage from behind an HTTP or HTTPS proxy server using koichik/node-tunnel or similar.

origin must be specified if you want to pass headers, and both origin and headers must be specified if you want to pass requestOptions. The origin and headers parameters may be passed as null.


Will cancel an in-progress connection request before either the connect event or the connectFailed event has been emitted. If the connect or connectFailed event has already been emitted, calling abort() will do nothing.


###connect function(webSocketConnection)

Emitted upon successfully negotiating the WebSocket handshake with the remote server. webSocketConnection is an instance of WebSocketConnection that can be used to send and receive messages with the remote server.

###connectFailed function(errorDescription)

Emitted when there is an error connecting to the remote host or the handshake response sent by the server is invalid.

###httpResponse function(response, webSocketClient)

Emitted when the server replies with anything other then "101 Switching Protocols". Provides an opportunity to handle redirects for example. The response parameter is an instance of the http.IncomingMessage class. This is not suitable for handling receiving of large response bodies, as the underlying socket will be immediately closed by WebSocket-Node as soon as all handlers for this event are executed.

Normally, if the remote server sends an HTTP response with a response code other than 101, the WebSocketClient will automatically emit the connectFailed event with a description of what was received from the remote server. However, if there are one or more listeners attached to the httpResponse event, then the connectFailed event will not be emitted for non-101 responses received. connectFailed will still be emitted for non-HTTP errors, such as when the remote server is unreachable or not accepting TCP connections.


Connect using a Proxy Server

Using koichik/node-tunnel:

var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;
var client = new WebSocketClient();
var tunnel = require('tunnel');

var tunnelingAgent = tunnel.httpOverHttp({
  proxy: {
    host: '',
    port: 8080

var requestOptions = {
    agent: tunnelingAgent

client.connect('ws://', null, null, null, requestOptions);