If the build.sh
script fails with a database message, running it a second time may work.
There may be permissions issues running on MacOS; there are slightly different permissions
between the Linux Docker image and MacOS. This can occur after clearing the cache.
If there are permission errors, running
chmod 777 web/sites/default && mkdir -p web/sites/default/files/php/twig
might help.
For drush to work from the host it needs access to the code base and a database connection. The code base is already accessable as long as we are somewhere inside the web/ folder. For drush to see our docker container datatbase, we need to add a line to our host file:
If your .env DB_HOST is mariadb, then your host file line would need to look like this:
On Mac, edit /private/etc/hosts with elevated privileges. mariadb
*mariadb matches the docker-compose container for the project database. Changing DB_HOST in the .env file would require the docker-compose.yml file to be updated as well. This is not advised.
If you are having problems running drush locally, you may need to export .env variables. set -a source .env