4.0.0 - This is a rewrite of ronsmits sidenavigationpanel project to work with Wicket Bootstrap 0.10.7 (Wicket 7.6.0 & Bootstrap 3.3.6+). The samples are the only items using Wicket Bootstrap and that was to simply load the font-awesome icons quickly. Added functionality to add sub menus and adding font-awesome icons (other icons might work but were never tested).
SideNavigationPanel uses a Builder to add MenuItems to it. SubMenuItems must follow the MenuItem it is associated with. Top level MenuItems do not need a Class passed into the addMenuItem method since they do not link to a page:
Builder builder = new NavigationPanel.Builder("navigation", getPage(), parameters)
.addMenuItem(Model.of("Home"), HomePage.class, "fa fa-home", false)
.addMenuItem(Model.of("User"), null, "fa fa-user", true)
.addSubMenuItem(Model.of("Add User"), Page1.class, "a fa-user-plus");
add(new SideNavigationPanel(builder, getPage()));
the markup is
<wicket:container wicket:id="navigation"/>
The html coming from this is an unordered list with the bootstrap classes added, in the order that you added them to the builder:
<ul class="nav nav-list">
<a href="./HomePage.html">
<i class="fa fa-home></i>
<li class="treeview active">
<a href="">
<i class="fa fa-user"></i>
<ul class="treeview-menu">
<a href="./Page1.html">
<i class="fa fa-user-plus"></i>
<span>Add User</span>
The way the builder works you can also add stuff like this:
Builder builder = new Builder("navigation", getPage());
builder = builder
.addMenuItem("Home", HomePage.class, "fa fa-home")
.addMenuItem("List", ListPage.class, "fa fa-list");
if (checkLogin()) {
builder.addMenuItem("Add", AddFilm.class, "fa fa-film");
add(new SideNavigationPanel(builder));