JavaScript module that provides PC scancode sequence generation for US and international keyboards given a Unicode input string.
Supports all modifier keys Shift, Ctrl, Alt and AltGr, as well as dead key mechanics.
The underlying mapping data in keyboard_tables.js is converted from a user-defined set of .KLC files. A .KLC file is the Unicode-encoded output of Microsoft's Keyboard Layout Creator (MSKLC). KLC files for over 200 different keyboard layouts can be downloaded from
See for an interactive visualisation of keyboard_tables.js.
Python script generates keyboard_tables.js from a set of automatically downloaded .KLC files defined in source_urls.json.
$ python -h
usage: import_kbd [-h] [-i FILE] [-o FILE]
Generates Unicode to keyboard scancode mappings.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FILE input file name, default: source_urls.json
-o FILE output file name, default: keyboard_tables.js
Copy Javascript modules keyboard_tables.js and keyboard_lib.js into your project, then use module keyboard_lib.js to access the keyboard mappings.
Example usage:
<script type="module">
// import functions from module keyboard_lib.js (which imports keyboard_tables.js)
import * as kbd from './keyboard_lib.js';
// retrieve available keyboards
for(const [kbd_id, kbd_description] of Object.entries(kbd.get_available_keyboards()))
// ...
const emulator = new V86({ ... });
// paste current clipboard content into V86
navigator.clipboard.readText().then((text) => {
if(text.length) {
// use keyboard with kbd_id "kbdgr" (German Keyboard Layout)
const scancodes = kbd.text_to_scancodes("kbdgr", text);
kbd.paste_scancodes(emulator, scancodes);
// paste Ctrl+Alt+Del into V86 (non-printable keys, identical across all keyboard layouts)
// use key names from KeyboardEvent.code to identify both printable and non-printable keys
const scancodes = kbd.ev_codes_to_scancodes(["ControlLeft", "AltLeft", "Delete"]);
kbd.paste_scancodes(emulator, scancodes);
- KeyboardEvent code Values: Standard "102" Keyboard Layout
- German layout scancodes
- German KLC file
- (Adam Chapweske)
- Italian keyboard (Wikipedia, note the remark on ASCII characters tilde
and backquote`