The plugin allows to publish the android release build files (*.apk
and *.aab
) to the Huawei AppGallery by use official Huawei Publish API (v2)
🚧 That's unofficial plugin. We made it for ourselves and are sharing it for you.
- Features
- Compatibility
- Adding the plugin to your project
- Plugin usage
- CLI Plugin Configuration
- Known Huawei Publishing API Issues
The following features are available:
- ✅ Publish APK or AAB build file in Huawei AppGallery
- ✅ Submit the build on all users after getting store approve
- ✅ Publish the build on a part of users (Release Phases)
- ✅ Update Release Notes for publishing build (Release Notes)
- ✅ Update App Basic Info for publishing build
- ✅ Separated settings for different configurations build types and flavors
- ✅ Support of Gradle Portal and Gradle DSL
- ✅ Support of Gradle 8.+
- ✅ Support of Configuration Cache
The following features are missing:
- 🚸 Change App Store Information: description, app icon, screenshots and etc.
The following features doesn't support Huawei Publishing API:
- ⛔ Update appname, title and description.
- ⛔ Rollout Holding
The Android Gradle Plugin often changes the Variant API, so a different version of AGP corresponds to a specific version of the current plugin
Android Gradle Plugin | Huawei Publishing Plugin |
4.0.+ | 1.2.3 |
4.1.+ | 1.2.4 |
4.2.+ | 1.2.6 |
7.+ | 1.3.8 |
8.+ | latest |
in application module ./app/build.gradle
plugins {
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "ru.cian.huawei-plugin:plugin:<PLUGIN_VERSION>"
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'ru.cian.huawei-publish-gradle-plugin'
Before using the plugin you should get client_id
and client_secret
from AppGallery Connect API Getting Started.
Minimal configuration for plugin usage:
huaweiPublish {
instances {
create("release") {
* Description: The AppGallery credentials params (`client_id` and `client_secret`) in json format witch encoded to Base64.
* How to get credentials see [AppGallery Connect API Getting Started](
* Credential json example:
* {
* "client_id": "<CLIENT_ID>",
* "client_secret": "<CLIENT_SECRET>"
* }
* Base64 encoded value example: "ewogICAgImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ICI8Q0xJRU5UX0lEPiIsCiAgICAiY2xpZW50X3NlY3JldCI6ICI8Q0xJRU5UX1NFQ1JFVD4iCn0="
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `null` (but plugin wait that you provide credentials by CLI params)
* CLI: `--credentials`
credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>"
* 'apk' or 'aab' for corresponding build format.
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `apk`
* CLI: `--buildFormat`
buildFormat = ru.cian.huawei.publish.BuildFormat.APK
huaweiPublish {
instances {
release {
credentialsPath = "$rootDir/huawei-credentials-release.json"
buildFormat = "apk"
huaweiPublish {
instances {
create("release") {
* Description: The AppGallery credentials params (`client_id` and `client_secret`) in json format witch encoded to Base64.
* How to get credentials see [AppGallery Connect API Getting Started](
* High priority than `credentialsPath` parameter.
* Credential json example:
* {
* "client_id": "<CLIENT_ID>",
* "client_secret": "<CLIENT_SECRET>"
* }
* Base64 encoded value example: "ewogICAgImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ICI8Q0xJRU5UX0lEPiIsCiAgICAiY2xpZW50X3NlY3JldCI6ICI8Q0xJRU5UX1NFQ1JFVD4iCn0="
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `null` (but plugin wait that you provide credentials by CLI params)
* CLI: `--credentials`
credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>"
* Description: Path to json file with AppGallery credentials params (`client_id` and `client_secret`).
* How to get credentials see [AppGallery Connect API Getting Started](
* Low priority than `credentials` parameter.
* Plugin credential json example:
* {
* "client_id": "<CLIENT_ID>",
* "client_secret": "<CLIENT_SECRET>"
* }
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `null` (but plugin wait that you provide credentials by CLI params)
* CLI: `--credentialsPath`
credentialsPath = "$rootDir/huawei-credentials-release.json"
* Deploy type. Available values:
* Type String (Optional)
* Default value: `publish`
* Gradle: available values:
* ru.cian.huawei.publish.DeployType.PUBLISH
* ru.cian.huawei.publish.DeployType.UPLOAD_ONLY
* ru.cian.huawei.publish.DeployType.DRAFT
* CLI: `--deployType`, available values:
* 'publish' to deploy and submit build on users;
* 'draft' to deploy and save as draft without submit on users;
* 'upload-only' to deploy without draft saving and submit on users;
deployType = ru.cian.huawei.publish.DeployType.PUBLISH
* Description: Build file format.
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `apk`
* Gradle: available values:
* ru.cian.huawei.publish.BuildFormat.APK
* ru.cian.huawei.publish.BuildFormat.AAB
* CLI: `--buildFormat`, available values:
* 'apk' – for APK build format;
* 'aab' – for AAB build format.
buildFormat = ru.cian.huawei.publish.BuildFormat.APK
* Description: By default, the plugin searches for the assembly file at the standard file path. Use param to change file path.
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: null
* CLI: `--buildFile`
buildFile = "${buildDir}/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk"
* The socket timeout for publish requests in seconds.
* Type: Long (Optional)
* Default value: `60` // (1min)
* CLI: `--publishSocketTimeoutInSeconds`
publishSocketTimeoutInSeconds = 60
* API use chunks to upload the build file. So after last file part server needs some time to join and check whole file.
* This param provide time in millis during which the plugin periodically tries to publish the build.
* Type: Long (Optional)
* Default value: `600000` // (10min)
* CLI: `--publishTimeoutMs`
publishTimeoutMs = 600_000
* API use chunks to upload the build file. So after last file part server needs some time to join and check whole file.
* This param provide time period in millis between tries to publish the build.
* Type: Long (Optional)
* Default value: `15000` // (15sec)
* CLI: `--publishPeriodMs`
publishPeriodMs = 15_000
* Release time after review in UTC format. The format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ'.
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `null` // (means immediately will be published after store review)
* CLI: `--releaseTime
releaseTime = "2025-10-21T06:00:00+0300"
* Release Phase settings. For mote info see documentation below.
* Type: ReleasePhase (Optional)
* Default value: `null` // (means the build will be published immediately on 100% users)
* CLI: (see ReleasePhase param desc.)
releasePhase = ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleasePhaseExtension(
* Start release time after review in UTC format. The format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ'.
* Type: String (Required)
* CLI: `--releasePhaseStartTime`
startTime = "2025-01-18T21:00:00+0300",
* End release time after review in UTC format. The format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ'.
* Type: String (Required)
* CLI: `--releasePhaseEndTime`
endTime = "2025-01-21T06:00:00+0300",
* Percentage of target users of release by phase. The integer or decimal value from 0 to 100.
* Type: String (Required)
* CLI: `--releasePhasePercent`
percent = 5.0 // (equals to 5%)
* Description: Release Notes settings. For mote info see documentation below.
* Type: ReleaseNotes (Optional)
* Default value: `null`
* CLI: (see ReleaseNotes param desc.)
releaseNotes = ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNotesExtension(
* Release Notes by languages. For mote info see documentation below.
* Type: List<ReleaseNote> (Required)
* Default value: `null`
* CLI: (See `--releaseNotes` desc.)
descriptions = listOf(
* Release Note list item.
* [Langtype value from Huawei Publish API](
* Type: String (Required)
* CLI: (See `--releaseNotes` desc.)
lang = "en-US",
* Absolutely path to file with Release Notes for current `lang`. Release notes text must be less or equals to 500 sign.
* Type: String (Required)
* CLI: (See `--releaseNotes` desc.)
filePath = "$projectDir/release-notes-en.txt"
lang = "ru-RU",
filePath = "$projectDir/release-notes-ru.txt"
* :warning: !!!EXPERIMENTAL!!!
* True - if needs to remove html tags from provided release notes. For example to support Google Play release notes.
* Type: Boolean (Optional)
* Default value: `false`
* CLI: (See `--removeHtmlTags` desc.)
removeHtmlTags = false
* Description: Path to json file with params to update app basic info [Huawei Publish API](
* Type: String (Optional)
* Default value: `null`
* CLI: `--appBasicInfo`
appBasicInfo = "$projectDir/app-basic-info.json"
create("debug") {
huaweiPublish {
instances {
release {
credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>" // High priority than `credentialsPath`;
credentialsPath = "$rootDir/huawei-credentials-release.json" // Low priority than `credentials`;
deployType = "publish"
buildFormat = "apk"
buildFile = "${buildDir}/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk"
publishSocketTimeoutInSeconds = 60
publishTimeoutMs = 600_000
publishPeriodMs = 15_000
releaseTime = "2025-10-21T06:00:00+0300"
releasePhase = new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleasePhaseExtension(
releaseNotes = new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNotesExtension(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
appBasicInfo = "$projectDir/app-basic-info.json"
debug {
Also the plugin support different buildType and flavors. So for demo and full flavors and release buildType just change instances like that:
huaweiPublish {
instances {
create("release") {
Gradle generate publishHuaweiAppGallery<*>
task for all BuildType and Flavor configurations.
./gradlew assembleRelease publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease
./gradlew bundleRelease publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease
You can change plugin configuration by CLI. There are all the same parameters as in the plugin gradle configuration. CLI params are more priority than gradle configuration params.
./gradlew assembleRelease publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease \
--credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>" \ # High priority than `credentialsPath`;
--credentialsPath="./sample-kotlin/huawei-credentials.json" \ # Low priority than `credentials`;
--deployType=publish \
--buildFormat=apk \
--publishSocketTimeoutInSeconds=60 \
--publishTimeoutMs=600000 \
--publishPeriodMs=15000 \
--releaseTime="2025-10-21T06:00:00+0300" \
--releasePhaseStartTime=2020-11-13T08:01:02+0300 \
--releasePhaseEndTime=2020-11-20T15:30:00+0300 \
--releasePhasePercent=5.0 \
--releaseNotes="en_EN:/home/<USERNAME>/str/project/release_notes_en.txt;ru_RU:/home/<USERNAME>/str/project/release_notes_ru.txt" \
Example uploading build file without publishing
You can upload the build file as draft without submit on users.
From gradle build script:
huaweiPublish {
instances {
release {
credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>"
deployType = "draft"
or execute from command line:
./gradlew assembleRelease publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease \
--credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>" \
Example publishing AppBundle
If you choose AppBundle see Application Signature before using the plugin.
From gradle build script:
huaweiPublish {
instances {
release {
credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>"
buildFormat = "aab"
or execute from command line:
./gradlew assembleRelease publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease \
--credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>" \
After uploading build file the Huawei Service will start processed. It may take 2-5 minutes, depending on the size of the software package. While publishing the AppBundle build file you can get the error:
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease'. Ret(msg=[cds]submit failed, additional msg is [The file is being processed. It may take 2-5 minutes, depending on the size of the software package.])
When publishing an AppBundle the service takes some time to parse the file.
In this case, the plugin uses a special mechanism for the full cycle.
By default, the plugin tries to publish the assembly every 15 seconds for 10 minutes.
To change values see using parameters: publishTimeoutMs
and publishPeriodMs
Example publishing with release phase
You can upload the build file and submit it on the part of users.
From gradle build script:
huaweiPublish {
instances {
release {
credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>"
releasePhase {
startTime = "2020-11-13T08:01:02+0300"
endTime = "2020-11-20T15:30:00+0300"
percent = 10.0
or execute from command line:
./gradlew assembleRelease publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease \
--credentials = "<BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS>" \
--releasePhaseStartTime=2020-11-13T08:01:02+0300 \
--releasePhaseEndTime=2020-11-20T15:30:00+0300 \
While publishing with release phase you can get the error:
Execution failed for task ':app:publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease'. Update App File Info is failed. Response: UpdateAppFileInfoResponse(ret=Ret(code=204144644, msg=[AppGalleryConnectPublishService]call cds to query app information failed))
I asked Huawei support. They confirmed the server issue. To work around this problem you should once set the release phase for uploader build from Developer Console. After that plugin should publish next builds without this error. (Sorry for RU screenshot interface locale. Huawei doesn't allow me to change it on EN)
One more note. If already there is published version that waiting for review you'll get error:
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease'. Update App File Info is failed. Response: UpdateAppFileInfoResponse(ret=Ret(code=204144647, msg=[cds]update service failed, additional msg is [The new service has can't be edited service,which can't be updated!]))
For more information see the Issue#10
List of known problems and solutions with the plugin and Huawei AppGallery API that users of the plugin have encountered:
- I use correct
but get Huawei AppGallery Connect API - 403 client token authorization fail - There is no way to publish build to open testing track in AppGallery. See issues/34
- You can't upload and publish the same version twice if you publish with submition on users first time. Second one you will get the error:
Task :app:publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease FAILED
Execution failed for task ':app:publishHuaweiAppGalleryRelease'.
> Update App File Info is failed. Response: UpdateAppFileInfoResponse(ret=Ret(code=204144647, msg=[cds]update service failed, additional msg is [The new service has can't be edited service,which can't be updated!]))
- Huawei Developer Console doesn't save list of countries from previous release. To fix that just use
param with json{"publishCountry": "BY,MD,RU,AM,AZ,GE,KZ,KG,MN,TJ,TM,UZ"}
. For more info see parameter description and issue/41.
Support the same [Triple-T]( Release Notes catalogs structure.
It's a bad idea to use the same file structure from thirtparty project
because my plugin will be strongly depended on however my project even doesn't
use it directly. If the Triple-T
will change catalogs or files structure
it leads to a bug into my plugin.
Instead of I created a flexible settings for my Release Notes params.
You can reuse the release notes files of Triple project.
See removeHtmlTags
param description to remove html tags from Google Play release notes.
For example:
huaweiPublish {
instances {
release {
releaseNotes = new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNotesExtension(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(
In addition, Google and Huawei use different country codes. To quickly compare them, you can use a little trick that @rtsisyk came up with
huaweiPublish {
instances {
huaweiRelease {
credentialsPath = "$rootDir/huawei-appgallery.json"
buildFormat = 'aab'
deployType = 'draft' // confirm manually
releaseDescriptions = []
def localeOverride = [
'am' : 'am-ET',
'gu': 'gu_IN',
'iw-IL': 'he_IL',
'kn-IN': 'kn_IN',
'ml-IN': 'ml_IN',
'mn-MN': 'mn_MN',
'mr-IN': 'mr_IN',
'ta-IN': 'ta_IN',
'te-IN': 'te_IN',
def files = fileTree(dir: "$projectDir/src/google/play/release-notes",
include: '**/default.txt')
files.each { File file ->
def path = file.getPath()
def locale = file.parentFile.getName()
locale = localeOverride.get(locale, locale)
releaseDescriptions.add(new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNote(locale, path))
releaseNotes = new ru.cian.huawei.publish.ReleaseNotesExtension(releaseDescriptions)
Copyright 2020 Aleksandr Mirko
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.