- Your contribution here.
- Ensure that FeedRunner calls output formatters #finish method (allows for closing of any file handles) - @justfalter
- Ensure that HTTP fetcher does not reuse sockets (and thus leave them open) - @justfalter
- Fix file-handle leak - @justfalter
- BREAKING CHANGE: Event#ipv4s -> now an Ipv4ObservableCollection that consists on Ipv4Observable objects.
- Normalize and validate ipv4 addresses.
- Add URL support @justfalter
- Re-implement Event model, get rid of PropertyDefiner @justfalter
- Disable decoding when testing the parsing of a single record. @justfalter
- #121 Add threatinator list 'json' output format. @justfalter
- #115: Add missing require for 'set' - @justfalter
- Actually include the feeds in the release. Sigh. - @justfalter
- Remember to rev the changelog. - @justfalter
- #56: Gemify threatinator - @justfalter
- #55: Rewrote configuration handling - @justfalter
- #51: Clean up spec layout - @justfalter
- #43: Make output modules pluggable - @justfalter
- #46: Relocate all parsers related stuff to parser directory - @justfalter
- #40: Add feed handler for Phishtank - @justfalter
- #40: Break support for JRuby until we find a decent JSON parser - @justfalter
- #40: Add JSON parsing support - @justfalter
- #33: Add CSV parsing support - @justfalter