ActiveWirelessTechnology |
kCTWirelessTechnologyUnknown |
AirplaneMode |
0 |
AllowYouTubePlugin |
1 |
AllowYouTube |
1 |
BasebandPostponementStatus |
kCTPostponementStatusActivated |
BatteryCurrentCapacity |
88 |
BatteryIsCharging |
1 |
BatteryIsFullyCharged |
0 |
BluetoothAddress |
b8:e8:56:77:4d:69 |
BoardId |
16 |
BuildVersion |
11B554a |
CPUArchitecture |
armv7f |
CarrierInstallCapability |
0 |
ChipID |
35168 |
ComputerName |
Bernoulli |
DeviceClassNumber |
3 |
DeviceClass |
iPad |
DeviceColor |
black |
DeviceEnclosureColor |
unknown |
DeviceName |
iPad |
DeviceSupports1080p |
1 |
DeviceSupports3DImagery |
1 |
DeviceSupports3DMaps |
1 |
DeviceSupports4G |
0 |
DeviceSupports720p |
1 |
DeviceSupports9Pin |
1 |
DeviceSupportsFaceTime |
1 |
DeviceSupportsLineIn |
0 |
DeviceSupportsNavigation |
0 |
DeviceSupportsSimplisticRoadMesh |
1 |
DeviceSupportsTethering |
0 |
DeviceVariantGuess |
A |
DeviceVariant |
A |
DiagData |
NSData<...> |
DieId |
1609239303108 |
DiskUsage |
{ AmountDataAvailable = ...; AmountDataReserved = ...; TotalDataAvailable = ...; TotalDataCapacity = ...; TotalDiskCapacity = ...; TotalSystemAvailable = ...; TotalSystemCapacity = ...; } |
ExternalChargeCapability |
0 |
ExternalPowerSourceConnected |
1 |
FaceTimeBitRateWiFi |
2000 |
FaceTimeDecodings |
( { f = 15; h = 240; w = 320; }, { ...} ... ) |
FaceTimeEncodings |
( { f = 15; h = 240; w = 320; }, { ... } ... } |
FaceTimePreferredDecoding |
{ f = 30; h = 768; w = 1024; } |
FirmwareVersion |
iBoot-1940.3.5 |
ForwardCameraCapability |
1 |
HWModelStr |
J71AP |
HardwarePlatform |
s5l8960x |
HasBaseband |
0 |
HasInternalSettingsBundle |
0 |
HasSpringBoard |
1 |
InternalBuild |
0 |
InverseDeviceID |
50d54402c2083a231d5540316afa6a7e4bfe0e05 |
InverseDeviceID |
69fd3ebf8ce6a777c08e69d7270bc3679ead0cb4 |
IsSimulator |
0 |
IsThereEnoughBatteryLevelForSoftwareUpdate |
1 |
IsUIBuild |
1 |
MLBSerialNumber |
MinimumSupportediTunesVersion |
11.1.0 |
ModelNumber |
MD529 |
ModelNumber |
MD786 |
PanoramaCameraCapability |
0 |
PartitionType |
ProductName |
iPhone OS |
ProductType |
iPad4,1 |
ProductVersion |
7.0.4 |
ProximitySensorCalibration |
NSData<...> |
RearCameraCapability |
1 |
RegionCode |
X |
RegionInfo |
X/A |
RegionalBehaviorAll |
{ each of the following RegionalBehaviour entries keyed seperately } |
RegionalBehaviorChinaBrick |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorEUVolumeLimit |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorGB18030 |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorGoogleMail |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorNTSC |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorNoPasscodeLocationTiles |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorNoVOIP |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorNoWiFi |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorShutterClick |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorShutterClick |
0 |
RegionalBehaviorVolumeLimit |
0 |
RequiredBatteryLevelForSoftwareUpdate |
0.5 |
SBAllowSensitiveUI |
0 |
SBCanForceDebuggingInfo |
0 |
SIMTrayStatus |
kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayStatusUnknown |
SerialNumber |
ShouldHactivate |
0 |
SigningFuse |
1 |
SoftwareBehavior |
<01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000> |
SoftwareBundleVersion |
Status |
Success |
SupportedDeviceFamilies |
(1, 2) |
SupportedKeyboards |
( ar, "bg_BG", ...) |
UniqueChipID |
1609239303108 |
UniqueDeviceIDData |
<2d43455b b156194b fb65d309 ca4c27ce 2b644427> |
UniqueDeviceID |
8ed0b4ccc055197dabc96eed809cfb5b3757880c |
UserAssignedDeviceName |
Bernoulli |
WifiAddressData |
<b8e85677 4d68> |
WifiAddress |
b8:e8:56:77:4d:68 |
WifiVendor |