This Ansible workflow automates the management of device credentials within your network using Cisco DNA Center.
- Streamline the process of adding, updating, and deleting device credentials from a single location.
- Reduce the risk of unauthorized access by ensuring credentials are securely stored and managed.
- Simplify credential management tasks with an automated workflow, saving time and minimizing errors.
- and above
- Latest stable version recommended
The workflow leverages the device_credential_workflow_manager module to interact with DNA Center's credential management APIs. It supports the following operations:
- Create new device credentials.
- Modify existing credentials (e.g., change passwords).
- Remove credentials from DNA Center.
- Assign clredentials to sites, Update new credentials to sites.
- Make update to creedentials, i.e. reset passsword etc and Apply to applicable sites and all the devices on that site.
- Install Ansible if you haven't already
- Ensure you have network connectivity to your Catalyst Center instance.
- Checkout the project and playbooks:
- Update hosts.yml (or your preferred inventory file) with the connection details for your DNA Center instance.
- The host_inventory_dnac1/hosts.yml file specifies the connection details (IP address, credentials, etc.) for your Catalyst Center instance.
dnac_host: xx.xx.xx.xx.
dnac_password: XXXXXXXX
dnac_port: 443
dnac_timeout: 60
dnac_username: admin
dnac_verify: false
dnac_debug: true
dnac_log_level: INFO
dnac_log: true
- Create a YAML file (e.g., vars.yml) to store the required variables for the workflow.
- Refer to the device_credential_workflow_manager module documentation for details on the available variables and their formats.
- Example:
- The workflows/device_config_backup/vars/device_config_backup_workflow_input.yml file should be configured with device details.
- Refer to the full workflow specification for detailed instructions on the available options and their structure:full workflow specification
- Operation:
- add
- update
- delete
credentials_details: #Create multiple credentials for the same protocol
- global_credential_details: #Create global credentials for the device list
cli_credential: #Create CLI credentials list
- description: CLI Sample 1
username: cli-1
password: "5!meh"
enable_password: "q4^t^"
- description: CLI2
username: cli-2
password: "sbs2@"
enable_password: "8b!rn"
credentials_site_assignment: #Assign credentials to sites list of all sites mappings
- assign_credentials_to_site: # Assign device credentials to sites
cli_credential: #Assign CLI credentials to sites
description: CLI Sample 1
username: cli-1
Validate the input with schema using yamale
dnac_ansible_workflows % yamale -s workflows/device_credentials/schema/device_credentials_schema.yml workflows/device_credentials/vars/device_credentials_vars.yml
Validating /Users/pawansi/dnac_ansible_workflows/workflows/device_credentials/vars/device_credentials_vars.yml...
Validation success! 👍
- Collect device running configurations through Catalyst Center APIs.
ansible-playbook -i host_inventory_dnac1/hosts.yml workflows/device_credentials/playbook/device_credentials_playbook.yml --e VARS_FILE_PATH=../vars/device_credentials_vars.yml -vvvv
You can define your input as jinja template where you can use the variables from ansible vault and run using the same playbooks
Defining the jinja template example: workflows/device_credentials/jinja_template/device_credentials_template.j2
while defining the template maintain the structure and the variable name: device_credentials: which is a dictionary having two keys: credentials_details and credentials_site_assignment and follow the workflow spec for the rest as below example.
#Select Catalyst Cennter version, this one overwrite the default version from host file
credentials_details: #Create multiple credentials for the same protocol
- global_credential_details: #Create global credentials for the device list
cli_credential: #Create CLI credentials list
- description: switchandwlc credentials
username: wlcaccess
password: {{ wlcaccess_password }}
enable_password: {{ wlcaccess_enable_password }}
snmp_v3: #Create SNMPv3 credentials list
- description: snmpV3 Sample 1
auth_password: {{ snmpV3_Sample_1_auth_password }}
auth_type: SHA
snmp_mode: AUTHPRIV
privacy_password: {{ snmpV3_Sample_1_privacy_password }}
privacy_type: AES128
username: admin
https_read: #Create HTTPS Read credentials list
- description: httpsRead Sample 1
username: admin
password: {{ httpsRead_Sample_1_password }}
port: 443
https_write: #Create HTTPS Write credentials list
- description: httpsWrite Sample 1
username: admin
password: {{ httpsWrite_Sample_1_password }}
port: 443
credentials_site_assignment: #Assign credentials to sites list of all sites mappings
- assign_credentials_to_site: # Assign device credentials to sites
cli_credential: #Assign CLI credentials to sites
description: switchandwlc credentials
username: wlcaccess
snmp_v3: #Assign SNMPv3 credentials to sites
description: snmpV3 Sample 1
username: admin
https_read: #Assign HTTPS Read credentials to sites
username: admin
description: httpsRead Sample 1
https_write: #Assign HTTPS Write credentials to sites
username: admin
description: httpsWrite Sample 1
site_name: #Sites to which the credentials are assigned
- Global/USA
Create file jinja_template_device_credentials_input.yml (example name)
#Select Catalyst Cennter version, this one overwrite the default version from host file
catalyst_center_verify: false
jinjatemplate: true
#Provide the path to the jinja template file
jinjatemplate_file: ../jinja_template/device_credentials_template.j2
# device_credentials could be empty or have a list of device credentials, if jinjatemplate is true device_credentials value is taken from jinja template
device_credentials: []
The variables used in the template should be already added to ansible vault. Refer workflow ansible_vault_update workflow to add the variable to your ansible vault.
ansible-playbook -i host_inventory_dnac1/hosts.yml workflows/device_credentials/playbook/device_credentials_playbook.yml --e VARS_FILE_PATH=../vars/jinja_template_device_credentials_input.yml -vvvv
- Ensure the Catalyst Center version is compatible.
- Carefully configure inventory and input variables.
- Validate input using yamale to prevent errors.
- Review execution logs for troubleshooting.