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All in one installation using Vagrant server image

By the end of this procedure, you are going to have a XRv router and Telemetry Ubuntu server, on your local environment (laptop with at least 8G RAM or server) and you will be able to follow and customise the Telemetry Dcloud lab documentation.


  • VirtualBox (last test on version 5.1.30)
  • Vagrant (at east 2.0.0 version)
  • Vagrant XRv image (tested with 6.1.4 and saved as IOS-XRv in Vagrant) or follow procedure from xrdocs link
    • update Vagrantfile if you saved XRv box image with a different name than IOS-XRv.

Installation Procedure ( Video )

  1. Clone this project using Git
  2. Dowload the telemetry server image from
  3. Load the telemetry image in Vagrant: "vagrant box add KPIG_040118", after checking that the file downloaded matches
  4. Change directory to test_server in the cloned project
  5. Comment out with a # = "ubuntu/trusty64" in Vagrantfile
  6. Remove comment from = "KPIG_040118" in Vagrantfile
  7. Launch the XRv router and server using "vagrant up"
  8. OPTIONAL - Current installation create Influxdb with 6 hours retention and 1 hour shards (six hours of data rolling deleting the last hour). If you want a different setup, please update "environment/ansible/ansible/start_influx_grafana_kapacitor.yml", ansible task "Creating mdt_db database" with your values.
  9. When Ansible finishes, SSH to the remote server (i.e. ssh vagrant@ -p 2013) and execute ./ to control the environment - start, stop, reset, enable traffic dump... Note that the initial credentials have been saved in the Ansible's vault and the system will ask for a vault password that is the same password as your login.
  10. Follow the information in Consuming XR Telemetry.

What is installed in the remote server?

  • Latest Docker and Docker-compose 1.15.0
  • Latest Pipeline
  • Influxdb version 1.3
  • Grafana version 4.5.2
  • Kapacitor version 1.3
  • Kafka 1.0.0
  • NTP client
  • Custom utility to manage the environment ( and which is optional with lab tag)
  • Exabgp 3.4.18
  • Ostinato 0.8.1

Support files

Check the repository sub-directory test_server for a copy of the lab reference Influxdb daskboard, Postman collections and Ostinato example stream, used in the lab.

  • influxdb_dashboard.json
  • InfluxDB_explore_metric.postman_collection.json
  • Kapacitor CPU KPI example.postman_collection.json
  • first_stream.ostm

Note for Ostinato

Ostinato Drone 0.8.1 is installed on the server but if you want to use Ostinato, you will also need a client for your system version 0.8.1. You can download the client for a 2$+ donation from