Network Security Services for Java is a Java interface to NSS. JSS supports most of the security standards and encryption technologies supported by NSS. JSS also provides a pure Java interface for ASN.1 types and BER/DER encoding.
- Website:
- Issues:
- Archive:
- Javadocs:
NOTICE: As of JSS version 4.5.1, the legacy build instructions will not work; the build system has been completely replaced with CMake.
This project has the following dependencies:
- Minimum version: 3.44
- Recommended version: 3.48 and above
- A c and c++ compiler such as gcc
- zlib
- OpenJDK 17 or newer
- CMake
- Apache Commons Lang
- JUnit 5
To install these dependencies on Fedora, execute the following:
sudo dnf install apache-commons-lang gcc-c++ java-devel jpackage-utils \
slf4j zlib-devel nss-tools nss-devel \
cmake junit5
To install these dependencies on Debian, execute the following:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libcommons-lang-java libnss3-dev \
libslf4j-java default-jdk pkg-config zlib1g-dev \
libnss3-tools cmake zip unzip \
To build JSS and make a best effort to detect environment variables:
git clone
cd jss/build && cmake ..
make all test
Alternatively, to build a RPM distribution of JSS:
git clone
cd jss
./ rpm
To view more detailed instructions for building JSS, please refer to
the build documentation: docs/
JSS is currently shipped in Fedora-based distributions under the package
name dogtag-jss
; to install issue sudo dnf install dogtag-jss
JSS is also shipped in Debian-based distributions under the package
name libjss-java
; to install, issue sudo apt-get install libjss-java
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