This document will help you compile and build a project in your maven and set your IDE.
Since we are using Git submodule, we do not recommend using the GitHub
tag or release page to download source codes for compiling.
If you need to execute build behind the proxy, edit the .mvn/jvm.config and set the follow properties:
Prepare git, JDK8+, and Maven 3.6+.
Clone the project.
If you want to build a release from source codes, set a
tag name
by usinggit clone -b [tag_name] ...
while cloning.git clone --recurse-submodules cd skywalking/ OR git clone cd skywalking/ git submodule init git submodule update
./mvnw clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
All packages are in
(.tar.gz for Linux and .zip for Windows).
- What is the
Apache source code release
For each official Apache release, there is a complete and independent source code tar, which includes all source codes. You could download it from SkyWalking Apache download page. There is no requirement related to git when compiling this. Just follow these steps.
- Prepare JDK8+ and Maven 3.6+.
- Run
./mvnw clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
. - All packages are in
.(.tar.gz for Linux and .zip for Windows).
SkyWalking is a complex maven project that has many modules. Therefore, the time to compile may be a bit longer than usual. If you just want to recompile part of the project, you have the following options:
- Compile backend and package
./mvnw package -Pbackend,dist
make build.backend
If you intend to compile a single plugin, such as one in the dev stage, you could
cd plugin_module_dir & mvn clean package
- Compile UI and package
./mvnw package -Pui,dist
make build.ui
You can build docker images of backend
and ui
with Makefile
located in root folder.
Refer to Build docker image for more details.
NOTE: If you clone the codes from GitHub, please make sure that you have finished steps 1 to 3 in section Build from GitHub. If you download the source codes from the official website of SkyWalking, please make sure that you have followed the steps in section Build from Apache source code release.
- Import the project as a maven project.
- Run
./mvnw compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true
to compile project and generate source codes. The reason is that we use gRPC and protobuf. - Set Generated Source Codes folders.
folders in apm-protocol/apm-network/target/generated-sources/protobufgrpc-java
folders in oap-server/server-core/target/generated-sources/protobufgrpc-java
folders in oap-server/server-receiver-plugin/receiver-proto/target/generated-sources/fbsgrpc-java
folders in oap-server/server-receiver-plugin/receiver-proto/target/generated-sources/protobufgrpc-java
folders in oap-server/exporter/target/generated-sources/protobufgrpc-java
folders in oap-server/server-configuration/grpc-configuration-sync/target/generated-sources/protobufgrpc-java
folders in oap-server/server-alarm-plugin/target/generated-sources/protobufantlr4
folder in oap-server/oal-grammar/target/generated-sources