- Prepaing reconstructed 3D dense alignment result
You can download the reconstructed results from BaiduYun / Google Drive or run main.py
in the root directory.
to rendering 3D face meshes. The rendered images will be inobama_res@dense
directory. -
python3 convert_imgs_to_video.py obama_res@dense
to convert images to one video.
A frame of the video:
The output video named obama_res@dense.mp4
lies in this directory.
Thanks for liguohao96 for contributions of the original version of this simple Python render.
Speed: ~25ms for one frame (720p), CPU.
After preparing the vertices, just run
python3 rendering.py && python3 convert_imgs_to_video.py obama_res@dense_py
A frame of the outputed video:
The output video named obama_res@dense_py.mp4
lies in this directory.
Welcome for contributions of a FASTer Python/PyTorch render.