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daveray edited this page Jun 28, 2011 · 4 revisions

Colors can be specified in the following ways (using the :foreground property as an example):

:foreground java.awt.Color/BLACK      (a raw color object)
:foreground (color 255 255 224)       (RGB bytes)
:foreground (color 255 255 224 128)   (RGBA bytes)
:foreground "#FFEEDD"                 (hex color string or keyword)
:foreground "#FED"                    ("short" CSS-style hex color string or keyword)
:foreground "aliceblue"               (CSS-style named color string or keyword)
:foreground (color "#FFEEDD" 128)     (hex color string (or name) + alpha)

Here's a label with blue text and a red background:

(label :text "Hideous"
       :opaque true
       :foreground (color 0 0 255)
       :background "#FF0000")

Of course, a raw Color object can also be used.

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