What kind of vulnerability is it? Who is impacted?
Using cloudevents.WithRoundTripper to create a cloudevents.Client with an authenticated http.RoundTripper causes the go-sdk to leak credentials to arbitrary endpoints.
The relevant code is here (also inline, emphasis added):
if p.Client == nil {
p.Client = **http.DefaultClient**
if p.roundTripper != nil {
p.Client.**Transport = p.roundTripper**
When the transport is populated with an authenticated transport such as:
... then http.DefaultClient is modified with the authenticated transport and will start to send Authorization tokens to
any endpoint it is used to contact!
Found and patched by: @tcnghia and @mattmoor
What kind of vulnerability is it? Who is impacted?
Using cloudevents.WithRoundTripper to create a cloudevents.Client with an authenticated http.RoundTripper causes the go-sdk to leak credentials to arbitrary endpoints.
The relevant code is here (also inline, emphasis added):
When the transport is populated with an authenticated transport such as:
... then http.DefaultClient is modified with the authenticated transport and will start to send Authorization tokens to
any endpoint it is used to contact!
Found and patched by: @tcnghia and @mattmoor