Garden-Linux is not actively developed anymore. We are currently focusing on the OCI Garden backend: garden-runc.
Note: This repository should be imported as
A Linux backend for Garden.
You can deploy Garden-Linux using the Garden-Linux BOSH Release. This is the only "supported" way to use Garden-Linux. If you're not using BOSH, and still want to have a play, follow the insructions below.
Note: the rest of these instructions assume you arranged for the garden-linux code and dependencies to be
present in your $GOPATH
on a machine running Ubuntu 14.04 or later with Go 1.6 installed.
The easiest way to achieve this is actually to check out the Garden-Linux BOSH Release, since that's the only place that all the dependency version data is recorded.
The steps are:
git clone --recursive
cd garden-linux-release
export GOPATH=$PWD
sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)
sudo modprobe aufs
cd $GOPATH/src/ # assuming your $GOPATH has only one entry
sudo mkdir -p /opt/garden/depot /opt/garden/graph /opt/garden/state
If you plan to run docker images instead of using rootfs from disk, you can skip this step.
e.g. if you want to use the default Cloud Foundry rootfs:
sudo mkdir /opt/garden/rootfs
sudo tar -xzpf cflinuxfs2-1.19.0.tar.gz -C /opt/garden/rootfs
Note that if you opted not to download a rootfs in the previous step, you can remove the -rootfs=/opt/garden/rootfs
parameter from the command.
cd $GOPATH/src/ # assuming your $GOPATH has only one entry
sudo ./out/garden-linux \
-depot=/opt/garden/depot \
-graph=/opt/garden/graph \
-stateDir=/opt/garden/state \
-rootfs=/opt/garden/rootfs \
-bin=$PWD/linux_backend/bin \
-listenNetwork=tcp \
The easiest way to start creating containers is using the unofficial gaol
command line client.
For more advanced use cases, you'll want to use the Garden client package.
See the Developer's Guide to get started.
Many integration tests are in another repository, Garden Integration Tests.