Releases: cloudinary/cloudinary_wordpress
Releases · cloudinary/cloudinary_wordpress
Version 2.7.4
2.7.4 (23 June 2021)
Fixes and Improvements:
- Improved the re-sync asset mechanism speed
- Fixed compatibility issue with WP Webhooks plugin
- Fixed invalid transformation message on the preview screen
- Fixed the ordering of scaled transformations
- Fixed legacy core compatibility issue on WP version prior to 5.3
- Fixed the override the transformation of featured image
- Fixed the system report which now includes Cloudinary’s configurations
Version 2.7.3
2.7.3 (26 MAY 2021)
Fixes and Improvements:
Added support for setting the connection string as a constant
Fixed the asset suffix being duplicated in the metadata while asset is syncing
Fixed the default meta key on get_post_meta
Fixed the display of the “Uninitialized string offset: 0” notice
Version 2.7.2
Fixes and Improvements:
- Fixed overriding files with the same name
Version 2.7.1
Fixes and Improvements:
- Fixed support for syncing assets' caption metadata
- Added system report to the deactivation form
- Product gallery scripts are now loaded only when needed
- Fixed manual sync of a single asset
- Fixed issues related to 'Cloudinary only storage' option
- Fixed delivery of fetched/other special image types from Cloudinary
- Fixed an error when using the 'Twenty Twenty' theme
Version 2.7.0
New Features:
- All WordPress Media Library file types are now syncable to Cloudinary
- Added system report for better support experience
- Added bottom option into the product gallery main carousel parameter
- Added Pad modes into the product gallery main viewer parameter
- Added Fill modes into the product gallery main viewer parameter
- Video player loading performance was improved
Fixes and Improvements:
- Updated Cloudinary video player to version 1.5.1
- Fixed product gallery in case of adding unsynced asset
- Fixed WordPress Media Library error when editing an asset already synced to Cloudinary
- Fixed sync failure for media added as an external URL by other plugins
Version 2.6.0
New Features:
- Added a "wp cloudinary analyze" CLI command which returns the synchronization state of the assets
- Added a "wp cloudinary sync" CLI command which triggers the synchronization of all pending assets
Fixes and improvements:
- Sync process improvements
- Sync process 1000 asset limitation was removed
- Folder path now supports forward slashes
- Deleting media on the WordPress media library will now delete them on Cloudinary
- Fixed an infinite loading issue when using videos
- Fixed compatibility issues with Smush plugin
- Fixed compatibility issues with using the Cloudinary tab in ACF plugin
- Minor cosmetic updates
Version 2.5.0
New Features:
- Brand new user interface!
- Introducing the Cloudinary Product Gallery (beta feature):
- We added a new 'Cloudinary Gallery' block to the Gutenberg Editor
- When using WooCommerce, you can now use the 'Cloudinary Gallery' as your default product gallery
- Added a rate-us link. Please rate us! ;-)
- Added support for conditional transformations
Fixes and improvements:
- Improve the REST API capabilities for better integrability
- Bug fixes
Version 2.4.1
Fixes and improvements:
- Improved server calling efficiency
- More fixes
Version 2.4.0
New Features:
- Added breakpoints support for featured images
- Global transformations on both Categories and Tags pages are now collapsible
- On plugin deactivation, we will ask you to share with us the reason. It’s important to us :)
Fixes and improvements:
- Fixed an issue with syncing a deleted asset
- Improved the mechanism for removing the Cloudinary account
- The warning message for exceeding the annual unit plan was revised
- Improved the Alt text syncronization from Cloudinary to WordPress
- Fixed WPBakery error when inserting an image by the WordPress editor
- Fixed AMP plugin conflict issue
Version 2.3.0
New Features:
- Added a poster image for video asset
Fixes and improvements:
- Re-sync assets to user specified folder instead of root
- Store the original uploaded image to cloudinary
- Fixed 'Resource not found' error when changing credentials
- Fixed incompatibility with text media block