This document collects some information about things developers of the gop should know or problems they might face when they try to run and test their changes. It provides workarounds or solutions for the given issues.
- Testing
- Jenkins plugin installation issues
- Local development
- Development image
- Running multiple instances on one machine
- Implicit + explicit dependencies
- GraalVM
- Testing URL separator hyphens
- External registry for development
- Testing two registries
- Testing Network Policies locally
- Emulate an airgapped environment
- Generate schema.json
- Releasing
- There are integration tests implemented by Junit. Classes marked with 'IT' and the end.
- Long running tests are marked with 'LongIT'.
- Main Branch executes both, feature-branches only IT.
Runnable separately via maven.
mvn failsafe:integration-test -f pom.xml
To run long living test, use maven with profile: long-running
mvn failsafe:integration-test -f pom.xml -P long-running
- Print this help text and exiturl
- The Jenkins-URL to connect touser
- The Jenkins-User for loginpassword
- Jenkins-Password for loginfail
- Exit on first build failureinterval
- Interval for waits while scanning for buildsdebug
- Set log level to debug
We have had some issues with jenkins plugins in the past due to the installation of the latest versions.
Trying to overcome this issue we pinned all plugins within scripts/jenkins/plugins/plugins.txt
These pinned plugins get downloaded within the docker build and saved into a folder as .hpi
files. Later on
when configuring jenkins, we upload all the plugin files with the given version.
Turns out it does not completely circumvent this issue. In some cases jenkins updates these plugins automagically (as it seems) when installing the pinned version fails at first or being installed when resolving dependencies. This again may lead to a broken jenkins, where some of the automatically updated plugins have changes within their dependencies. These dependencies than again are not updated but pinned and may cause issues.
Since solving this issue may require some additional deep dive into bash scripts we like to get rid of in the future, we decided to give some hints how to easily solve the issue (and keep the plugins list up to date :]) instead of fixing it with tremendous effort.
- Determine the plugins that cause the issue
- inspecting the logs of the jenkins-pod
- jenkins-ui (http://localhost:9090/manage)
- Fix conflicts by updating the plugins with compatible versions
- Update all plugin versions via jenkins-ui (http://localhost:9090/pluginManager/) and restart
- Verify the plugin installation
- Check if jenkins starts up correctly and builds all example pipelines successfully
- verify installation of all plugins via jenkins-ui (http://localhost:9090/script) executing the following command
Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.activePlugins.sort().each {
println "${it.shortName}:${it.version}"
- Share and publish your plugin updates
- Make sure you have updated
with working versions of the plugins - commit and push changes to your feature-branch and submit a pr
- Make sure you have updated
Note that plugins.txt
contains the whole dependency tree, including transitive plugin dependencies.
The bare minimum of plugins that are needed is this:
docker-workflow # Used in example builds
git # Used in example builds
junit # Used in example builds
pipeline-utility-steps # Used in example builds, by gitops-build-lib
pipeline-stage-view # Only necessary for better visualization of the builds
prometheus # Necessary to fill Jenkins dashboard in Grafana
scm-manager # Used in example builds
workflow-aggregator # Pipelines plugin, used in example builds
Note that, when running locally we also need kubernetes
and configuration-as-code
but these are contained in our
jenkins helm image (extracted from the
corresponding helm chart version).
To get a minimal list of plugins, start an empty jenkins that uses the base image of our image:
docker run --rm -v $RANDOM-tmp-jenkins:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:2.479.2-jdk17
We need a volume to persist the plugins when jenkins restarts.
(These can be cleaned up afterwards like so: docker volume ls -q | grep jenkins | xargs -I {} docker volume rm {}
- manually install the bare minimum of plugins mentioned above
- extract the plugins using the groovy console as mentioned above
- Write the output into
We should automate this!
- Run locally
- Run from IDE (allows for easy debugging), works e.g. with IntelliJ IDEA
Note: If you encounter
error=2, No such file or directory
, it might be necessary to explicitly set yourPATH
in Run Configuration's Environment Section. - From shell:
Run./mvnw package -DskipTests java -classpath target/gitops-playground-cli-0.1.jar \ \ --main groovy.ui.GroovyMain \ -classpath src/main/groovy \ src/main/groovy/com/cloudogu/gitops/cli/GitopsPlaygroundCliMain.groovy \ <yourParamsHere>
- Run from IDE (allows for easy debugging), works e.g. with IntelliJ IDEA
Note: If you encounter
- Running inside the container:
- Build and run dev Container:
docker build -t gitops-playground:dev --build-arg ENV=dev --progress=plain --pull . docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) -v ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-gitops-playground.yaml:/home/.kube/config \ --net=host gitops-playground:dev #params
- Hint: You can speed up the process by installing the Jenkins plugins from your filesystem, instead of from the internet.
To do so, download the plugins into a folder, then set this folder vie env var:
JENKINS_PLUGIN_FOLDER=$(pwd) java -classpath .. # See above
A working combination of plugins be extracted from the image:id=$(docker create --pull=always docker cp $id:/gitops/jenkins-plugins . docker rm -v $id
- Build and run dev Container:
An image containing groovy and the JDK for developing inside a container or cluster is provided for all image version
with a -dev
It can be built like so:
docker build -t gitops-playground:dev --build-arg ENV=dev --progress=plain .
If you're running the dev image and want to try some changes in groovy instantly you can do the following:
docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) \
-v ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-gitops-playground.yaml:/home/.kube/config \
--net=host --entrypoint bash \
# do your changes in src/main/groovy
scripts/ #params
Sometimes it makes sense to run more than one instance on your developer machine. For example, you might want to conduct multiple long-running tests in parallel, or you might be interested to see how the latest stable version behaved in comparison to you local build.
You have to options to do this
- Use a different ingress port
- Access local docker network (linux only)
scripts/ --bind-ingress-port="808$INSTANCE" \
--cluster-name="gitops-playground$INSTANCE" --bind-registry-port="3000$INSTANCE"
docker run --rm -t -u $(id -u) \
-v "$HOME/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-playground$INSTANCE.yaml:/home/.kube/config" \
--net=host \ --yes --internal-registry-port="3000$INSTANCE" -x \
--base-url="http://localhost:808$INSTANCE" --argocd --ingress-nginx
echo "Once Argo CD has deployed the nginx-ingress. you cn reach your instance at http://scmm.localhost:808$INSTANCE for example"
This will work on linux only
scripts/ \
--cluster-name="gitops-playground$INSTANCE" --bind-ingress-port=- --bind-registry-port="3000$INSTANCE "
docker run --rm -t -u $(id -u) \
-v "$HOME/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-gitops-playground$INSTANCE.yaml:/home/.kube/config" \
--net=host \ --yes --internal-registry-port="3000$INSTANCE" -x --argocd
xdg-open "http://$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' k3d-playground$INSTANCE-server-0):9091"
The GitOps Playground comprises a lot of software components. The versions of some of them are pinned within this repository so need to be upgraded regularly.
- Kubernetes in Terraform and locally k3d,
- k3d
- Groovy libs + Maven
- Installed components, most versions are maintained in Config.groovy
- Jenkins
- Helm Chart
- Plugins
- Pod
- Init container
- Agent Image
- SCM-Manager Helm Chart + Plugins
- Docker Registry Helm Chart
- ArgoCD Helm Chart
- Grafana + Prometheus Helm Charts
- Vault + ExternalSerets Operator Helm Charts
- Ingress-nginx Helm Charts
- Cert-Manager
- Mailhog
- Jenkins
- Applications
- GitOps-build-lib +
- ces-build-lib
- Spring PetClinic
- NGINX Helm Chart
- GitOps-build-lib +
- Dockerfile
- Alpine
- GraalVM
- Groovy
- musl & zlib
- Packages installed using apk, gu, microdnf
The playground started up as a collection of ever-growing shell scripts. Once we realized that the playground is here to stay, we started looking into alternatives to keep our code base in a maintainable state.
Our requirements:
- a scriptable language, so we could easily explore new features at customers (see Dev image),
- the possibility of generating a native binary, in order to get a more lightweight (in terms of vulnerabilities) resulting image.
As the team at the time had a strong Java background and was already profound in groovy, e.g. from Jenkinsfiles
, we decided to use groovy.
We added Micronaut, because it promised good support for CLI, groovy and GraalVM for creating a static image.
It turned out that Micronaut did not support GraalVM native images for groovy. In order to get this to work some more
hacking was necessary. See graal
package and also the native-image
stage in Dockerfile
In order to make Groovy's dynamic magic work in a Graal native image, we use some classes from the clockwork-project (see this package). Theses are picked during native-image
compilation via Annotations.
The native image compilation is done during docker build
. See Dockerfile
The native-image
stage takes the playground.jar
and packs it into a statically executable binary.
Some things are a bit special for the playground:
- We compile groovy code, which requires some parameters (e.g.
) - We want to run the static image on alpine, so we need to compile it against libmusl instead of glibc.
- For that we need to download and compile musl and its dependency zlib 😬 (as stated in this issue)
- See also Graal docs
- We run the playground jar with the native-image-agent attached a couple of times (see bellow)
- We use the JGit library, which is not exactly compatible with GraalVM (see bellow)
The RUN java -agentlib:native-image-agent
instructions in Dockerfile
execute the playground.jar
with the agent attached.
These runs create static image config files for some dynamic reflection things.
These files are later picked up by the native-image
This is done to reduce the chance of ClassNotFoundException
s, MethodNotFoundException
s, etc. at runtime.
In the future we could further improve this by running unit test with the graal agent to get even more execution paths.
However, this leads to some mysterious error Class initialization of failed.
Also, a lot of failing test with FileNotFoundException
(due to user.dir
If more Exceptions should turn up in the future we might follow up on this.
Then, we might want to add an env var that actually calls JGit (instead of the mock) in order to execute JGit code with
the agent attached.
./mvnw test "-DargLine=-agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=conf" --fail-never
At the moment this does not seem to be necessary, though.
JGit seems to cause a lot of trouble with GraalVM.
Unfortunately for the playground, JGit is a good choice: The only(?) actively developed native Java library for git.
In the long run, we want to get rid of the shell-outs and the git
binary in the playground image in order to reduce
attack surface and complexity. So we need JGit.
So - how do we get JGit to work with GraalVM?
Fortunately, Quarkus provides an extension to make JGit work with GraalVM.
Unfortunately, the playground uses Micronaut and can't just add this extension as a dependency.
That's why we picked some classes into the Graal package (see this package).
Those are picked up by native-image
binary in Dockerfile
In addition, we had to add some more parameters (initialize-at-run-time
and -H:IncludeResourceBundles
) to native-image
For the moment this works and hopefully some day JGit will have support for GraalVM built-in. Until then, there is a chance, that each upgrade of JGit causes new issues. If so, check if the code of the Quarkus extension provides solutions. 🤞 Good luck 🍀.
Cannot cast object '[...]closure1@27aa43a9'
with class '[...]closure1'
to class 'java.util.function.Predicate'
Implicit closure-to-SAM conversions will not always happen. You can configure an explicit list in resources/proxy-config.json and resources/reflect-config.json.
docker run --rm -t -u $(id -u) \
-v ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-gitops-playground.yaml:/home/.kube/config \
-v $(pwd)/gitops-playground.yaml:/config/gitops-playground.yaml \
--net=host \
gitops-playground:dev --yes --argocd --base-url=http://localhost --ingress-nginx --mail --monitoring --vault=dev --url-separator-hyphen
# Create localhost entries with hyphens
echo $(kubectl get ingress -A -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.rules[*].host}') | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
# Produce clickable links:
kubectl get --all-namespaces ingress -o json 2> /dev/null | jq -r '.items[] | .spec.rules[] | .host as $host | .http.paths[] | ( "http://" + $host + .path )' | sort | grep -v ^/
If you need to emulate an "external", private registry with credentials, use the following.
Write this harbor-values.yaml
type: nodePort
# docker login localhost:$nodePort -u admin -p Harbor12345
# Web UI: http://localhost:nodePort
# !! When changing here, also change externalURL !!
nodePort: 30002
enabled: false
externalURL: http://localhost:30002
enabled: false
# Needs less resources but forces you to push images on every restart
#enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
Then install it like so:
helm repo add harbor
helm upgrade -i my-harbor harbor/harbor -f harbor-values.yaml --version 1.14.2 --namespace harbor --create-namespace
Once it's up and running either create your own private project or just set the existing library
to private:
curl -X PUT -u admin:Harbor12345 'http://localhost:30002/api/v2.0/projects/1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"metadata":{"public":"false", "id":1,"project_id":1}}'
Then either import external images like so (requires skopeo
but no prior pulling or insecure config necessary):
skopeo copy docker://bitnami/nginx:1.25.1 --dest-creds admin:Harbor12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30002/library/nginx:1.25.1
Alternatively, you could push existing images from your docker daemon.
However, this takes longer (pull first) and you'll have to make sure to add localhost:30002
to insecure-registries
in /etc/docker/daemon.json
and restart your docker daemon first.
docker login localhost:30002 -u admin -p Harbor12345
docker tag bitnami/nginx:1.25.1 localhost:30002/library/nginx:1.25.1
docker push localhost:30002/library/nginx:1.25.1
To make the registry credentials know to kubernetes, apply the following to each namespace where they are needed:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
--docker-server=localhost:30002 \
--docker-username=admin \
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}'
This will work for all pods that don't use their own ServiceAccount. That is, for most helm charts, you'll need to set an individual value.
- Start playground once,
- then again with these parameters:
--registry-url=localhost:30000 --registry-proxy-url=localhost:30000 --registry-proxy-username=Proxy --registry-proxy-password=Proxy12345
- The petclinic pipelines should still run
Some hints before getting started
- Follow these steps in order
- Important: Harbor has to be set up after initializing the cluster, but before installing GOP.
Otherwise GOP deploys its own registry, leading to port conflicts:
Service "harbor" is invalid: spec.ports[0].nodePort: Invalid value: 30000: provided port is already allocated
- By default,
docker run
relies on thegitops-playground:dev
See here how to build it, or changeGOP_IMAGE
bellow to
- Start cluster and deploy harbor (same setup as above, but with Port
helm repo add harbor
helm upgrade -i my-harbor harbor/harbor --version 1.14.2 --namespace harbor --create-namespace --values - <<EOF
type: nodePort
nodePort: 30000
enabled: false
externalURL: http://localhost:30000
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
- Create registries and base image:
# Hit the API to see when harbor is ready
until curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:30000/api/v2.0/projects | grep -q "200"; do
echo "Waiting for harbor"
sleep 1
declare -A roles
operations=("Proxy" "Registry")
for operation in "${operations[@]}"; do
# Convert the operation to lowercase for the project name and email
lower_operation=$(echo "$operation" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo "creating project ${lower_operation}"
projectId=$(curl -is --fail 'http://localhost:30000/api/v2.0/projects' -X POST -u admin:Harbor12345 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "{\"project_name\":\"$lower_operation\",\"metadata\":{\"public\":\"false\"},\"storage_limit\":-1,\"registry_id\":null}" | grep -i 'Location:' | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '[:space:]')
echo creating user ${operation} with PW ${operation}12345
curl -s --fail 'http://localhost:30000/api/v2.0/users' -X POST -u admin:Harbor12345 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "{\"username\":\"$operation\",\"email\":\"$\",\"realname\":\"$operation example\",\"password\":\"${operation}12345\",\"comment\":null}"
echo "Adding member ${operation} to project ${lower_operation}; ID=${projectId}"
curl --fail "http://localhost:30000/api/v2.0/projects/${projectId}/members" -X POST -u admin:Harbor12345 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "{\"role_id\":${roles['maintainer']},\"member_user\":{\"username\":\"$operation\"}}"
echo "creating user ${readOnlyUser} with PW ${readOnlyUser}12345"
curl -s --fail 'http://localhost:30000/api/v2.0/users' -X POST -u admin:Harbor12345 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "{\"username\":\"$readOnlyUser\",\"email\":\"$\",\"realname\":\"$readOnlyUser example\",\"password\":\"${readOnlyUser}12345\",\"comment\":null}"
echo "Adding member ${readOnlyUser} to project proxy; ID=${projectId}"
curl --fail "http://localhost:30000/api/v2.0/projects/${projectId}/members" -X POST -u admin:Harbor12345 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "{\"role_id\":${roles['limited-guest']},\"member_user\":{\"username\":\"${readOnlyUser}\"}}"
# When updating the container image versions note that all images of a chart are listed at artifact hub on the right hand side under "Containers Images"
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/mailhog
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/external-secrets
skopeo copy docker://hashicorp/vault:1.14.0 --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/vault
skopeo copy docker://bitnami/nginx:1.23.3-debian-11-r8 --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/nginx
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/ingress-nginx
# Monitoring
# Using latest will lead to failure with
# k describe prometheus -n monitoring
# Message: initializing PrometheusRules failed: failed to parse version: Invalid character(s) found in major number "0latest"
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/prometheus:v2.55.1
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/prometheus-operator
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/prometheus-config-reloader
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/grafana
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/k8s-sidecar
# Cert Manager images
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/cert-manager-controller
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/cert-manager-cainjector
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/cert-manager-webhook
# Needed for the builds to work with proxy-registry
skopeo copy docker://bitnami/kubectl:1.29 --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/bitnami/kubectl:1.29
skopeo copy docker://eclipse-temurin:11-jre-alpine --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/eclipse-temurin:11-jre-alpine
skopeo copy docker:// --dest-creds Proxy:Proxy12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://localhost:30000/proxy/helm:latest
- Deploy playground:
GOP_IMAGE=gitops-playground:dev # Non-local alternative:
docker run --rm -t -u $(id -u) \
-v ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-gitops-playground.yaml:/home/.kube/config \
--net=host \
${GOP_IMAGE} -x \
--yes --argocd --ingress-nginx --base-url=http://localhost \
--vault=dev --monitoring --mailhog --cert-manager \
--create-image-pull-secrets \
--registry-url=localhost:30000 \
--registry-path=registry \
--registry-username=Registry \
--registry-password=Registry12345 \
--registry-proxy-url=localhost:30000 \
--registry-proxy-username=Proxy \
--registry-proxy-password=Proxy12345 \
--registry-username-read-only=RegistryRead \
--registry-password-read-only=RegistryRead12345 \
--kubectl-image=localhost:30000/proxy/bitnami/kubectl:1.29 \
--helm-image=localhost:30000/proxy/helm:latest \
--petclinic-image=localhost:30000/proxy/eclipse-temurin:11-jre-alpine \
--mailhog-image=localhost:30000/proxy/mailhog:latest \
--vault-image=localhost:30000/proxy/vault:latest \
--external-secrets-image=localhost:30000/proxy/external-secrets:latest \
--external-secrets-certcontroller-image=localhost:30000/proxy/external-secrets:latest \
--external-secrets-webhook-image=localhost:30000/proxy/external-secrets:latest \
--nginx-image=localhost:30000/proxy/nginx:latest \
--ingress-nginx-image=localhost:30000/proxy/ingress-nginx:latest \
--cert-manager-image=localhost:30000/proxy/cert-manager-controller:latest \
--cert-manager-webhook-image=localhost:30000/proxy/cert-manager-webhook:latest \
--cert-manager-cainjector-image=localhost:30000/proxy/cert-manager-cainjector:latest \
--prometheus-image=localhost:30000/proxy/prometheus:v2.55.1 \
--prometheus-operator-image=localhost:30000/proxy/prometheus-operator:latest \
--prometheus-config-reloader-image=localhost:30000/proxy/prometheus-config-reloader:latest \
--grafana-image=localhost:30000/proxy/grafana:latest \
--grafana-sidecar-image=localhost:30000/proxy/k8s-sidecar:latest \
# Or with config file --config-file=/config/gitops-playground.yaml
The first increment of our --netpols
feature is intended to be used on openshift and with an external Cloudogu Ecosystem.
That's why we need to initialize our local cluster with some netpols for everything to work.
- The
namespace needs to be accesible from outside the cluster (so GOP apply viadocker run
has access) - Emulate OpenShift default netPols: allow network communication inside namespaces and access by ingress controller
After the cluster is initialized and before GOP is applied, do the following:
# When using harbor, do the same for namespace harbor
k apply -f- <<EOF
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-all-ingress
namespace: default
podSelector: {}
- {}
for ns in default example-apps-production example-apps-staging monitoring secrets; do
k create ns $ns -oyaml --dry-run=client | k apply -f-
k apply --namespace "$ns" -f- <<EOF
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-from-ingress-controller
podSelector: {}
- from:
- namespaceSelector:
matchLabels: ingress-nginx
- podSelector:
matchLabels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: allow-from-same-namespace
description: Allow connections inside the same namespace
podSelector: {}
- from:
- podSelector: {}
Let's set up our local playground to emulate an airgapped env, as some of our customers have.
Note that with approach bellow, the whole k3d cluster is airgapped with one exception: the Jenkins agents can work around this.
To be able to run the docker
plugin in Jenkins (in a k3d cluster that only provides containerd) we mount the host's
docker socket into the agents.
From there it can start containers which are not airgapped.
So this approach is not suitable to test if the builds use any public images.
One solution could be to apply the iptables
rule mentioned bellow to docker0
(not tested).
The approach discussed here is suitable to check if the cluster tries to load anything from the internet, like images or helm charts.
scripts/ --cluster-name=airgapped-playground
# Note that at this point the cluster is not yet airgapped
# Get the "nodeport" IP
K3D_NODE=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' k3d-airgapped-playground-server-0)
# Now init some apps you want to have running (e.g. harbor) before going airgapped
helm upgrade -i my-harbor harbor/harbor -f harbor-values.yaml --version 1.12.2 --namespace harbor --set externalURL=http://$K3D_NODE:30002 --create-namespace
Keep kubectl working when airgapped by setting the local IP of the container inside kubeconfig in ~/.config/k3d/...
sed -i -r "s/[^0-9]+[0-9]*|\$)/${K3D_NODE}:6443/g" ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-airgapped-playground.yaml
You can switch to the airgapped context in your current shell like so:
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-airgapped-playground.yaml
TODO also replace in ~/.kube/config
for more convenience.
In there, we need to be more careful, because there are other contexts. This makes it more difficult.
First, let's import necessary images into harbor using skopeo
With skopeo
, this process is much easier than with docker
because we don't need to pull the images first.
You can get a list of images from a running playground that is not airgapped.
# Add more images here, if you like
# We're not adding registry, scmm, jenkins and argocd here, because we have to install them before we go offline (see bellow for details).
IMAGE_PATTERNS=('external-secrets' \
'vault' \
'prometheus' \
'grafana' \
'sidecar' \
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{range .spec.containers[*]}{'\n'}{.image}{end}{end}" \
| grep -Ff <(printf "%s\n" "${IMAGE_PATTERNS[@]}") \
| sed 's/docker\.io\///g' | sort | uniq)
# Switch context to airgapped cluster here, e.g.
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-airgapped-playground.yaml
while IFS= read -r image; do
local dstImage=$K3D_NODE:30002/library/${image##*/}
echo pushing image $image to $dstImage
skopeo copy docker://$image --dest-creds admin:Harbor12345 --dest-tls-verify=false docker://$dstImage
done <<< "$BASIC_SRC_IMAGES"
Note that we're using harbor here, because k3d image import -c airgapped-playground $(echo $BASIC_IMAGES)
does not
help because some pods follow the policy of always pulling the images.
Note that even though the images are named $K3D_NODE:30002/library/...
, these are available via localhost:30002/library/...
in the k3d cluster.
Don't disconnect from the internet yet, because
- k3d needs some images itself, e.g. the
(see Troubleshooting) which are only pulled on demand. In this case when the first PVC gets provisioned. - SCMM needs to download the plugins from the internet
- Helm repo updates need access to the internet
- But also because we would have to replace the images for registry, scmm, jenkins (several images!) and argocd in the source code, as there are no parameters to do so.
So, start the installation and once Argo CD is running, go offline.
docker run -it -u $(id -u) \
-v ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-airgapped-playground.yaml:/home/.kube/config \
--net=host gitops-playground:dev --argocd --yes -x \
--vault=dev --metrics \
--grafana-image localhost:30002/library/grafana:8.2.1 \
--grafana-sidecar-image localhost:30002/library/k8s-sidecar:1.14.2 \
--prometheus-image localhost:30002/library/prometheus:v2.28.1 \
--prometheus-operator-image localhost:30002/library/prometheus-operator:v0.50.0 \
--prometheus-config-reloader-image localhost:30002/library/prometheus-config-reloader:v0.50.0 \
--external-secrets-image localhost:30002/library/external-secrets:v0.6.1 \
--external-secrets-certcontroller-image localhost:30002/library/external-secrets:v0.6.1 \
--external-secrets-webhook-image localhost:30002/library/external-secrets:v0.6.1 \
--vault-image localhost:30002/library/vault:1.12.0 \
--nginx-image localhost:30002/library/nginx:1.23.3-debian-11-r8
In a different shell start this script, that waits for Argo CD and then goes offline.
sudo id # cache sudo PW
while true; do
pods=$(kubectl get pods -n argocd -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.status.phase}{'\n'}{end}")
# Dont stop when there are no pods
[[ "$(kubectl get pods -n argocd --output name | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]] && ready="True" || ready="False"
while IFS= read -r pod; do
if [[ "$pod" != "Running" ]]; then
done <<< "$pods"
if [[ "$ready" == "True" ]]; then
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): Waiting for ArgoCD pods to be ready. Status: $pods"
sleep 5
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): Argo CD Ready, going offline"
sudo iptables -I FORWARD -j DROP -i $(ip -o -4 addr show | awk -v ip="$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.Gateway}}{{end}}' k3d-airgapped-playground-server-0)" '$4 ~ ip {print $2}')
If you want to go online again, use -D
sudo iptables -D FORWARD -j DROP -i $(ip -o -4 addr show | awk -v ip="$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.Gateway}}{{end}}' k3d-airgapped-playground-server-0)" '$4 ~ ip {print $2}')
Notifications are implemented via Mail.
Either internal MailHog or an external mail server can be used.
To test with an external mail server, set up the configuration as follows:
--argocd --monitoring \
--smtp-address <smtp.server.address> --smtp-port <port> --smtp-user <login-username> --smtp-password 'your-secret' \
--grafana-email-to --argocd-email-to-user --argocd-email-to-admin --argocd-email-from --grafana-email-from
For testing, an email can be sent via the Grafana UI.
Go to Alerting > Notifications, here at contact Points click on the right side at provisioned email contact on "View contact point"
Here you can check if the configuration is implemented correctly and fire up a Testmail.
For testing Argo CD, just uncomment some of the defaultTriggers in it's values.yaml and it will send a lot of emails.
When stuck in Pending
this might be due to volumes not being provisioned
k get pod -n kube-system
helper-pod-create-pvc-a3d2db89-5662-43c7-a945-22db6f52916d 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 72s
For testing (or because it's more convenient than remembering node ports) ingresses can be used. For that, k3d provides its own ingress controller traefik.
docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) \
-v ~/.config/k3d/kubeconfig-gitops-playground.yaml:/home/.kube/config \
--net=host \
gitops-playground:dev --argocd --monitoring --vault=dev -x --yes \
--argocd-url argocd.localhost --grafana-url grafana.localhost --vault-url vault.localhost \
--mailhog-url mailhog.localhost --petclinic-base-domain petclinic.localhost \
--nginx-base-domain nginx.localhost
Once Jenkins and Argo CD are through with their initial steps you can conveniently get all ingresses via
$ kubectl get ingress -A
argocd argocd-server traefik argocd.localhost,2001:e1:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234:1234 80 14m
# ...
Where opening for example http://argocd.localhost in your browser should work.
The base-domain
parameters lead to URLs in the following schema:
, e.g.
When requests are denied, there might be problems with the iptables/nftables config on your host. Using nft insert, to make sure the rule is on top.
nft insert rule ip filter INPUT tcp dport 80 accept
Run GenerateJsonSchema.groovy
from your IDE.
Or run build and run via maven and java:
mvn package -DskipTests
java -classpath target/gitops-playground-cli-0.1.jar --main groovy.ui.GroovyMain \
--classpath src/main/groovy src/main/groovy/com/cloudogu/gitops/cli/GenerateJsonSchema.groovy
Or build and run the via docker:
docker build -t gitops-playground:dev --build-arg ENV=dev --progress=plain .
docker run --rm --entrypoint java gitops-playground:dev -classpath /app/gitops-playground.jar \ --main groovy.ui.GroovyMain \
--classpath /app/src/main/groovy /app/src/main/groovy/com/cloudogu/gitops/cli/GenerateJsonSchema.groovy - \
> docs/configuration.schema.json
On main
git checkout main
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && git pull
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && git tag -s $TAG -m $TAG
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && git push --follow-tags
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && xdg-open
For now, please start a Jenkins Build of main
We might introduce tag builds in our Jenkins organization at a later stage.
A GitHub release containing all merged PRs since the last release is create automatically via a GitHub action
This guide provides instructions for developers to install the ArgoCD Operator locally. Installing the operator can be non-trivial, especially when deploying it without certain dependencies like cert-manager. This guide simplifies the process by providing a single script that you can copy and paste to set up the operator in your local environment.
Ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Git: For cloning the repository.
- Patch: To apply modifications to the codebase.
- Kubectl: To interact with your Kubernetes cluster.
- Kustomize: Included with kubectl version ≥1.14.
Copy the following script, paste it into your Terminal and execute it.
git clone && \
cd argocd-operator && \
git checkout release-0.11 && \
# Disable webhook by commenting out lines in config/default/kustomization.yaml
sed -i 's|^- ../webhook|# - ../webhook|' config/default/kustomization.yaml && \
sed -i 's|^- path: manager_webhook_patch.yaml|# - path: manager_webhook_patch.yaml|' config/default/kustomization.yaml && \
# Change the image tag from v0.11.1 to v0.11.0 in config/manager/kustomization.yaml
sed -i 's|newTag: v0.11.1|newTag: v0.11.0|' config/manager/kustomization.yaml && \
# Install Prometheus CRDs
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
kubectl create -f || true && \
# Install ArgoCD Operator CRDs and components
kubectl kustomize config/default | kubectl create -f - || true
- Clone the repository from GitHub and switch to the release-0.11 branch.
- Apply a patch that disables the Cert-Manager webhooks by commenting out certain sections in the kustomization.yaml file in the default configuration. The ArgoCD Operator fails at startup if this webhook is not disabled and no cert-manager is present in the cluster.
- The patch also changes the image tag in the kustomization.yaml file located in the manager directory from version v0.11.1 to v0.11.0. The Version v0.11.1 does not exist in the Repository anymore, but is referenced in the Kustomization.
- Install the Prometheus CRDs. These Custom Resource Definitions are necessary for monitoring the operator and will prevent a successful startup if not present.
- Install the ArgoCD Operator CRDs and components using kubectl kustomize.