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Autoscaler tool for Cloud Spanner


Automatically increase or reduce the size of one Spanner instance
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The Scaler component receives a message from the Poller component that includes the utilization metrics for a single Spanner instance. It compares the metric values with the recommended thresholds, plus or minus an allowed margin. The Scaler component determines if the instance should be scaled, the number of nodes or processing units it should be scaled to, and adjusts the size of the Spanner instance accordingly.

Scaling methods

The Scaler component supports three scaling methods out of the box:

  • STEPWISE: This is the default method used by the Scaler. It suggests adding or removing nodes or processing units using a fixed step amount defined by the parameter stepSize. In an overload situation, when the instance High Priority CPU utilization is over 90%, the Scaler uses the overloadStepSize parameter instead.

  • LINEAR: This method suggests adding or removing nodes or processing units calculated with a simple linear cross multiplication. In other words, the new number of processing units divided by the max number of processing units is equal to the metric value divided by the metric threshold value. Using this method, the new number of nodes or processing units is directly proportional to the current resource utilization.

  • DIRECT: This method suggests scaling to the number of nodes or processing units specified by the maxSize parameter. It does NOT take in account the current utilization metrics. It is useful to scale an instance in preparation for a batch job and and to scale it back after the job is finished.

Custom scaling methods

You can define you own scaling method by creating a new file in the scaling-methods directory. Your file must export a calculateSize function that receives an object and returns an integer. The input object contains the message payload received from the Poller component. See more information about the message payload.

exports.calculateSize = (spanner) => {
  console.log('---- MY_METHOD suggestions for ' + spanner.projectId + "/" + spanner.instanceId + '----');
  return 400;

The function calculateNumNodes is deprecated.


As opposed to the Poller component, the Scaler component does not need any user configuration. The parameters that the Scaler receives are a subset of the configuration parameters used by the Poller component.

The messages sent to the Scaler component from the Poller component include this subset, the Spanner instance metrics, the current size in number of nodes or processing units and a flag to indicate if the Spanner instance is regional or multi-regional.

The following is an example:

   "currentNumDatabases": 10,

The parameters minNodes, maxNodes and currentNodes are deprecated.

Downstream messaging

A downstream application is a system that receives information from the Autoscaler.

When a certain event happens, the Autoscaler can publish messages to a PubSub topic. Downstream applications can create a subscription to that topic and pull the messages to process them further.

This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, specify projects/${projectId}/topics/downstream-topic as the value of the downstreamPubSubTopic parameter in the Poller configuration. Make sure you replace the placeholder ${projectId} with your actual project ID.

The topic is created at deployment time as specified in the base module Terraform config.

Message structure

The following is an example of a message published by the Autoscaler.

    "ackStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "message": {
      "attributes": {
        "event": "SCALING",
        "googclient_schemaencoding": "JSON",
        "googclient_schemaname": "projects/my-spanner-project/schemas/downstream-schema",
        "googclient_schemarevisionid": "207c0c97"
      "data": "eyJwcm9qZWN0SWQiOiJteS1zcGFubmVyLXByb2plY3QiLCJpbnN0YW5jZUlkIjoiYXV0b3NjYWxlLXRlc3QiLCJjdXJyZW50U2l6ZSI6MTAwLCJzdWdnZXN0ZWRTaXplIjozMDAsInVuaXRzIjoxLCJtZXRyaWNzIjpbeyJuYW1lIjoiaGlnaF9wcmlvcml0eV9jcHUiLCJ0aHJlc2hvbGQiOjY1LCJ2YWx1ZSI6ODUsIm1hcmdpbiI6MTV9LHsibmFtZSI6InJvbGxpbmdfMjRfaHIiLCJ0aHJlc2hvbGQiOjkwLCJ2YWx1ZSI6NzAsIm1hcmdpbiI6NX0seyJuYW1lIjoic3RvcmFnZSIsInRocmVzaG9sZCI6NzUsInZhbHVlIjo4MCwibWFyZ2luIjo1fV19",
      "messageId": "8437946659663924",
      "publishTime": "2023-06-20T16:39:49.252Z"

Notable attributes are:

  • message.attributes.event: the name of the event for which this message was triggered. The Autoscaler publishes a message when it scales a Spanner instance. The name of that event is 'SCALING'. You can define custom messages for your own event types.
  • message.attributes.googclient_schemaname: the Pub/Sub schema defining the format that the data field must follow. The schema represents the contract between the message producer (Autoscaler) and the message consumers (downstream applications). Pub/Sub enforces the format. The default schema is defined as a Protocol Buffer in the file downstream.schema.proto.
  • message.attributes.googclient_schemaencoding: consumers will receive the data in the messages encoded as Base64 containing JSON.
  • message.publishTime: timestamp when the message was published
  • the message payload encoded as Base64 containing a JSON string. In the example, the decoded string contains the following data:

The thresholds and margins already correspond to the regional or multi-region values depending on your Spanner instance configuration.

Custom messages

Before defining a custom message, consider if your use case can be solved by log-based metrics.

The Spanner Autoscaler produces verbose structured logging for all its actions. These logs can be used through log-based metrics to create charts and alerts in Cloud Monitoring. In turn, alerts can be notified through several different channels including Pub/Sub, and managed through incidents.

If your use case can be better solved by a custom downstream message, then this section explains how to define one, which implies modifying the Scaler code.

To publish a new event as a downstream message:

  • Choose a unique name for your event. The convention is an all-caps alphanumeric + underscores ID with a verb. e.g. 'SCALING'
  • Call the Scaler function publishDownstreamEvent. For an example, look at the Scaler function processScalingRequest.

In case you need to add fields to the message payload:

  1. Add your custom fields to the Pub/Sub schema protobuf. Your custom fields must use field numbers over 1000. Field numbers from 1 to 1000 are reserved for future Autoscaler enhancements. Make sure field numbers are unique within your org and not reused if previously deleted.

  2. Run terraform apply to update the downstream Pub/Sub topic with the new schema.

  3. Create and call a function similar to the Scaler publishDownstreamEvent(). In this function you populate the message payload with the default fields and your new custom fields, and then call publishProtoMsgDownstream().

Consuming messages

The payload of messages sent downstream from the Autoscaler is plain JSON encoded with Base64, so you do not need to use the protobuf library for receiving messages. See this article for an example.

However, if you want to validate the received message against the Protobuf schema, you can follow this example.