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How to tally votes

Only a funding round coordinator can tally votes.

Tally votes

Install MACI dependencies (see the github action, .github/workflows/test-scripts.yml for all the dependencies to install)

Run the script monorepo/.github/scripts/ to download the parameter files.

Set the following env vars in /contracts/.env:

# private key for decrypting messages

# private key for interacting with contracts

# credential to upload tally result to IPFS

Decrypt messages, tally the votes:

yarn hardhat tally --clrfund {CLRFUND_CONTRACT_ADDRESS} --maci-tx-hash {MACI_CREATION_TRANSACTION_HASH} --proof-dir {OUTPUT_DIR} --rapidsnark {RAPID_SNARK} --network {network}

You only need to provide --rapidsnark if you are running the tally command on an intel chip. If the tally script failed, you can rerun the command with the same parameters.

Result will be saved to `{OUTPUT_DIR}/{network}-{fundingRoundAddress}/tally.json` file, which is also available on IPFS at `https://{ipfs-gateway-host}/ipfs/{tally-hash}`.

### Finalize round

Make sure you have the following env vars in `.env`. Ignore this if you are running a local test round in `localhost`, the script will know these values itself.

private key of the owner of the clrfund contract for interacting with the contract


Once you have the `tally.json` from the tally script, run:

yarn hardhat finalize --clrfund {CLRFUND_CONTRACT_ADDRESS} --proof-dir {OUTPUT_DIR} --network {network}

# How to verify the tally results

Anyone can verify the tally results in the tally.json.

From the clrfund contracts folder, run the following command to verify the result:

yarn hardhat verify-tally-file --tally-file {tally.json} --network {network}

# How to enable the leaderboard view

After finalizing the round, enable the leaderboard view in the vue-app by exporting the round information as follow:

1) Set the etherscan API key in the hardhat.config.ts file in the contracts folder
2) Export the round and tally result

cd contracts

yarn hardhat export-round --output-dir ../vue-app/src/rounds --network {network} --round-address {round_address} --operator {operator} --start-block {recipient-registry-start-block} --ipfs {ipfs-gateway-url}

  1. Build and deploy the app


If you encountered core dumped while running the genProofs script as seen in this issue, make sure the files are not corrupted due to disk space issue, e.g. check file sizes, checksum, and missing files.

Also, lack of memory can also cause core dump, try to work around it by setting max-old-space-size before rrunning the tally script.

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096

Error at message index n - invalid nonce is also a warning, not an error. This error occurs when users reallocated their contribution.