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Cmder's shell in other terminals

Abhishek Aryan edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 12 revisions

Launch from CMD.EXE

You can start Cmder's shell in other terminals.

  1. Create a cmder_shell.bat file with the following content:

    @if "%cmder_init%" == "1" (goto :eof) else (set cmder_init=1)
    @pushd %CMDER_ROOT%
    @call "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat" /f
  2. Save it in your Cmder installation folder:

  3. Important Add Cmder's installation path to %PATH%:

  4. Type cmder_shell from CMD to get the Cmder's shell:

  1. Optional Install OneHalfDark color scheme:

    1. Install ColorTool.exe from Microsoft
    2. Download OneHalfDark.itermcolors from here
    3. Read this guide to apply the color scheme, e.g.:
    colortool -b OneHalfDark


    cmder_shell_in_cmd exe

Add to AutoRun

If you add cmder_shell.bat to the AutoRun registry key, the Cmder shell will start in CMD.EXE each time you open a new cmd window.

  1. Open RegEdit.exe and navigate to the following key (Create the Key if it doesn't exist):
    • For Current User Only: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
    • For All users on the PC: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  2. Either Edit or Create a new key to create a String (REG_SZ) and enter the name as AutoRun, then enter the following as Data:
  1. Assuming that you have followed the %PATH% instructions correctly, every time you open the CMD.EXE, you'll have the Cmder shell in your terminal.