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Cmder's shell in other terminals

David Refoua edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 12 revisions

Launch from CMD.EXE

You can start Cmder's shell in other terminals.

  1. Create a cmder_shell.bat file with the following content:

    @echo off
    if "%cmder_init%" == "1" (
      "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\clink\clink.bat" inject -q --profile "%CMDER_ROOT%\config" --scripts "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor"
    ) else (
      set cmder_init=1
    pushd %CMDER_ROOT%
    call "%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat" /f
  2. Save it in your Cmder installation folder:

  3. Important Add Cmder's installation path to %PATH%:

  4. Type cmder_shell from CMD to get the Cmder's shell:

  5. Optional Install OneHalfDark color scheme:

    1. Install Microsoft's ColorTool.exe from here
    2. Download OneHalfDark.itermcolors
    3. Read this guide to apply the color scheme, for example:
    colortool -b OneHalfDark
  6. Optional Install the agave, or your custom monospace font, and set it as the default font for Cmd.exe


    cmder_shell_in_cmd exe

Add to AutoRun

If you add cmder_shell.bat to the AutoRun registry key, the Cmder shell will start in CMD.EXE each time you open a new cmd window.

  1. Open RegEdit.exe and navigate to the following key (Create the Key if it doesn't exist):
    • For Current User Only: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
    • For All users on the PC: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  2. Either Edit or Create a new key to create a String (REG_SZ) and enter the name as AutoRun, then enter the following as Data:
  1. Assuming that you have followed the %PATH% instructions correctly, every time you open the CMD.EXE, you'll have the Cmder shell in your terminal.

⚠ Word of caution (originally from

Setting up AutoRun like that will slow down every CMD invocation (even the many background ones that don't show any window), and can potentially interfere with OS or app internal invocations of CMD that aren't expecting Cmder to do so much work. The script could also potentially cause things like installing OS updates to malfunction.

Something to keep it in mind in case you ever notice strange glitches in the future (or various operations being slower than normal) -- removing the script from AutoRun can be a good troubleshooting step whenever strange things are afoot on the computer.



Registry tweaks

Here's the full registry tweaks. You can save this in a 📁 Console.reg file using your text editor (e.g. Notepad), then double click it to install.

Modify it to your needs before installations.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"ForceV2"=dword:00000001 ; 1 for new console features
"CtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled"=dword:00000000 ; 0 to enable new key shortcuts
"VirtualTerminalLevel"=dword:00000001 ; 1 to enable VT100 colors
"FilterOnPaste"=dword:00000001 ; 1 to enable new paste behavior
; OneHalf color scheme