Also known as the Computational Materials Engineering Lab (CMELab), our lab uses statistical mechanics and computer simulations to solve problems for societal good. The theme of the lab is efficiency.
- Web accounts <- Do this first!
- Software Carpentry introductions <- Do this second!
- Accounts for computer clusters <- Not urgent until you need a big computer.
- Chromebook Checkout
- Installing the Frequently-Used Programs for CME-Lab
As you encounter issues you think might come up, feel free to add to the list!
- More python - (PDF book download)
- Getting Started With Conda
- Setting up a new Chromebook
- Setting up an OSX Computer
- Simulation Tutorials
- Setting up an SSH key
- Running jobs on our clusters
- Slack
- Jupyter Notebooks
- Gigantic list of programming websites
- How to start a new project
- How to Visualize Simulations
Eric Jankowski <- Schedule meetings