sends fake GitHub webhooks.
is most commonly used for testing hook
and its plugins, but can be used for testing any externally exposed service configured to receive GitHub events (external plugins).
To get an idea of phony
's behavior, start a local instance of hook
go run prow/cmd/hook/main.go
--deck-url=<production deck URL>
# Note:
# --deck-url is required because --dry-run flag requires it
# --hmac-secret-file is required for running locally, use the same hmac token for phony below
Once you have a running server that manages github webhook events, generate an
token (same process as in prow), and point a phony
request event at it with the following:
phony --help
Usage of ./phony:
-address string
Where to send the fake hook. (default "http://localhost:8888/hook")
-event string
Type of event to send, such as pull_request. (default "ping")
-hmac string
HMAC token to sign payload with. (default "abcde12345")
-payload string
File to send as payload. If unspecified, sends "{}".
If you are testing hook
and successfully sent the webhook from phony
, you should see a log from hook
resembling the following:
{"author":"","component":"hook","event-GUID":"GUID","event-type":"pull_request","level":"info","msg":"Pull request .","org":"","pr":0,"repo":"","time":"2018-05-29T11:38:57-07:00","url":""}
A list of supported events can be found in the GitHub API Docs. Some example event payloads can be found in the examples