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Prediction model

Prediction model is the package the main goal of which is to calculate weighted sum of values based on the history of how close these values are to the truth ones.

For now, it contains developed functionality to work with weather data that is laid in MongoDB database, but due to its multilayer independant structure this could be extended to other data systems.


Usage as application

First of all, if you want to use this package as application, it contains script that works with weather data. Lest's look at the example:

python REDUCE -c /path/to/cities/list.txt -m 7 -l 30

You might already guessed the command line arguments but it's better to explain them more detailed:

  • first positional argument: first argument is positional and necessary. It can take values: REDUCE|PRODUCE. Use REDUCE to reduce weights and write them to Mongo; use PRODUCE to calculate new weather for the latest data in DB limited by --limit or -l
  • -c --cities: path to list of cities, or city names separated by whitespaces: --cities=Kiev Moscow or -c /path/to/cities/list.txt
  • -m --max: max forecast distance for which to reduce weights, i. e. for 0:max. Default is 0
  • -l --limit: limit the amount of values that are used in weights reducing, i. e. how much data to use to train new weights. Default 7

This script writes data to local instance of MongoDB, weather_db database (standard database) in such collections:

  • weights - collection where weights are stored
  • errors - collection that contains errors calculated via Euclidian metrics by default (also, possible to calculate via Minkowski's one)
  • predicted_data - collection with new predicted data for weather services with the latest weights

When script is run with REDUCE command it writes new weights to weights collection; PRODUCE writes data to predicted_data and errors.

Usage as package

Read about package structure more in Details. This subparagraph contains only surface information and describes only usage practice.

The first thing you should know: package consists of several parts:

  • Convertors - classes that convert data from arbitrary formats to specific format that should be fed to Estimator
  • Reducers - classes that specify target functions for estimators
  • Preprocessors - classes that preprocess data before convertation (commonly used in converters)
  • Postprocessors - classes that postprocess data after estimations (it's still in idea step, used nowhere yet)
  • Estimators - are the workhorses of package. It "reduces" errors (weights) and "produce" new data
  • io:readers/writers - are the functionality to read data (weights, errors, produced data) and write it from specified estimator format to any arbitrary one (such as MongoDB)
  • Utils - all the other stuff that is necessary but we don't know where to put it

As we work with weather data saved into MongoDB the following instruction will contain examples and explanations how to work with classes created by MongoDB <-> StandardEstimator bridge.

Let's look at the reducing process first.

First of all we should create converter. We can use MongoIntersectConverter

from applib.converters import MongoIntersectConverter
from applib.estimators import StandardEstimator, Reducer

city = 'Kiev'
disntance = 0
limit = 7

converter = MongoIntersectConverter.from_mongo(mongo_uri=MONGO_URI,


  • mongo_uri - mongo URI (local instance),
  • mongo_db - mongo database (weather_db),
  • data_collections - names of collections for which to calculate weights,
  • real_collection - name of collection containing actual data,
  • city - city for which to calculate weights,
  • forecast_distance - weather forecast distance for which to calculate weights,
  • limit - limit the amount of data that would be used in weights reducing process.

from_mongo method sorts data via weather_date field from the newest to the oldest ones.

Then you can explicitly call convert(KEY_MAP) method of MongoIntersectConverter or use StandardEstimator's functionality:

data_to_predict, real_data = converter.convert(KEY_MAP)
estimator = StandardEstimator(data_to_predict, real_data)


estimator = StandardEstimator.from_converter(converter, KEY_MAP)

Actually, it is adviced to use from_converter method, instead of explicit constructor call.

The above is also true for MongoIntersectConverter. It is highly adviced to use from_mongo class method because if you want to explicitly use constructor you need to provide MongoDB queries that is even hard to imagine.

Also, there wasn't sayd a word about KEY_MAP object. What is it, you may ask? It's easy. In two words KEY_MAP object must have the following structure:

    'key_that_will_be_used_in_package': (

for example,

    't_min': (
        ('temperature', 'min'),
    't_max': (
        ('temperature', 'max'),
    'class': (

After estimator is built you can simply "reduce" the weights


Reducer is something new here. You need to pass some AbstractReducer child class instance to reduce method of estimator.

After weights were reduced what can we do? Right, we can write them somewhere. So, how about MongoDB?

# Creating MongoWriter instance
writer = MongoWriter(MONGO_URI, MONGO_DB)

# Add suplementary information that will be written to mongo document
writer.supplement({'city': city, 'forecast_distance': distance})

# Write weights of above estimator

Now, you can check your local MongoDB instance, weather_db database, weights collection.

The weights are reduced and it is possible to produce new data and errors. It can be done either via existing estimator or io.readers... API, let's look at both these ways:

Directly via existing in memory estimator

# Get converted data
predict_data, _ = converter.get()

# Produce new for this data
result = estimator.produce(predict_data)

Or via estimators.produce function if there is no need to create estimator object. But in this case you should use one of the readers, for example, MongoReader

# Create MongoReader instance
reader = MongoReader(MONGO_URI, MONGO_DB)

# Specify search conditions by which to search data in mongo collection
# This is necessary step, distance)

# Produce new
predict_data, _ = converter.get()
res = estimators.produce(reader, predict_data)

Now you can write produced data to mongo collection

# Don't forget to add supplementary information
writer.supplement({'city': city, 'forecast_distance': d})

# And just call write_produced method of writer

In order to calculate error of prediction just call function. It calculates the error by N-fold cross-validation by the presented metrics

_, real = converter.get()
cv_error =, real, Reduce.L2)

# Write errors to mongo

Let's look on the produced_data and errors collections.



As it was said above the package consists of these independent parts:


The functionality that converts data from one format (for example, MongoDB) to specific format that is used by Estimators.

Their base class is AbstractConverter. When you create new converter, the class AbstractConverter must be extended.

Base class for mongo converters is BaseMongoConverter.

Right now there are two converters:

  • TestDataConverter - works with test weather data saved in .csv. In future versions could be renamed to CSVConverter
  • MongoIntersectConverter - works with weather data that is stored into mongo by weather scrapers. This converter looks only for data that exists in ALL slots by some label (in example, weather_date)
  • MongoUnionConverter - This one is the same as above except this converter extracts all data for slots and union it. If some value is None it assigns first non-null value for the same label (for example, weather_date)


Estimators are workhorses of the library, its core. They "reduce" (calculate) weights, "produce" new data, etc.

Their base class is AbstractEstimator. When you create new estimator, the class AbstractEstimator must be extended.

There is one estimator:

  • StandardEstimator - this estimator calculates weights as errors between service data and real one using L1, L2 metrics


Reducers defines target functions by which distance between true values and predict values should be calculated.

The base class for reducers is AbstractReducer.

Right now, there are two reducers EuclideanReducer and MinkowskiReducer.


Preprocessors are here to preprocess data before post them to estimators.

Base class is AbstractPreprocessor.

There is only one preprocessor:

  • Word2ClassPreprocessor - parses sentence, for example, There would be huuuuge rain to append it to specific class from classes dict that is passed to Word2ClassPreprocessor constructor, for example,
    'sun': 1,
    'cloud': 2,
    'rain': 3,
    'shower': 4,
    'thunderstorm': 5,
    'fog': 6,
    'snow': 7,

where key is the word that would be looked for and value is class value


There are no postprocessors yet.


The classes and functions that read estimator data from different formats to estimator specific format.

Their base class is AbstractReader. Extend it to create new reader.

There is one readers:

  • MongoReader - reads estimator specific data from mongo collections


The classes and functions that write estimator data to different places and formats.

Base class is AbstractWriter. Extend it to create new writer.

There is one writer:

  • MongoWriter - writes estimator specific data to mongo collections

Structure diagram


Data flow

Let's take a little look on the estimator data format. So, what is returned by this line?

data_to_predict, real_data = converter.convert(KEY_MAP)

Schematically data_to_predict looks like

    key1: [
                [1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 8]
                [1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]
                [1, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 4]
    key2:  [
                [10, 13, 14, 15, 13, 12, 18]
                [11, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13]
                [11, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11, 14]
labels: ['1.03.2029', '2.03.2029', '3.03.2029', '4.03.2029', '5.03.2029', '6.03.2029', '7.03.2029']
slots:  ['first', 'second', 'third']

data key consists of named by keyi matrices. Each row in matrix contains values collected by specific service.

labels is "names" of matrices columns.

slots is "names" of matrices rows.

Analogously, real_data would be

    key1: [
                [2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 2, 8]
    key2:  [
                [11, 13, 14, 17, 13, 12, 18]
labels: ['1.03.2029', '2.03.2029', '3.03.2029', '4.03.2029', '5.03.2029', '6.03.2029', '7.03.2029']
slots:  ['real']

But matrices in real will only contain one row with real data.

For example, weather data of our scrapers from mongo would have the next look


    t_min: [
                [1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 8]
                [1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]
    t_max:  [
                [10, 13, 14, 15, 13, 12, 18]
                [11, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13]
labels: ['1.03.2029', '2.03.2029', '3.03.2029', '4.03.2029', '5.03.2029', '6.03.2029', '7.03.2029']
slots:  ['accuweathercom', 'weathercom']

So, for example, let's take a look on data:t_min[0] (first row of first matrix): [1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 8]. We know that labels is the names of columns, so first element in column 1 is the min temperature for 1.03.2029, 3 - 2.03.2029. Also, we already know that slots is the names of rows, so data:t_tim[0], i. e. [1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 8] is the data gathered by accuweathercom service.

real_data then would be:

    t_min: [
                [-1, 2, 1, 8, 4, 1, 2]
    t_max:  [
                [-1, 2, 1, 8, 4, 1, 2]
labels: ['1.03.2029', '2.03.2029', '3.03.2029', '4.03.2029', '5.03.2029', '6.03.2029', '7.03.2029']
slots:  ['actual_weather']

NOTE that for existing StandardEstimator provided data should be homoheneous, i. e. the amount of columns must be equal in all rows; so, this

 t_min: [
                [1, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 8]
                [1, 8, 7, 6]

will generate error!

Adding new features

In order to add new feature (new estimator, or converter, etc), you must extend appropriate Abstract... class. Then combine this feature with existing API.