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972 lines (722 loc) · 57.7 KB

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972 lines (722 loc) · 57.7 KB

[QA-1] Unsafe addition in unchecked block may overflow in NonceHolder.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/NonceHolder.sol

 unchecked {
            rawNonces[addressAsKey] = (oldRawNonce + _value);

It's important to notice that parameter _value is passed by the user. This means, that calculating oldRawNonce + _value in unchecked block is not safe - since this value may overflow the new nonce. The function is public, but has onlySystemCall modifier - thus the severity had been decreased to QA only. Nonetheless, performing calculations in unchecked blocks, where one of the argument is taken from the function's parameters is bad security practice and should be avoided.

The only protection from overflow is at line 66: require(_value <= MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT, "The value for incrementing the nonce is too high"); This requires, that _value cannot exceed MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT = 2 ** 32. However, this check does not stop from calling increaseMinNonce(MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT) multiple of times, until it will actually overflow. It's recommended to add a check for that overflow.

[QA-2] Missing checks for address(0) when updating address state variables

This instance was not detected during bot-race File: ethereum/contracts/governance/Governance.sol

 function updateSecurityCouncil(address _newSecurityCouncil) external onlySelf {
        emit ChangeSecurityCouncil(securityCouncil, _newSecurityCouncil);
        securityCouncil = _newSecurityCouncil;

There's no verification for address(0), thus securityCouncil can be set to address(0).

[QA-3] Consider adding address verifyingContract to EIP721_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH in TransactionHelper.sol

According to EIP-712 documentation:

address verifyingContract the address of the contract that will verify the signature. The user-agent may do contract specific phishing prevention.

Having verifyingContract in EIP721_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH - is considered as a protection from phishing attacks.

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol

bytes32 constant EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId)");

can be changed to:

bytes32 constant EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)");

Changing EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH means that additional modification of code-base has to be done.

In most cases, verifyingContract is just address(this). This means, that below code:

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/

        bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
            abi.encode(EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256("zkSync"), keccak256("2"), block.chainid)

needs to be changed to:

        bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
            abi.encode(EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256("zkSync"), keccak256("2"), block.chainid, address(this))

[QA-4] Violation of EIP-712 in TransactionHelper.sol

According to EIP-712, the encoded EIP-712 hash of the struct must include every member field of that struct, however, in the current implementation, transaction.signature is missing:

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol

bytes32 structHash = keccak256(

[QA-5] Functions in Governance.sol do not check if new values are the same as current state

File: ethereum/contracts/governance/Governance.sol

    function updateDelay(uint256 _newDelay) external onlySelf {
        emit ChangeMinDelay(minDelay, _newDelay);
        minDelay = _newDelay;

    /// @dev Updates the address of the security council.
    /// @param _newSecurityCouncil The address of the new security council.
    function updateSecurityCouncil(address _newSecurityCouncil) external onlySelf {
        emit ChangeSecurityCouncil(securityCouncil, _newSecurityCouncil);
        securityCouncil = _newSecurityCouncil;

updateDelay() and updateSecurityCouncil() does not check if input parameter is the same as the current state of the variable which is being updated. If function is being called with the same value as the current state - even though there's no change - function will success and emit an event that the change has been made. Check _newDelay and _newSecurityCouncil is not equal to current state (minDelay and securityCouncil).

[QA-6] Incorrect type of blockGasLimit in SystemContext.sol

EVM defines gasLimit as uint64:

Gas      uint64          // gas limit

However, the current implementation of zkEVM implements blockGasLimit as uint256:

File: system-contracts/contracts/SystemContext.sol#L37

    uint256 public blockGasLimit = type(uint32).max;

There shoudn't be any inconsistency between variable datatypes. The variable type should be the same as the EVM, so uint64.

[QA-7] L1ERC20Bridge won't work with rebasing tokens

There are some ERC-20 tokens which make arbitrary balance modifications outside of transfer. See this link for further reference.

The L1ERC20Bridge saves the amount which user deposited in depositAmount mapping. It is done, in case deposit failed on L2:

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol

        // Save the deposited amount to claim funds on L1 if the deposit failed on L2
        depositAmount[msg.sender][_l1Token][l2TxHash] = amount;

When deposit fails, user can call claimFailedDeposit() function, to withdraw funds from the initiated deposit, that failed when finalizing on L2. However, when token performs a rebase operation (token lowering its amount) before user calls claimFailedDeposit() - the user won't be able to claim that tokens.

File: ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol

        uint256 amount = depositAmount[_depositSender][_l1Token][_l2TxHash];
        require(amount > 0, "y1");

        // Change the total deposited amount by the user
        _verifyDepositLimit(_l1Token, _depositSender, amount, true);

        delete depositAmount[_depositSender][_l1Token][_l2TxHash];
        // Withdraw funds
        IERC20(_l1Token).safeTransfer(_depositSender, amount);

To fix this issue, the most reliable way would be to add amount parameter to claimFailedDeposit() function, and let the user decide how many tokens he wants to withdraw. He should be able to withdraw amount which is the same or lower (in case of rebase) as the cached deposited amount in depositAmount.

[QA-8] getZkSyncMeta() from SystemContractHelper.sol does not include some fields from ZkSyncMeta

The ZkSyncMeta struct is defined as below:

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/SystemContractHelper.sol

struct ZkSyncMeta {
    uint32 gasPerPubdataByte;
    uint32 heapSize;
    uint32 auxHeapSize;
    uint8 shardId;
    uint8 callerShardId;
    uint8 codeShardId;

Function getZkSyncMeta() from SystemContractHelper.sol is defined as below:

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/SystemContractHelper.sol

    function getZkSyncMeta() internal view returns (ZkSyncMeta memory meta) {
        uint256 metaPacked = getZkSyncMetaBytes();
        meta.gasPerPubdataByte = getGasPerPubdataByteFromMeta(metaPacked);
        meta.shardId = getShardIdFromMeta(metaPacked);
        meta.callerShardId = getCallerShardIdFromMeta(metaPacked);
        meta.codeShardId = getCodeShardIdFromMeta(metaPacked);

As it's demonstrated above, it does not include auxHeapSize and heapSize fields, which are defined in ZkSyncMeta. To fix this issue, add additional line to this function:

meta.heapSize = getHeapSizeFromMeta(metaPacked);
meta.auxHeapSize = getAuxHeapSizeFromMeta(metaPacked);

[QA-9] Lack of cleaning of variables before call in inline assembler

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/EfficientCall.sol

 assembly {
            // Clearing values before usage in assembly, since Solidity
            // doesn't do it by default
            _whoToMimic := and(_whoToMimic, cleanupMask)

Above code demonstrates how local variables should be cleaned before usage in inline assembly. However, there are multiple of lines in EfficientCall.sol where it's not done. All instances are related to _address variable.


135:            assembly {
136:                success := call(_address, callAddr, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0)   

148:     assembly {
149:                    success := call(msgValueSimulator, callAddr, _value, _address, 0xFFFF, forwardMask, 0)

163:            assembly {
164:            success := staticcall(_address, callAddr, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0)

177:      assembly {
178:            success := delegatecall(_address, callAddr, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 0)

208:                success := call(_address, callAddr, 0, 0, _whoToMimic, 0, 0)

[QA-10] Lack of 0-value check in NonceHolder.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/NonceHolder.sol

    function increaseMinNonce(uint256 _value) public onlySystemCall returns (uint256 oldMinNonce) {
        require(_value <= MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT, "The value for incrementing the nonce is too high");

increaseMinNonce() does not verify if _value > 0. This is important check, otherwise, it would be possible to call increaseMinNonce(0) which actually won't increase the nonce.

[QA-11] processPaymasterInput() may revert for some ERC-20 tokens

There are several popular tokens (e.g. COMP, UNI). which revert when the value passed to approve() is greater than type(uint96).max. The contract won't be able to work with them. This issue affects the library. In my opinion, library functions should be implemented in a way which takes care of every edge-case. The number of supported tokens shoudn't be limited by the implementation of library function.

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol

 (address token, uint256 minAllowance) = abi.decode(_transaction.paymasterInput[4:68], (address, uint256));
            address paymaster = address(uint160(_transaction.paymaster));

            uint256 currentAllowance = IERC20(token).allowance(address(this), paymaster);
            if (currentAllowance < minAllowance) {
                // Some tokens, e.g. USDT require that the allowance is firsty set to zero
                // and only then updated to the new value.

                IERC20(token).safeApprove(paymaster, 0);
                IERC20(token).safeApprove(paymaster, minAllowance);

(address token, uint256 minAllowance) = abi.decode(_transaction.paymasterInput[4:68], (address, uint256)); - this line suggests, that minAllowance is abi.decoded as uint256, thus its value can be greater than type(uint96).max.

If that's the case (minAllowance > type(uint96).max) and if token is a token which reverts when the value passed to approve() is greater than type(uint96).max, then: IERC20(token).safeApprove(paymaster, minAllowance); - this line will revert

[QA-12] Lack of address(0) check in L2ERC20Bridge means that finalizeDeposit() will mint tokens to address(0)

There's no check if _l2Receiver is address(0). This implies, that tokens will be minted to address(0). File: contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/

IL2StandardToken(expectedL2Token).bridgeMint(_l2Receiver, _amount);

[QA-13] storedBatchHash() might return batch which was reverted by Executor's revertBatches()

Executor provides the ability to revertBatches():

File: code/contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol

    function revertBatches(uint256 _newLastBatch) external nonReentrant onlyValidator {
        require(s.totalBatchesCommitted > _newLastBatch, "v1"); // The last committed batch is less than new last batch
        require(_newLastBatch >= s.totalBatchesExecuted, "v2"); // Already executed batches cannot be reverted

        if (_newLastBatch < s.totalBatchesVerified) {
            s.totalBatchesVerified = _newLastBatch;
        s.totalBatchesCommitted = _newLastBatch;

        // Reset the batch number of the executed system contracts upgrade transaction if the batch
        // where the system contracts upgrade was committed is among the reverted batches.
        if (s.l2SystemContractsUpgradeBatchNumber > _newLastBatch) {
            delete s.l2SystemContractsUpgradeBatchNumber;

However, function storedBatchHash() does not take into consideration that batch might had been reverted:

File: contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol

    function storedBatchHash(uint256 _batchNumber) external view returns (bytes32) {
        return s.storedBatchHashes[_batchNumber];

This behavior may lead to confusion, since it gives the user (who called storedBatchHash() on reverted batch), the impression that that batch is still valid. There should be an additional condition in storedBatchHash(), which verifies:

if (_batchNumber > s.totalBatchesCommitted )

before returning the batch number.

[QA-14] DiamondProxy does not check if contract exists

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol

  require( >= 4 || == 0, "Ut");
        // Get facet from function selector
        Diamond.SelectorToFacet memory facet = diamondStorage.selectorToFacet[msg.sig];
        address facetAddress = facet.facetAddress;

        require(facetAddress != address(0), "F"); // Proxy has no facet for this selector
        require(!diamondStorage.isFrozen || !facet.isFreezable, "q1"); // Facet is frozen

Whenever proxy delegates to a address which is not contract, the fallback will return success, which will lead to a silent failure. In the current implementation, both faces and it's selectors are added in the diamondCut, thus having this scenario is not very realistic - thus I've degraded the severity to Low. Nonetheless, it's a good security practice to check for contract existance before delegatecall to that address. Our recommendation is to implement a check which verifies contract's code, before calling it.

[QA-15] Lack of input validation in AccountCodeStorage.sol may lead to overflow

File: system-contracts/contracts/

function getCodeSize(uint256 _input) external view override returns (uint256 codeSize) {
        address account = address(uint160(_input));
        bytes32 codeHash = getRawCodeHash(account);

File: system-contracts/contracts/

    function getCodeHash(uint256 _input) external view override returns (bytes32) {
        address account = address(uint160(_input));

Both functions will return incorrect values for inputs greater than the max value of uint160. E.g. type(uint160).max + X will return X. It's mandatory to enforce that _input is not greater than type(uint160).max.

[QA-16] Incorrect assumption may lead to revert in _burnMsgValue() in system-contracts/contracts/L2EthToken.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/L2EthToken.sol

 /// NOTE: Since this contract holds the mapping of all ether balances of the system,
    /// the sent `msg.value` is added to the `this` balance before the call.
    /// So the balance of `address(this)` is always bigger or equal to the `msg.value`!
    function _burnMsgValue() internal returns (uint256 amount) {
        amount = msg.value;

        // Silent burning of the ether
        unchecked {
            // This is safe, since this contract holds the ether balances, and if user
            // send a `msg.value` it will be added to the contract (`this`) balance.
            balance[address(this)] -= amount;
            totalSupply -= amount;

Even though: "the sent msg.value is added to the this balance before the call", the totalSupply is not affected by amount. This means that above assumption is not true, because totalSupply may be smaller than amount, which will lead to revert.

[QA-17] The current gas price might be set to 0 in SystemContext

There's missing 0-value check when assigning value to a state variable. This implies that it's possible to set gas price to 0. Our recommendation is to implement additional require which won't let setting _gasPrice to 0: require(_gasPrice !=0, "gas price should be > 0").

File: system-contracts/contracts/SystemContext.sol

    function setGasPrice(uint256 _gasPrice) external onlyCallFromBootloader {
        gasPrice = _gasPrice;

[QA-18] MsgValueSimulator ignores MAX_MSG_VALUE

The value is defined as uint256:

File: system-contracts/contracts/MsgValueSimulator.sol

 fallback(bytes calldata _data) external onlySystemCall returns (bytes memory) {
        (uint256 value, bool isSystemCall, address to) = _getAbiParams();

while the MAX_MSG_VALUE - as:

File: system-contracts/contracts/Constants.sol

uint256 constant MAX_MSG_VALUE = 2 ** 128 - 1;

This suggests that scenario where value > MAX_MSG_VALUE may occur (although, it's very unlikely, thus severity has been degraded to QA. The total supply of ETH is not that big). However, the implementation of fallback does not take into consideration that scenario. Our recommendation is to add additonal check in MsgValueSimulator.sol - it should revert when value is greater than MAX_MSG_VALUE.

The only mechanisms which enforces that value is less than 2**128-1 is line 55: SystemContractHelper.setValueForNextFarCall(Utils.safeCastToU128(value));, however, if protocol will be redeployed with any different value for MAX_MSG_VALUE - this line of code won't be sufficient. It's recommended to explicitly enforce value <= MAX_MSG_VALUE.

[N-1] In ContractDeployer.sol - ensure that new value is different than the current one

File: system-contracts/contracts/ContractDeployer.sol

 function updateAccountVersion(AccountAbstractionVersion _version) external onlySystemCall {
        accountInfo[msg.sender].supportedAAVersion = _version;

        emit AccountVersionUpdated(msg.sender, _version);

There's no verification that _version is different than accountInfo[msg.sender].supportedAAVersion. Whenever there's a updateAccountVersion() call with _version which is already set, the event AccountVersionUpdated() will be emitted. This may be misleading (especially for critical operations, such as updating account version) - because, the version won't be changed (it still will be the same). Whenever calling updateAccountVersion(), make sure it updates accountInfo[msg.sender].supportedAAVersion with new version.

[N-2] Update name of updateNonceOrdering to better reflect its usage

Fiie: system-contracts/contracts/ContractDeployer.sol

    /// @notice Updates the nonce ordering of the account. Currently,
    /// it only allows changes from sequential to arbitrary ordering.
    /// @param _nonceOrdering The new nonce ordering to use.
    function updateNonceOrdering(AccountNonceOrdering _nonceOrdering) external onlySystemCall {

According to NatSpec and function implementation - it's possible to change the ordering from sequential to arbitrary only. This implies, that when ordering will be changed - there's no way to change it back. This behavior implies two suggestions about code refactoring:

  • There's no need to have _nonceOrdering parameter, thus there's only one possible value for is - AccountNonceOrdering.Arbitrary
  • The name of the function should be changed to reflect its intent, e.g. updateNonceOrderingToArbitrary()

[N-3] In NonceHolder.sol - function getRawNonce() can be used inside more functions

Function getRawNonce() is defined as below: File: system-contracts/contracts/NonceHolder.sol

    function getRawNonce(address _address) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 addressAsKey = uint256(uint160(_address));
        return rawNonces[addressAsKey];

However, multiple of functions do not use getRawNonce(), e.g.:

 function increaseMinNonce(uint256 _value) public onlySystemCall returns (uint256 oldMinNonce) {
        require(_value <= MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT, "The value for incrementing the nonce is too high");

        uint256 addressAsKey = uint256(uint160(msg.sender));
        uint256 oldRawNonce = rawNonces[addressAsKey];

can be changed to:

 function increaseMinNonce(uint256 _value) public onlySystemCall returns (uint256 oldMinNonce) {
        require(_value <= MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT, "The value for incrementing the nonce is too high");

        uint256 oldRawNonce = getRawNonce(msg.sender);


function incrementMinNonceIfEquals(uint256 _expectedNonce) external onlySystemCall {
        uint256 addressAsKey = uint256(uint160(msg.sender));
        uint256 oldRawNonce = rawNonces[addressAsKey];

can be changed to:

function incrementMinNonceIfEquals(uint256 _expectedNonce) external onlySystemCall {
        uint256 oldRawNonce = getRawNonce(msg.sender);

[N-4] Unused code / code for local testing should be removed

File: ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondInit.sol

        // While this does not provide a protection in the production, it is needed for local testing
        // Length of the L2Log encoding should not be equal to the length of other L2Logs' tree nodes preimages
        assert(L2_TO_L1_LOG_SERIALIZE_SIZE != 2 * 32);

This code is used only for local testing - as the comment section states. Moreover, L2_TO_L1_LOG_SERIALIZE_SIZE is a constant variable - known before compiling time, thus checking its value is not needed at all. File ethereum/contracts/zksync/Config.sol defines that: uint256 constant L2_TO_L1_LOG_SERIALIZE_SIZE = 88; which implies that this assert is redundant.

[N-5] ContractDeployer.sol events do not emit parameters from old values

Whenever you change a state of some critical parameter, it's good practice to emit the event with old and new value. In ContractDeployer.sol, only the new values are being emitted.

This issue occurs in updateAccountVersion() and updateNonceOrdering():

File: system-contracts/contracts/ContractDeployer.sol

emit AccountVersionUpdated(msg.sender, _version);
emit AccountNonceOrderingUpdated(msg.sender, _nonceOrdering);

[N-6] NatSpec does not properly describes _setAllowList() in ethereum/contracts/upgrades/BaseZkSyncUpgrade.sol

File: ethereum/contracts/upgrades/BaseZkSyncUpgrade.sol

    /// @notice Change the address of the allow list smart contract
    /// @param _newAllowList Allow list smart contract address
    function _setAllowList(IAllowList _newAllowList) internal {
        if (_newAllowList == IAllowList(address(0))) {

NatSpec misses the case, that _setAllowList returns nothing, when _newAllowList == IAllowList(address(0)). The behavior of this edge-case should be described in the NatSpec. Whenever there's a call to _setAllowList() wit address(0), function will not update Allow List - it will return silently.

[N-7] Redundant check in DefaultAccount.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/

        address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(_hash, v, r, s);

        return recoveredAddress == address(this) && recoveredAddress != address(0);

In function _isValidSignature(), when recoveredAddress == address(this) is true, then we are sure that recoveredAddress != address(0) is also true. This implies, that there's no need to perform the second check and code can be rewritten to: return recoveredAddress == address(this).

[N-8] incrementDeploymentNonce() from NonceHolder.sol doubles access checks:

File: system-contracts/contracts/NonceHolder.sol

    function incrementDeploymentNonce(address _address) external onlySystemCall returns (uint256 prevDeploymentNonce) {
        require(msg.sender == address(DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT), "");

There is no need to use onlySystemCall modifier, since function already enforces that msg.sender == address(DEPLOYER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT).

[N-9] In NonceHolder.sol - the order of getters and setters are mixed

It's a good coding practice to separate functions which set value, from functions which get values. In the NonceHolder.sol, there's lack of that separation:

    function getMinNonce(address _address) public view returns (uint256) {
    function getRawNonce(address _address) public view returns (uint256) {
    function increaseMinNonce(uint256 _value) public onlySystemCall returns (uint256 oldMinNonce) {
    function setValueUnderNonce(uint256 _key, uint256 _value) public onlySystemCall {
    function getValueUnderNonce(uint256 _key) public view returns (uint256) {
    function incrementMinNonceIfEquals(uint256 _expectedNonce) external onlySystemCall {
    function getDeploymentNonce(address _address) external view returns (uint256 deploymentNonce) {
    function incrementDeploymentNonce(address _address) external onlySystemCall returns (uint256 prevDeploymentNonce) {
    function isNonceUsed(address _address, uint256 _nonce) public view returns (bool) {
    function validateNonceUsage(address _address, uint256 _key, bool _shouldBeUsed) external view {
    function _splitRawNonce(uint256 _rawMinNonce) internal pure returns (uint256 deploymentNonce, uint256 minNonce) {

Reorganize the code, so that setters are being first, and below them - getters.

[N-10] Incorrect comment in SystemContext about baseFee

In bootloader.yul, we can check, that baseFee is being calculated dynamically:

File: system-contracts/bootloader/bootloader.yul

baseFee := max(
                    ceilDiv(pubdataBytePriceETH, MAX_L2_GAS_PER_PUBDATA())

However, the comment in SystemContext.sol states, it's a constant:

File: system-contracts/contracts/SystemContext.sol

    /// @dev It is currently a constant.
    uint256 public baseFee;

Fix this comment, since baseFee should not be treated as constant.

[N-11] The behavior of _markBytecodeAsPublished() may be misleading

File: system-contracts/contracts/KnownCodesStorage.sol

function _markBytecodeAsPublished(bytes32 _bytecodeHash, bool _shouldSendToL1) internal {
        if (getMarker(_bytecodeHash) == 0) {

The name of the function and its NatSpec suggests that it is used to mark a single bytecode hash as known. The current implementation shows, that this marking occurs only when (getMarker(_bytecodeHash) == 0). Otherwise, function does nothing. Based on that behavior, it's hard to distinguish if function marked a single bytecode hash as known, or not. The only way to check that, would be observing if that function emitted MarkedAsKnown event. However, there should be some additional (other than observing off-chain events) to distinguish if bytecode hash was marked or not. Our recommendation is to re-write a function in a way it will be returning bool result - true, when it marked a single bytecode hash as known; false - otherwise.

[N-12] Incorrect comment in TransactionHelper.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol

/// @dev The type id of legacy transactions.
uint8 constant EIP_2930_TX_TYPE = 0x01;

Comment should be changed to: /// @dev The type id of EIP2930 transactions.

[N-13] Improper NatSpec for _isValidSignature() in DefaultAccount.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/DefaultAccount.sol

/// @return EIP1271_SUCCESS_RETURN_VALUE if the signaure is correct. It reverts otherwise

Function can also return false. This case is not described in the NatSpec.

_isValidSignature() looks like this: return recoveredAddress == address(this) && recoveredAddress != address(0), which means, that above code in NatSpec should be changed to:

/// @return true for valid signature, false or reverts otherwise.

[N-14] Some functions define named returns, but still return value via return statement

File: system-contracts/contracts/NonceHolder.sol

    function getDeploymentNonce(address _address) external view returns (uint256 deploymentNonce) {
        return deploymentNonce;

File: system-contracts/contracts/

    /// @notice Returns information about a certain account.
    function getAccountInfo(address _address) external view returns (AccountInfo memory info) {
        return accountInfo[_address];

[N-15] Inconsistency in representing hex 0x00

Across the whole contract, the hex value of 0 is represented as 0x00. The only exception has been spotted in two instances:

File: system-contracts/contracts/ContractDeployer.sol

        require(_bytecodeHash != bytes32(0x0), "BytecodeHash cannot be zero");
            ACCOUNT_CODE_STORAGE_SYSTEM_CONTRACT.getCodeHash(uint256(uint160(_newAddress))) == 0x0,

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol

uint8 constant LEGACY_TX_TYPE = 0x0;

Stick to one way of representing hex numbers. In this case, 0x0 should be 0x00

[N-16] Misleading variable naming in SystemContext.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/SystemContext.sol

        (uint128 previousBatchNumber, uint128 previousBatchTimestamp) = getBatchNumberAndTimestamp();
        require(_newTimestamp > previousBatchTimestamp, "Timestamps should be incremental");

Function getBatchNumberAndTimestamp() returns current batch number and current batch timestamp, thus naming those variables as previousBatchNumber and previousBatchTimestamp may be misleading. Even though, we're updating those variables with _newTimestamp, before the update, they are still current values, thus we should stick to proper naming convention.

[N-17] Constants in NonceHolder.sol does not have visibility set

File: code/system-contracts/contracts/NonceHolder.sol

    uint256 constant DEPLOY_NONCE_MULTIPLIER = 2 ** 128;
    /// The minNonce can be increased by at 2^32 at a time to prevent it from
    /// overflowing beyond 2**128.
    uint256 constant MAXIMAL_MIN_NONCE_INCREMENT = 2 ** 32;

It's bad coding practice to avoid explicitly defining visibility.

[N-18] Define constants, instead of using magic numbers:

File: system-contracts/contracts/libraries/Utils.sol

 require(bytecodeLenInWords < 2 ** 16, "pp"); // bytecode length must be less than 2^16 words

It will be more readable to define constant, instead of using 2 ** 16 value. The name of the constant will self-explain why bytecodeLenInWords must be less than 2**16

[N-19] Use ternary operators to make if/else statements more readable

Simple if/else construction can be shorten by using ternary operators

File: system-contracts/contracts/DefaultAccount.sol

if (_isValidSignature(txHash, _transaction.signature)) {
        } else {
            magic = bytes4(0);

can be changed to:

magic = _isValidSignature(txHash, _transaction.signature) ? ACCOUNT_VALIDATION_SUCCESS_MAGIC : bytes4(0)

[N-20] ForceDeployment struct can be moved from ConstractDeployer.sol

File: system-contracts/contracts/ContractDeployer.sol

struct ForceDeployment {

It's bad coding and design practice to have structs mixed with functions. Consider moving struct FordeDeployment to system-contracts/contracts/interfaces/IContractDeployer.sol

[N-21] Repeated checks can be implemented as modifiers

File: system-contracts/contracts/openzeppelin/utils/Address.sol

    function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal {
            address(this).balance >= amount,
            "Address: insufficient balance"

   function functionCallWithValue(
        address target,
        bytes memory data,
        uint256 value,
        string memory errorMessage
    ) internal returns (bytes memory) {
            address(this).balance >= value,
            "Address: insufficient balance for call"

In the above code section, there are two functions: sendValue(), functionCallWithValue(), which performs basically the same check. This check can be rewritten as a modifier. For the reusability purpose - the repeated validation statements can be reimplemented as function modifiers. This will also improve the clarity of the code - since the same block of codes won't be used in multiple of functions.

[N-22] ReentrancyGuard.sol contains links to non-existing webpages

File: ethereum/contracts/common/ReentrancyGuard.sol

20:      *[Reentrancy After Istanbul].

Make sure that links in the comment section redirects to valid, existing websites.

[N-23] Comments are not grammatically correct:

 /// @notice A function that performs force deploy

"force deploy" is not grammatically correct, it should be changed to "force deployment"

/// - It does not have a silent fallback method and will revert if it's called for a method it hasn't implemented.

"hasn't implemented", should be changed to "hasn't been implementing".

 /// @dev It will used for the L1 batch -> L2 block migration in Q3 2023 only.

"will used", should be changed to "will be used".

 // If the length is not equal to one, then only using the length can it be encoded definitely.

"length can it be encoded definitely" should be changed to "length, it can be encoded definitely"

 // If the length is not equal to one, then only using the length can it be encoded definitely.

"length can it be encoded definitely" should be changed to "length, it can be encoded definitely"

 // If the length is not equal to one, then only using the length can it be encoded definitely.

"length can it be encoded definitely" should be changed to "length, it can be encoded definitely"

 /// - Store the latest 257 blocks's hashes.

"blocks's" should be changed to "block's".

File: system-contracts/contracts/SystemContext.sol

// Due to virtual blocks upgrade, we'll have to use the following logic for retreiving the blockhash:

"retreiving" should be changed to "retriving".

// The fact there is are enough balance for the account

"there is are" should be changed to "there is"

* The users can either marked a range of nonces by increasing the `minNonce`. This way all the nonces

"can either marked" should be changed to "can either mark".

[N-24] Messages in require are not descriptive

Make sure to use more descriptive messages in require statements. It will be helpful in debuging reverts. Moreover, it will increase a user experience - if his/her transaction reverts, he/she will see more descriptive reason of that revert.

This issue occurs in multiple of instances:

./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_l2TokenBeacon != address(0), "nf");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_governor != address(0), "nh");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_factoryDeps.length == 3, "mk");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_amount != 0, "2T");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(amount == _amount, "1T");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(proofValid, "yn");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(amount > 0, "y1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(!isWithdrawalFinalized[_l2BatchNumber][_l2MessageIndex], "pw");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:            require(success, "nq");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_l2ToL1message.length == 76, "kk");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(bytes4(functionSignature) == this.finalizeWithdrawal.selector, "nt");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1ERC20Bridge.sol:            require(totalDepositedAmountPerUser[_l1Token][_depositor] + _amount <= limitData.depositCap, "d1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1WethBridge.sol:            require(success, "vq");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/bridge/L1WethBridge.sol:        require(msg.sender == l1WethAddress || msg.sender == address(zkSync), "pn");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol:        require(targetsLength == _accessModes.length, "yg");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol:        require(callersLength == _targets.length, "yw");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol:        require(callersLength == _functionSigs.length, "yx");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/AllowList.sol:        require(callersLength == _enables.length, "yy");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/AllowListed.sol:            require(_allowList.canCall(msg.sender, address(this), msg.sig), "nr");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/libraries/L2ContractHelper.sol:        require(_bytecode.length % 32 == 0, "pq");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/libraries/L2ContractHelper.sol:        require(bytecodeLenInWords < 2**16, "pp");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/libraries/L2ContractHelper.sol:        require(bytecodeLenInWords % 2 == 1, "ps");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/libraries/L2ContractHelper.sol:        require(version == 1 && _bytecodeHash[1] == bytes1(0), "zf");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/libraries/L2ContractHelper.sol:        require(_bytecodeLen(_bytecodeHash) % 2 == 1, "uy");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/ReentrancyGuard.sol:        require(lockSlotOldValue == 0, "1B");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/common/ReentrancyGuard.sol:        require(_status == _NOT_ENTERED, "r1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondInit.sol:        require(address(_initalizeData.verifier) != address(0), "vt");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondInit.sol:        require(_initalizeData.governor != address(0), "vy");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondInit.sol:        require(_initalizeData.admin != address(0), "hc");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondInit.sol:        require(_initalizeData.priorityTxMaxGasLimit <= L2_TX_MAX_GAS_LIMIT, "vu");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol:        require(_chainId == block.chainid, "pr");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol:        require( >= 4 || == 0, "Ut");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/DiamondProxy.sol:        require(!diamondStorage.isFrozen || !facet.isFreezable, "q1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Admin.sol:        require(msg.sender == pendingGovernor, "n4");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Admin.sol:        require(msg.sender == pendingAdmin, "n4");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Admin.sol:        require(_newPriorityTxMaxGasLimit <= L2_TX_MAX_GAS_LIMIT, "n5");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Admin.sol:        require(!diamondStorage.isFrozen, "a9");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Admin.sol:        require(diamondStorage.isFrozen, "a7");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Base.sol:        require(msg.sender == s.governor, "1g");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Base.sol:        require(s.validators[msg.sender], "1h");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(expectedNumberOfLayer1Txs == _newBatch.numberOfLayer1Txs, "ta");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(batchTimestamp == _expectedBatchTimestamp, "tb");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(_previousBatchTimestamp < batchTimestamp, "h3");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(block.timestamp - COMMIT_TIMESTAMP_NOT_OLDER <= batchTimestamp, "h1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(lastL2BlockTimestamp <= block.timestamp + COMMIT_TIMESTAMP_APPROXIMATION_DELTA, "h2");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:            require(!_checkBit(processedLogs, uint8(logKey)), "kp");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_TO_L1_MESSENGER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR, "lm");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_TO_L1_MESSENGER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR, "ln");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(providedL2ToL1PubdataHash == logValue, "wp");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_TO_L1_MESSENGER_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR, "lb");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR, "sc");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR, "sv");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS, "bl");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS, "bk");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(logSender == L2_BOOTLOADER_ADDRESS, "bu");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:                require(_expectedSystemContractUpgradeTxHash == logValue, "ut");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:            require(processedLogs == 127, "b7");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:            require(processedLogs == 255, "b8");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(s.l2SystemContractsUpgradeBatchNumber == 0, "ik");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(_hashStoredBatchInfo(_prevBatch) == s.storedBatchHashes[currentTotalBatchesVerified], "t1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(s.totalBatchesCommitted > _newLastBatch, "v1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(_newLastBatch >= s.totalBatchesExecuted, "v2");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Executor.sol:        require(_batch.systemLogs.length <= MAX_L2_TO_L1_LOGS_COMMITMENT_BYTES, "pu");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Getters.sol:        require(ds.selectorToFacet[_selector].facetAddress != address(0), "g2");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(callSuccess, "pz");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(_batchNumber <= s.totalBatchesExecuted, "xx");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(hashedLog != L2_L1_LOGS_TREE_DEFAULT_LEAF_HASH, "tw");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(!s.isEthWithdrawalFinalized[_l2BatchNumber][_l2MessageIndex], "jj");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(proofValid, "pi");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(_l2GasPerPubdataByteLimit == REQUIRED_L2_GAS_PRICE_PER_PUBDATA, "qp");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(s.totalDepositedAmountPerUser[_depositor] + _amount <= limitData.depositCap, "d2");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(_factoryDeps.length <= MAX_NEW_FACTORY_DEPS, "uj");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:            require(msg.value >= baseCost + _l2Value, "mv");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(_message.length >= 56, "pm");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/facets/Mailbox.sol:        require(bytes4(functionSignature) == this.finalizeEthWithdrawal.selector, "is");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol:        require(_facet == address(0), "a1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol:            require(oldFacet.facetAddress != address(0), "a2");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol:            require(_isSelectorFreezable == ds.selectorToFacet[selector0].isFreezable, "J1");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Diamond.sol:            require(data.length == 32, "lp");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Merkle.sol:        require(pathLength > 0, "xc");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Merkle.sol:        require(pathLength < 256, "bt");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/Merkle.sol:        require(_index < (1 << pathLength), "px");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(l2GasForTxBody <= _priorityTxMaxGasLimit, "ui");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(l2GasForTxBody / _transaction.gasPerPubdataByteLimit <= PRIORITY_TX_MAX_PUBDATA, "uk");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.from <= type(uint16).max, "ua");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require( <= type(uint160).max, "ub");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.paymaster == 0, "uc");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.value == 0, "ud");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.reserved[0] == 0, "ue");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.reserved[1] <= type(uint160).max, "uf");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.reserved[2] == 0, "ug");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.reserved[3] == 0, "uo");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.signature.length == 0, "uh");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.paymasterInput.length == 0, "ul");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_transaction.reservedDynamic.length == 0, "um");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/libraries/TransactionValidator.sol:        require(_totalGasLimit >= overhead, "my");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/ValidatorTimelock.sol:        require(msg.sender == validator, "8h");
./contracts/ethereum/contracts/zksync/ValidatorTimelock.sol:                require(block.timestamp >= commitBatchTimestamp + delay, "5c");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_l1Bridge != address(0), "bf");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_l2TokenProxyBytecodeHash != bytes32(0), "df");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(_governor != address(0), "sf");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(AddressAliasHelper.undoL1ToL2Alias(msg.sender) == l1Bridge, "mq");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:            require(deployedToken == expectedL2Token, "mt");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:            require(currentL1Token == _l1Token, "gg");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(l1Token != address(0), "yh");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2ERC20Bridge.sol:        require(success, "mk");
./contracts/zksync/contracts/bridge/L2WethBridge.sol:        require(msg.sender == l2WethAddress, "pd");
./system-contracts/contracts/libraries/Utils.sol:        require(_bytecode.length % 32 == 0, "po");
./system-contracts/contracts/libraries/Utils.sol:        require(bytecodeLenInWords < 2 ** 16, "pp");
./system-contracts/contracts/libraries/Utils.sol:        require(bytecodeLenInWords % 2 == 1, "pr");