All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a Changelog.
- Fix #47 - add environment variables for fundamental parameters
- configuration: add logging section
- configuration: add log_level to configuration_opts
- Allow to load external collectors with fully qualified dotted notation
- Switch sphinx from recommonmark to myst_parser
- We remove support for python prior than 3.7
- #34 - custom collectors with underscore in name are not supported
- linting code
- cleanup code and documentation
- fix typos
- introduce
class to derive new collectors from - added cache module with timed lru cache
- add netdev collector for network information and statistics
- reduce docker image size
- we switched base image from python:3-slim to alpine
- now it is simplier to add new collectors. You have to simply follow the naming convention
- add loadavg collector as a real life example
- change load and registration behavior for collectors
- move collector to sub module
- signal handling print now clean log messages instead of exceptions