Gussuri (Good Sleep) Researchers, healthcare professionals working in clinical settings, and those experiencing sleep problems are working together on a citizen science/civic tech project to address sleep and sleep-related issues in sleep-deprived Japan. As part of this project, we are developing a digital version of a sleep record sheet called "gussuri" which is using Flutter × Firebase.
$ brew tap leoafarias/fvm
$ brew install fvm
$ fvm --version
$ fvm install
$ fvm flutter pub get
$ brew install cocoapods
$ fvm flutter emulators
# below information is depends the environment you obtain
# 2 available emulators:
# apple_ios_simulator • iOS Simulator • Apple • ios
# Pixel_3a_API_32_arm64-v8a • Pixel_3a_API_32_arm64-v8a • Google • android
# To run an emulator, run 'flutter emulators --launch <emulator id>'.
# To create a new emulator, run 'flutter emulators --create [--name xyz]'.
# Launch iOS simulator in laptop
$ fvm flutter emulators --launch apple_ios_simulator
# Launch Android simulator in laptop
$ fvm flutter emulators --launch Pixel_3a_API_32_arm64-v8a
# List out the simulators
$ fvm flutter devices
# 3 connected devices:
# iPhone 14 Pro Max (mobile) • 93E3B70F-B378-4295-BC3E-5DAA4958D463 • ios • (simulator)
# macOS (desktop) • macos • darwin-arm64 • macOS 13.0.1 22A400 darwin-arm
# Chrome (web) • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 111.0.5563.110
# Example CLI result for list out simulator
$ fvm flutter run -d ${deviceのid} # Install the app and run in the simnulator for this env、93E3B70F-B378-4295-BC3E-5DAA4958D463
- AndroidStudio
Configuration of Android Studio
Preferences > Language & Frameworks > Flutter , Modify「SDK」with your Flutter SDK path
- Visual Studio Code
*You must install the firebase environment with firebase CLI
# After installation and setup firebase dev environment、login firebase and setup th e firestore
$ firebase login
$ dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
# Select the project ID in this page
# Gussuri-dev env、project of Code for japan。If necessary, we will you invite and handle it.
$ flutterfire configure --project=Gussuri-dev