ShortcutMagic was built with the purpose to help us humans use computers, no matter the skill level or technological understanding.
There are many ways everyone can help and contribute to this vision. Sharing knowledge makes it better for everyone, makes it easier to learn, and easier to understand.
- If you are a beginner, what and how you learn is valuable to share. Other beginners could find huge help in what you are learning.
- If you are starting to get comfortable with the programs you use, your "advice to your former self" can help anyone striving to be at your level.
- If you are an expert, everyone would love to learn your tricks. The little things you do differently, the small wins that make everything come together and you really use a program to its fullest.
We use gifs as much as possible because it shows exactly what is happening. One of the best ways you can help is by simply recording a gif! And it is all built into ShortcutMagic - click a button to start recording, do your thing and click the stop button. That's it!
Other ways to contribute are:
- Create an account and let ShortcutMagic anonymously upload usage metrics, to help automatically adjust everyone's difficulty level (not yet available)
- Play around and test hiding useless shortcuts, adding your favorites, rating them, write a little comment here and there (some available)
- Introduce a friend or a loved one to ShortcutMagic! If there is a way we can help them use computers better, it's worth trying!
- Submit ideas and wish lists
- Report a bug when you see one
- Share your experiences using ShortcutMagic with the world
- Take a look at the code, maybe even try your hand at a little change! There is no danger and you can't ruin anything. Exploring the code and changing something can be fun, and that code might even become part of the ShortcutMagic everyone uses!
- Contribute to Electron and Chromium, the foundation that ShortcutMagic was built on
Thank you so much for considering to contribute to ShortcutMagic. It is a domino effect that keeps getting stronger, because your help will in turn help so many others.