Generate universal APK files from Android App Bundles. DEPRECATED! Use android-app-bundle
universal-apk [-h] [--log-stream STREAM] [--no-color] [--version] [-s] [-v]
[--pattern PATTERN]
[--ks-key-alias KEY_ALIAS]
[--key-pass KEY_PASSWORD]
glob pattern to parse files, relative to current folder. Default: **/*.aab
path to the keystore to sign the apk files with
keystore password
keystore key alias
keystore key password
show this help message and exit
Log output stream. Default stderr
Do not use ANSI colors to format terminal output
Show tool version and exit
Disable log output for commands
Enable verbose logging for commands
Action | Description |
generate |
Generate universal APK files from Android App Bundles. DEPRECATED! Use android-app-bundle build-universal-apk instead |