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aristath edited this page Oct 23, 2014 · 6 revisions

layout: default title: "Theme Supports" category: development tags: development

When building your own shell, you can activate parts of the Maera framework using theme supports.
Theme supports provide functionality and classes that you can use in your shells without requiring you to write your own code, thus taking advantage of Maera's structure.

Theme supports are usually loaded using the after_setup_theme action.
In addition to the default theme features Kirki includes the following extra features:


function my_theme_supports() {

	// Add Kirki
	add_theme_support( 'kirki' );

	// Add retina support
	add_theme_support( 'retina' );

	// Add color calculations support
	// Please note that this uses the 'jetpack_color' class.
	// More info on that class here:
	add_theme_support( 'maera_color' );

	// Add the tonesque library
	add_theme_support( 'tonesque' );

	// Add site-logo support
	add_theme_support( 'site-logo' );

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_theme_supports' );


You can find the list of theme_supports provided by Maera below:


Kirki is a wrapper for the WordPress customizer, making it easier for you to write your own customizer options and extend the default functionality.
To enable kirki support and include the kirki framework you can use
add_theme_support( 'kirki' );
If the kirki plugin plugin is not installed on the user's site, then we include this from inside the theme to reduce dependencies.


When you add theme support for retina images, the image resizing script will create some additional images with the suffix @2x and also enqueue the retina.js script script. To enable retina support you can use
add_theme_support( 'retina' );

Color calculations

If you need to do some color calculations performed, you can use Jetpack's color calculations class. If Jetpack is not installed, then we include this class on the theme core to reduce dependencies.
To include this feature you can use
add_theme_support( 'maera_color' );


If you need to retrieve the main color of an image and perform calculations based on that color, you can use Jetpack's Tonesque library. If Jetpack is not installed, then we include this class on the theme core to reduce dependencies. Please note that when this is used, the color calculations class is also included.
To include this feature you can use
add_theme_support( 'tonesque' );

Site Logo

Maera includes Automattic's site-logo plugin. This way we're trying to standardize site logos usage across all shells. More documentation on this can be found on the plugin's repository. To include this feature you can use
add_theme_support( 'site-logo' );

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