This project aims to provide an Eclipse plugin to give the ability to developers to work either on Codenvy or in Eclipse, sharing the same code base without the need of a Git repo.
- Nightly Build:
- Main Update Site:
- a Maven installation, minimum version 3.2,
- a JDK, minimum version 7.
Clone the project:
git clone
Execute the following commands:
cd eclipse-plugin mvn clean install
Warning: It will launch UI integration tests with SWTBot, be careful not to preempt focus when those tests are running to avoid a test failure.
- same as those of the Maven build,
- plus an Eclipse installation with m2e and PDE plug-ins installed,
- having a M2_REPO variable configured in Eclipse:
- In Eclipse preferences, go to ‘Run/Debug → String Substitution’.
- Create a ‘New String Substitution Variable’ with
as name and the path to your Maven local repository as value.
- Import the Git project as a Maven project in Eclipse (be careful to import all its submodules too),
- Wait for the projects to be configured (some errors should be reported on projects, it's normal as target is not yet configured),
- For a Luna target, open under (relative to project root),
- Click on ‘Set as Target Platform’ in the upper right corner of the editor to set this as the default target platform,
- Update all the projects (the root one and its submodules) through ‘Maven → Update Project…’.
Once the project imported in Eclipse, right-click its sub-module com.codenvy.eclipse.ui and chose ‘Run as → Eclipse Application’.
Clone the project:
git clone cd eclipse-plugin
Prepare release:
mvn tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=${releaseVersion} mvn clean install git commit -am "Prepare release ${releaseVersion}" git push origin master
Tag released version:
git tag -a ${releaseVersion} -m "Tag ${releaseVersion}" git push origin ${releaseVersion}
Prepare for next development iteration:
mvn tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=${nextDevelopmentVersion} mvn clean install git commit -am "Prepare for next development iteration" git push origin master
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Codenvy, S.A.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Contributors: Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation