JSON Lines is a convenient format for storing structured data that may be processed one record at a time. It works well with unix-style text processing tools and shell pipelines. It's a great format for log files. It's also a flexible format for passing messages between cooperating processes.
(c) jsonlines.org
🐊Putout formatter output JSON Lines.
npm i putout @putout/formatter-json-lines
putout --format json-lines lib
Result example:
{"name":"hello.js","source":"const t = 'hello';\n\n","places":[{"rule":"remove-unused-variables","message":"\"t\" is defined but never used","position":{"line":1,"column":6}}],"index":0,"count":2,"filesCount":1,"errorsCount":1}
{"name":"world.js","source":"const t = 'world';\n\n","places":[{"rule":"remove-unused-variables","message":"\"t\" is defined but never used","position":{"line":1,"column":6}}],"index":1,"count":2,"filesCount":2,"errorsCount":2}