- next
- About sends nastygrams to the log
- brain-dump:
- French / i18n
- the app bar is probably not idiomatic
- visible for testing - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21657315
- consider const constructors
- fold vs reduce
- figure out centering and relative sizing
- use Card with nice shadow
- review encapsulation/Demeter
- bug: config only works the first time?
- on Chrome ... Android ok
- code layout in folders
- consider
for dealer and auditor?
- consider
- status bar should be a SnackBar
- not sure how to fire programmatically
- REST API strategy
- config
- read from JSON file
- ThemeData
- full unit tests
- state management
- clean up widgets
- make idiomatic for Flutter, Dart
- Cupertino
- use a grid for cards when # of cards > N
- use scrollable ListView ?
- or GridView!