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This page contains the ideas list of GSoC 2020 |
Welcome to our Google Summer Of Code 2020 ideas page. As a student, you are welcome to pick any of the ideas listed below and start early in the community bonding process as well as learning a bit about our code if we get selected as a mentoring organization. And of course, we'd love you to stay around even if we are not invited to GSoC or if we cannot invite you as a student.
Students can connect with the Org Admins and Mentors through various communication channels given below:
Email: Jaskirat SIngh and Devesh Verma (Org Admins)
Students and Mentors can join these discussion portals in order to carry discussions about their projects and interaction within community.
Slack Discussion platform: Join to interact with community!
Community Contact Email:
All tasks on this page already indicate mentors for the task. New tasks on this page should be added only by those with the experience and time to invest in mentoring new developers.
Make sure to Check out Google Summer of Code 2020 with Codeuino to know more about community participation in GSoC 2020.
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