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List of Dart Kata to Update

Alexey Solovyev edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 39 revisions

The following kata needs some update to enable Dart 2.14.

  1. Alphabet symmetry
  2. Alphabetical Addition
  3. An Intro to Quantum Concepts #2
  4. Are they the "same"?
  5. Balanced Number (Special Numbers Series #1 )
  6. Best travel
  7. Bonuses
  8. Buddy Pairs
  9. Calculate the area of a regular n sides polygon inside a circle of radius r
  10. Computer problem series #1: Fill the Hard Disk Drive
  11. Consecutive letters
  12. Consecutive strings
  13. Consonant value
  14. Count the smiley faces!
  15. Disarium Number (Special Numbers Series #3)
  16. Esolang Interpreters #3 - Custom Paintf**k Interpreter
  17. Esolang Interpreters #4 - Boolfuck Interpreter
  18. Evaluate mathematical expression
  19. Factorial decomposition
  20. Find the first non-consecutive number
  21. Find the stray number
  22. Fix string case
  23. Floating-point Approximation (III)
  24. Gap in Primes
  25. How good are you really?
  26. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
  27. John and Ann sign up for Codewars
  28. Josephus Permutation
  29. Jumping Number (Special Numbers Series #4)
  30. k-Primes
  31. Longest vowel chain
  32. Minimum Steps (Array Series #6)
  33. Mumbling
  34. My smallest code interpreter (aka Brainf**k)
  35. New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift
  36. Product Array (Array Series #5)
  37. Product Of Maximums Of Array (Array Series #2)
  38. Projectile Motion
  39. Reversing a Process
  40. Schrödinger's Boolean
  41. Screen Locking Patterns
  42. Simple remove duplicates
  43. Steps in k-primes
  44. Steps in Primes
  45. String prefix and suffix
  46. Sum by Factors
  47. Tiny Three-Pass Compiler
  48. To BrainFuck Transpiler
  49. Total area covered by rectangles
  50. TV Remote
  51. TV Remote (shift and space)
  52. TV Remote (symbols)
  53. TV Remote (wrap)
  54. Twice linear
  55. Two to One
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