As previously discussed, the MPI standard achieves distributed memory parallelism. This means that the same program, running on rank 0, cannot access the variables that the same program has created on a different rank. Let's create a simple python program to demonstrate this ( As in the previous example, import mpi4py
and create a communicator object:
from mpi4py import MPI
Now, let's create a variable on the root rank (0), but not on any additional ranks:
if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
var = "Hello!"
if we execute this file in serial (python
) it works fine because the root rank has created the variable, however in parallel (mpirun -n 2 python
) we get an error because the variable does not exist on the second MPI rank, something like this:
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
If we follow from this example, we can make sure that our second rank has the correct variable by sending it from the root rank. We can achieve this by using the send
and recv
methods of the communicator object:
if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
var = "Hello!"
comm.send(var, dest=1)
elif comm.Get_rank() == 1:
var = comm.recv(source=0)
print(f"{msg} from rank {comm.Get_rank()}")
Now, if we run this script in parallel we no longer get the error, because the variable now exists on the second rank thanks to the send
In order to add an additional layer of safety to this process, we can add a tag to the message. This is an integer ID which ensures that the message is being received is being correctly used by the receiving process. This can be simply achieved by modifying the code to match the following:
comm.send(var, dest=1, tag=23)
var = comm.recv(source=0, tag=23)
The types of communications provided by the send```/```recv
methods are known as blocking communications, as there is a chance that the send process won't return until it gets a signal that the data has been received successfully. This means that sending large amounts of data between processes can result in significant stoppages to the program. In practice, the standard for this is not implemented uniformly, so the blocking/non-blocking nature of the communication can be dynamic or depend on the size of the message being passed.
Before we start the next example, we can add the line comm.barrier()
in our Python script to make sure that our processes only proceed once all other processes have reached this point, which will stop us getting confused about the output of our program.
In some instances, it might make sense for communications to only be non-blocking, which will enable the sending rank to continue with its process without needing to wait for confirmation of a potentially large message to be received. In this case, we can use the explicitly non-blocking methods, isend
and irecv
The syntax is very similar for the sending process:
comm.send(var, dest=1, tag=23)
but the receiving process has more to unpack. The comm.irecv
method returns a request object, which can be unpacked with the wait
method which then returns the data:
if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
var = "Non-blocking Hello!"
comm.isend(var, dest=1, tag=13)
elif comm.Get_rank() == 1:
req = comm.irecv(source=0, tag=13)
var = req.wait()
The kinds of communications we have demonstrated so far are useful to illustrate the topology of a distributed memory program, but passing short strings between processes isn't going to help to parallelise your workflows! How do these processes change when you want to pass arrays of real numbers? The answer is (at least in Python), they don't! Let's pass a numpy array between processes (after adding a comm.barrier()
if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
data = np.arange(0, 100, 1)
comm.send(data, dest=1, tag=34)
elif comm.Get_rank() == 1:
data = comm.recv(source=0, tag=34)
print(f"Rank {comm.Get_rank()} recieved data:\n{data}")
Note: The underlying MPI code (written in C) can only operate on 'raw' data, so Python does some heavy lifting for us here. If you need to pass any custom data structures around in a lower-level language like C++ you will need to create a method to convert the structure into raw data and back again (a process known as serialisation).
Let's move on to the next part of the course