0.18.3 + Add device Info to step history data (#279, kudos to @kristerkari)
~ Update typescript definitions
0.18.2 ~ temporary hotfix (#268, kudos to @nikhil-kumar-160)
0.18.1 + Implement `getBodyTemperatureSamples()` and `getOxygenSaturationSamples()` (#266, kudos to @mluksha)
~ Update typescript definitions
0.18.0 + Implement Workout Support[Experimental] (#251)
~ typescript: add `BucketUnitType` and `BucketUnit` helper
0.17.1 + Implement basic getBloodGlucoseSamples(kudos @ksetrin)
+ Add android 11 note in Doc (kudos @moulie415)
~ Update typescript definitions
0.16.3 + Implement getMoveMinutes
~ Refoctor and remove duplicated processData in stepHistory
~ Update typescript definitions
0.10.0 + Implement hydration
~ Fix weight and height deletion
~ Update typescript definitions
0.9.17 ~ observeSteps fix (kudos to @nojas01)
~ Fix disconnect method (kudos to @AylanBoscarino)
~ better React Native 0.60 support (kudos to @spacekadet)
0.9.15 + getUserInputSteps function (kudos @HelloCore)
+ Retrieve Daily Nutrition Data (kudos @jguix)
0.9.13 + Improve weights granularity and always use FIELD_AVERAGE (@chrisgibbs44)
0.9.12 ~ Update typescript definitions for Scoped Authorization
0.9.11 ~ getDailyCalorieSamples, now includes basalCalculation: boolean flag
+ Scope authorizations (thanks, @gaykov)
0.9.1 ~ getDailyStepCountSamples - now returns promise if no callback is provided
0.9.0 ~ authorize() - is now a promise
~ non-blocking step retrieve
+ getHeartRateSamples (thanks @damnnkst)
+ getBloodPressureSamples (thanks @damnnkst)
0.7.1 - Fix for disconnect() (@dmitriys-lits thanks for the PR)
0.7 - Retrieve Heights, open fit activity, unified body method (@EJohnF thanks for the PR!)
0.6 - RN 0.56+ support (@skb1129 thanks for the PR)
- nutrition scenario (@13thdeus thanks for the PR)
0.5 - New auth process (@priezz thanks for PR)
- Fix unsubscribe listeners
- Readme refactoring
- Recording API implemetation (@reboss thanks for PR)
- Just use startRecording(callback) function which listens
to STEPS and DISTANCE (for now) activities from Google Fitness
API (no need to install Google fit app)
0.3.5 - Fix Error: Fragments should be static
- Updated readme
0.3.4 - Burned Calories History (getDailyCalorieSamples)
- React Native 0.46 Support
- better cancel/deny support
0.3.0-beta (@firodj thanks for this PR!)
- steps adapter to avoid errors;
- authorize: allow cancel;
- authorize: using callback instead event;
- strict dataSource;
- xiaomi support;
0.2.0 - getDailyDistanceSamples();
- isAvailable();
- isEnabled();
- deleteWeight();
- getDailyStepCountSamples method compatible with Apple Healthkit module
- started to implement JSDoc documentation
- getting activity within module itself
- fixed package name dependency
- provided more detailed documentation
0.0.9 - Weights Save Support
- Refactor methods to be compatible with react-native-apple-healthkit module
- Remove 'moment.js' dependency
0.0.8 - Weights Samples support
0.0.1 - 0.0.7 Initial builds