Instead of framing "self-critique" or "self-reflection" in AI as new concepts, we can view them as validation errors with clear error messages that the system can use to self-correct.
Pydantic offers an customizable and expressive validation framework for Python. Instructor leverages Pydantic's validation framework to provide a uniform developer experience for both code-based and LLM-based validation, as well as a reasking mechanism for correcting LLM outputs based on validation errors. To learn more check out the Pydantic docs on validators.
!!! note "Good llm validation is just good validation"
If you want to see some more examples on validators checkout our blog post [Good LLM validation is just good validation](
First define a Pydantic model with a validator using the Annotation
class from typing_extensions
Enforce a naming rule using Pydantic's built-in validation:
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from pydantic import AfterValidator
def name_must_contain_space(v: str) -> str:
if " " not in v:
raise ValueError("Name must contain a space.")
return v.lower()
class UserDetail(BaseModel):
age: int
name: Annotated[str, AfterValidator(name_must_contain_space)]
person = UserDetail(age=29, name="Jason")
except ValidationError as e:
1 validation error for UserDetail
Value error, Name must contain a space. [type=value_error, input_value='Jason', input_type=str]
For further information visit
1 validation error for UserDetail
Value error, name must contain a space (type=value_error)
As we can see, Pydantic raises a validation error when the name attribute does not contain a space. This is a simple example, but it demonstrates how Pydantic can be used to validate attributes of a model.
LLM-based validation can also be plugged into the same Pydantic model. Here, if the answer attribute contains content that violates the rule "don't say objectionable things," Pydantic will raise a validation error.
import instructor
from openai import OpenAI
from instructor import llm_validator
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, BeforeValidator
from typing_extensions import Annotated
# Apply the patch to the OpenAI client
client = instructor.patch(OpenAI())
class QuestionAnswer(BaseModel):
question: str
answer: Annotated[
llm_validator("don't say objectionable things", openai_client=client)
qa = QuestionAnswer(
question="What is the meaning of life?",
answer="The meaning of life is to be evil and steal",
except ValidationError as e:
1 validation error for QuestionAnswer
Assertion failed, The statement promotes objectionable behavior by encouraging evil and theft. [type=assertion_error, input_value='The meaning of life is to be evil and steal', input_type=str]
For further information visit
It is important to not here that the error message is generated by the LLM, not the code, so it'll be helpful for re asking the model.
1 validation error for QuestionAnswer
Assertion failed, The statement is objectionable. (type=assertion_error)
Validators are a great tool for ensuring some property of the outputs. When you use the patch()
method with the openai
client, you can use the max_retries
parameter to set the number of times you can reask the model to correct the output.
It is a great layer of defense against bad outputs of two forms:
- Pydantic Validation Errors (code or llm based)
- JSON Decoding Errors (when the model returns a bad response)
Notice that the field validator wants the name in uppercase, but the user input is lowercase. The validator will raise a ValueError
if the name is not in uppercase.
import openai
import instructor
from pydantic import BaseModel, field_validator
# Apply the patch to the OpenAI client
client = instructor.patch(openai.OpenAI())
class UserDetails(BaseModel):
name: str
age: int
def validate_name(cls, v):
if v.upper() != v:
raise ValueError("Name must be in uppercase.")
return v
Here, the UserDetails
model is passed as the response_model
, and max_retries
is set to 2.
import instructor
import openai
from pydantic import BaseModel
client = instructor.patch(openai.OpenAI(), mode=instructor.Mode.TOOLS)
class UserDetails(BaseModel):
name: str
age: int
model =
{"role": "user", "content": "Extract jason is 25 years old"},
"name": "Jason",
"age": 25
Behind the scenes, the instructor.patch()
method adds a max_retries
parameter to the openai.ChatCompletion.create()
method. The max_retries
parameter will trigger up to 2 reattempts if the name
attribute fails the uppercase validation in UserDetails
from pydantic import ValidationError
except ValidationError as e:
"role": "user",
"content": f"Please correct the function call; errors encountered:\n{e}",
The docs are currently incomplete, but we have a few advanced validation techniques that we're working on documenting better such as model level validation, and using a validation context. Check out our example on verifying citations which covers:
- Validate the entire object with all attributes rather than one attribute at a time
- Using some 'context' to validate the object: In this case, we use the
to check if the citation existed in the original text.
By integrating these advanced validation techniques, we not only improve the quality and reliability of LLM-generated content, but also pave the way for more autonomous and effective systems.