Releases: coin-or/python-mip
selection of which linear programming method (Primal Simplex, Dual Simplex or
Barrier) will be used to solve the root node relaxation (lp_method attribute
of Model) -
read/write property RHS in Constraint
do not throw exception when querying an unavailable solution: just return
None instead, to fix problem in some debuggers -
improved documentation - specially for the examples
pytest for tests - thanks @pmla
continuous integration with travis
- better handling of lazy constraints and fix for querying variable types before optimization in CBC (updated binaries)
- fix query of objective function contents in cbc. thanks to @spoorendonk
WARNING: this version requires some small changes for cut generators: since now Python-MIP fully supports both Cut Generators and Lazy constraints, we decided to add a base class
ConstrsGenerator with the method generate_constrs
cut generators and lazy constraints generators should derive from this class
the Model class has how two attributes:
cuts_generator and
an object of type ConstrsGenerator can be added to one of these (or both), defining when the constraint generator will be called: in the first case it will be called when a fractional solution is found and in the second case it will be called when an integer solution is found.