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Broker Events

Kiki edited this page Dec 29, 2024 · 14 revisions

A broker event is defined as a combination of the following elements:

  • data_type
  • filter_field
  • filter_value
  • broadcast_message
  • override

As previously mentioned, the ScriptorBroker is a broadcast listener that, by default, listens to * (all broadcasts). This means every broadcast sent in your game, including raptor-internal broadcasts, will be inspected by the broker.

The broker allows you to attach ("hook") scripts to any broadcast by defining a set of rules.

##Elements of a Broker Event

Each broker event hook is defined by the following five components:

Element Type Example Description
Data Type string "Enemy" The name of a script class or game object. This is the sender (the .from) of the broadcast message.
Filter Field string "name" Optional. The name of a field in the sender of the broadcast.
NOTE: Call chains are allowed! Like
Filter Value string "Rogue*"
Required, if "Filter Field" is present, otherwise optional too.
The value, the field must have, to launch the script. raptor wildcards are supported.
Broadcast string "" Must be the exact name of a broadcast message (the .title). Wildcards are not supported here, as each script must hook to a specific broadcast.
Override bool true or false If the event is an override, no base class events can trigger. It replaces them.

Examples in Human Language

1. Filtered Hook

"Run a script on a broadcast for an Enemy object, whose name starts with Rogue."

  • This hook will trigger for all broadcasts from Enemy objects or their child classes (e.g., Humans, Orcs, Dragons, etc.).
  • The script will execute **only ** if the name field of the sender starts with "Rogue".

2. Unfiltered Hook with Multiple Triggers

"Run a script on a broadcast for a Boss object, without any additional filter (run on all bosses)."

  • This hook triggers for all Boss objects when they send the broadcast.
  • If the dying monster is a Boss, this script runs in addition to any script hooked for Enemy objects.

3. Exclusive Hook with Override

"Run a script on a broadcast for a Boss object, and prevent other scripts from triggering when a boss dies."

  • This can be achieved by adding the same hook as above but setting override = true.
  • When override is set, this script replaces any other scripts (like the one for Enemy) that would normally run for this broadcast.

Read on the next page, how to Register Broker Events.