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Markdown to Command Line Interface Pages format converter

Converter from TlDr format to Command Line Interface Pages format.


Installation 😄

Download installer as a temporary file and execute commands to download and install script with its man page:

make -f <(wget -O - 2> /dev/null) remote-install

Download installer as a installer file and execute commands to download and install script with its man page:

wget -O installer
make -f installer remote-install

ℹ️ Note: prefer the second way to install if you want to be able to easily uninstall script with its man page.

Uninstallation 😞

Execute commands to uninstall script with its man page:

make -f installer uninstall

Example 📖

Input TlDr page:

# mkdir

> Create directories and set their permissions.
> More information: <>.

- Create specific directories:

`mkdir {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}`

- Create specific directories and their [p]arents if needed:

`mkdir -p {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}`

- Create directories with specific permissions:

`mkdir -m {{rwxrw-r--}} {{path/to/directory1 path/to/directory2 ...}}`

Output Command Line Interface Page:

# mkdir

> Create directories and set their permissions
> More information:

- Create specific directories:

`mkdir {directory* value}`

- Create specific directories and their [p]arents if needed:

`mkdir -p {directory* value}`

- Create directories with specific permissions:

`mkdir -m {string value: rwxrw-r--} {directory* value}`

Completions 📝

__md_to_clip__complete() {
    declare current="$2"
    declare previous="$3"

    case "$previous" in
            mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -o dirnames -- "$current")
            mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -o filenames -- "$current")
            mapfile -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "--help -h
--version -v
--author -a
--email -e
--no-file-save -nfs
--output-directory -od
--special-placeholder-config -spc" -- "$current")

complete -F __md_to_clip__complete md-to-clip
complete -c md-to-clip -s h -l help -d 'Display help'
complete -c md-to-clip -s v -l version -d 'Display version'
complete -c md-to-clip -s a -l author -d 'Display author'
complete -c md-to-clip -s e -l email -d 'Display author email'
complete -c md-to-clip -o nfs -l no-file-save -d 'Whether to display conversion result in stdout instead of writing it to a file'
complete -c md-to-clip -o od -l output-directory -d 'Directory where conversion result will be written'
complete -c md-to-clip -o spc -l special-placeholder-config -d 'Config with special placeholders'

Sample scripts 📚

The following script can be used to refresh all pages at once:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

declare tldr_pages="path/to/tldr-english-pages"
declare clip_pages="path/to/clip-english-pages"

for category_path in "$tldr_pages/"*; do
    declare category="${category_path##*/}"
    echo "Refreshing pages in '$category' category"

    for file in "$category_path/"*.md; do
        bash -od "$clip_pages/$category" "$file"