All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added
files, to simplify steps for MAGMA analysis in GSA-MiXeR protocol - Added
files - binary functional annotations based
- Updated PLINK2.0 (20240516)
- Added installation information to the file.
- Mambaforge for Python 3.10.14 environment (was Python 3.8)
- Updated PLINK1.9 (20231211) and PLINK2.0 (20231211) versions (and revised corresponding syntax in mixer_simu example)
- Updated apt package versions to current
- Revised installer scripts
- Updated READMEs and example files
- Building and pushing the MiXeR images in both Docker and Singularity format to the registry is now automated using GitHub Actions.
- Added
for debugging. - Version pinned for Ubuntu, conda and conda packages.
- Run
conda clean -a -y
in Dockerfile reducing image size. - Added
Jupyter notebook for simplifying Slurm job submissions for lists of traits. - Include
module purge
in Slurm job scripts to avoid conflicts with system modules.
- Use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as base image for Docker and Singularity containers.
- Rebuilt container w. md5 checksum b344119fd1f8f9c425f0edea78c08881 (commit: 3882739)
- Removed use of
- Fixed incorrect job dependency bug in
- Updated outdated paths to comorment containers on p697
- Explicitly named log files in Slurm .job scripts
- Fixed reference to wrong container file in MIXER_SIMU.job
MiXeR software v1.3.0 packaged into singularity container. MD5 checksum:
7e233fdc91e9de1f89cb579af3809752 mixer.sif
Reference datasets:
- synthetic genotypes (N=10.000 individuals) with realistic LD structure generated using hapgen2 softwareldsc/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/*
- reference data, derived from 1000 genomes Phase3 data, EUR population, pre-processed for LD score regression software (*
- several GWAS summary statistics on real phenotypes. See reference/sumstats/ for more information.