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A new recipe format: jinja functions in recipes

Title A new recipe format: `jinja` functions in recipes
Status Open
Author(s) Wolf Vollprecht <>
Created Apr 12, 2024
Updated Jun 10, 2024
Discussion #71


This CEP is part of the effort to strictly define a new recipe format. The previous CEPs are:

Historically, conda-build recipes have relied on templating with Jinja for some "dynamic" functionality. For example, many recipes use the version of the package in multiple places (as package version, in the URL and the tests, for example). To make it easy to change recipes, Jinja has been used for some light-weight templating.

The "old" recipe format has allowed arbitrary Jinja syntax (including set, if/else or for loops). The new recipe format only allows a subset of Jinja with the goal of always producing valid YAML files. In this CEP we clarify how Jinja is used in the new recipe format, what Jinja functions are available and how variables can be set and used.

Jinja in the new recipe format

The new recipe format uses a subset of Jinja. Specifically, only "variable" expressions are allowed (no blocks such as set, for loops, if/else blocks, ...).

A Jinja expression in the new recipe format looks like the following:

${{ version }}

Or if a function is involved:

${{ compiler('c') }}

Jinja expressions are also used in if statements and in the skip field of a recipe. In both instances, the ${{ ... }} syntax is omitted.


    - osx  # This is a Jinja expression!

    - if: win and cuda  # This is a Jinja expression!
        - cudatoolkit

Variables in the recipe

The variables that are available in the Jinja context in the recipe come from two sources: the "variant configuration" file or the "context" section of the recipe.

The context section

The context is a dictionary at the top-level of a recipe that maps keys to scalar values. The keys can be used by accessing them as variables in the Jinja expressions. For example:

  version: "1.0.5"

  version: ${{ version }}

Context evaluation must happen from top-to-bottom. That means a later value can reference an earlier one like so:

  version: "1.0.5"
  name_and_version: "pkg_${{ version | replace('.', '_') }}"  # evaluates to "pkg_1_0_5"

Variables from variant configuration

Any variable specified in the variant configuration file can be used in a recipe by using it in a Jinja expression. For example, with a variant config like:

  - "have_cuda"
  - "no_cuda"

This value can be used as follows, for example in an inline if expression:

    - ${{ "cudatoolkit" if cuda == "have_cuda" }}

Default variables in the recipe

Several variables are globally available in the recipe, based on the target_platform and build_platform:

  • target_platform is a string that represents the platform for which the package is built. It is a string of the form os-arch (e.g. linux-64, osx-64, win-64, linux-aarch64, ...).
  • build_platform is a string that represents the platform on which the package is built. Same format as target_platform.
  • linux, osx, win, emscripten: These are boolean variables that are true if the target platform is a Linux, macOS, Unix, or Windows platform, respectively. Note that this is the first part of the target_platform string.
  • x86_64, aarch64, armv7l, ppc64le, s390x, sparc64, riscv64: These are boolean variables that are true if the target platform is the respective architecture. Note that, except for x86_64, these are the second part of the target_platform string.
  • unix: This is a boolean variable that is true if the target platform is a Unix platform (Linux, macOS or emscripten).

Available Jinja functions

The compiler function

The compiler function is used to create a dependency spec from {lang}_compiler and {lang}_compiler_version

The function looks as follows:

${{ compiler('c') }}

This would pull in the c_compiler and c_compiler_version from the variant config. The compiler function suffixes {lang}_compiler with the target_platform to render to something such as:

gcc_linux-64 8.9
clang_osx-arm64 12
msvc_win-64 19.29

The function ${{ compiler("foo") }} thus evaluates to {foo_compiler}_{target_platform} {foo_compiler_version}.

To configure the foo compiler, the following variant keys can be used:

foo_compiler: "superfoo"
foo_compiler_version: "1.2.3"

# on linux-64 this then results in
# compiler: "superfoo_linux-64 1.2.3"

[!NOTE] Default values for <lang>_compiler

The default value for the <lang>_compiler variable is the language that was passed in (e.g. rust -> rust, or go -> go) However, for c, cxx, and fortran, rattler-build and conda-build define the following default values:

 c: gcc
 cxx: gxx
 fortran: gfortran
  c: clang
  cxx: clangxx
  fortran: gfortran
  c: vs2017
  cxx: vs2017
  fortran: gfortran

The stdlib function

The stdlib function works exactly as the compiler function, but uses the stdlib keys in the variant.

For example:

  - ${{ stdlib('c') }}

Evaluates to the c_stdlib and c_stdlib_version from the variant config (incl. the target platform), using the following <lang>_stdlib and <lang>_stdlib_version keys.

The function should evaluate to {<lang>_stdlib}_{target_platform} <lang>_stdlib_version.

The cdt function

CDT stands for "core dependency tree" packages. These are typically repackaged from a Linux distribution.

The function expands to the following:

  • package-name-<cdt_name>-<cdt_arch>

Where cdt_name and cdt_arch are loaded from the variant config. If they are undefined in the variant configuration, an error is raised. There are no default values for cdt_name and cdt_arch.

The pin functions

The new recipe format has two pin expressions:

  • pin_compatible
  • pin_subpackage

Both follow the same "pinning" mechanism as described next and have the same arguments.

Pin definition

A pin has the following arguments:

  • package_name, positional, required: The name of the package to pin.
  • lower_bound, defaults to x.x.x.x.x.x: the lower bound, either as a version or as a "pin expression", or None
  • upper_bound, defaults to x: the upper bound, either as a version or as a "pin expression" or None
  • exact: a boolean that specifies whether the pin should be exact. It defaults to False. If exact is True, the lower_bound and upper_bound are irrelevant and should not be set. An exact pin must pin with the full version and build string (to a single package), e.g. ==version=build.
Pin expressions

A pin expression is a string that contains only x and . characters. The number of x characters in the expression determines the number of segments that are used from the version.

A pin expression of x.x applied to a version like 1.2.3 would yield 1.2. The epoch and local version parts are left untouched by the pin expression: 1!1.2.3+local with a x.x pin expression would yield 1!1.2+local.

The version used in the pin expression computation must always be the version that was determined during the run of the recipe (irrespective of setting the lower bound to an explicit version).

Upper bound pin computation

When a pin expression is used for the upper bound, the last segment of the version must be incremented, and the local version part must be removed.

  • If the last segment is a letter, the number should be incremented and the letter set to a, e.g. 9d with a x pin expression results in <10a.
  • If the last segment is a number, the number should be incremented and .0a0 should be appended to prevent any alpha versions from being selected. For example: 1.2.3 with a x.x pin expression should result in <1.3.0a0.
  • The epoch is left untouched by the max_pin (or min_pin). If the epoch is set, it will be included in the final version. E.g. 1!1.2.3 with a max_pin='x.x' will result in <1!1.3.0a0.
  • When bumping the version with a max_pin the local version part is removed. For example, 1.2.3+local with a max_pin='x.x' will result in <1.3.0a0.


conda-build uses the lower_bound for the version that is used in the max_pin pinning expression. conda-build also ignores the min_pin expression when a upper_bound is used.

Corner cases

If there are fewer segments in the version than in the lower_bound pin expression, only the existing segments are used (implicit 0 padding). For example, 1.2 with a lower_bound of x.x.x.x would result in >=1.2.

If there are more segments in the upper_bound pin expression than in the version, 0 segments are inserted before bumping the last segment. For example, 1.2 with a upper_bound of x.x.x.x would result in <


For example, a package like numpy-1.21.3-h123456_5 as input to the following pin expressions.

  • lower_bound='x.x', upper_bound='x.x' would result in >=1.21,<1.22.0a0
  • lower_bound='x.x.x', max_pin='x' would result in >=1.21.3,<2.0a0
  • lower_bound=None, upper_bound='x' would result in <2.0a0
  • lower_bound='x.x.x.x', upper_bound=None would result in >=1.21.3
  • exact=True would result in ==1.21.3=h123456_5

The function should error if exact is True and min_pin or max_pin are set.

Given the following version 1.2.3, we get the following results:

  • default values: lower_bound='x.x.x.x.x.x', upper_bound='x' -> >=1.2.3,<2.0a0
  • lower_bound='1.0', upper_bound='x.x' -> >1.0,<1.3.0a0
  • lower_bound='x.x', upper_bound='2.0' -> >1.2,<2.0
  • lower_bound=None, upper_bound='x' -> <2.0a0
  • lower_bound='x.x.x.x', upper_bound=None -> >=1.2.3

For an input of the form: 9e (jpeg style version)

  • lower_bound='x', upper_bound='x' -> >=9e,<10a

For an input of the form: 1.1.1j (openssl style version)

  • lower_bound='x.x.x', upper_bound='x' -> >=1.1.1j,<2.0a0
  • lower_bound='x.x.x', upper_bound='x.x' -> >=1.1.1j,<1.2.0a0
  • lower_bound='x.x.x', upper_bound='x.x.x' -> >=1.1.1j,<1.1.2a

The pin_compatible function

Pin compatible will pin the dependency to the same version as "previously" resolved in the host or build environment. This is useful to ensure that the same package is used at run time as was used at build time.


    - numpy
    - ${{ pin_compatible('numpy', exact=True) }}
    # or alternatives
    # - ${{ pin_compatible('numpy', lower_bound='x.x.x', upper_bound='x') }}
    # - ${{ pin_compatible('numpy', lower_bound=None, upper_bound='x') }}
    # - ${{ pin_compatible('numpy', lower_bound="1.0", upper_bound='x') }}
    # - ${{ pin_compatible('numpy', lower_bound="1.0", upper_bound="2.0") }}

The pin_subpackage function

Pin subpackage will pin the dependency to the same version as another sub-package from the recipe (or the current package itself). This is useful to ensure that multiple outputs from a recipe are linked together or to export the correct run_exports for a package.


  - package:
      name: libfoo
      version: "1.2.3"
  - package:
      name: foo
      version: "1.2.3"
        - ${{ pin_subpackage('libfoo', exact=True) }}

The match function

The match function is used to match a variant with a version spec. It returns true if the version spec matches the variant and false otherwise.

For example, it can be used in the following way:

  - ${{ "six" if match(python, "<3.8") }}
  - ${{ "six" if match(python, "3.8") }}
  - ${{ "six" if match(python, "==3.8") }}
  - ${{ "six" if match(python, "3.8.*") }}
  - ${{ "six" if match(python, ">=3.8,<3.10") }}

In this case the value from the python variant is used to add or remove optional dependencies. Note that generalizes and replaces selectors from old recipes, such as # [py38] or # [py3k].

The version comparison rules follow those of the conda version comparison rules.

The is_unix, is_win, is_osx, and is_linux functions

The is_... functions can be used to check if the target or build platforms match the given platform. For example:

  - ${{ "six" if is_unix(target_platform) }}
  - ${{ "six" if is_win(target_platform) }}
  - ${{ "six" if is_linux(build_platform) }}

The hash variable

${{ hash }} is the variant hash and is useful in the build string computation. This used to be PKG_HASH in the old recipe format. Since the hash variable depends on the variant computation, it is only available in the build.string field and is computed after the entire variant computation is finished.

The env object

The env object is used to retrieve environment variables and inject them into the recipe. There are two ways to do this:

  • ${{ env.get("MY_ENV_VAR") }} will return the value of the environment variable MY_ENV_VAR or throw an error if the environment variable is not set.
  • ${{ env.get("MY_ENV_VAR", default="default_value") }} will return the value of the environment variable MY_ENV_VAR or "default_value" if it is unset.

You can also check for the existence of an environment variable:

  • ${{ env.exists("MY_ENV_VAR") }} will return a boolean true if the environment variable MY_ENV_VAR is set and false otherwise.

Jinja filters

A feature of jinja is called "filters". Filters are functions that can be applied to variables in a template expression.

The syntax for a filter is {{ variable | filter_name }}. A filter can also take arguments, such as ... | replace('foo', 'bar').

The following Jinja filters are available, taken from the upstream minijinja library:

  • replace: replace a string with another string (e.g. "{{ 'foo' | replace('oo', 'aa') }}" will return "faa")
  • lower: convert a string to lowercase (e.g. "{{ 'FOO' | lower }}" will return "foo")
  • upper: convert a string to uppercase (e.g. "{{ 'foo' | upper }}" will return "FOO") - int: convert a string to an integer (e.g. "{{ '42' | int }}" will return 42)
  • abs: return the absolute value of a number (e.g. "{{ -42 | abs }}" will return 42)
  • bool: convert a value to a boolean (e.g. "{{ 'foo' | bool }}" will return true)
  • default: return a default value if the value is falsy (e.g. "{{ '' | default('foo') }}" will return "foo")
  • first: return the first element of a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | first }}" will return 1) - last: return the last element of a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | last }}" will return 3)
  • length: return the length of a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | length }}" will return 3)
  • list: convert a string to a list (e.g. "{{ 'foo' | list }}" will return ['f', 'o', 'o'])
  • join: join a list with a separator (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | join('.') }}" will return "1.2.3")
  • min: return the minimum value of a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | min }}" will return 1)
  • max: return the maximum value of a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | max }}" will return 3)
  • reverse: reverse a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | reverse }}" will return [3, 2, 1])
  • slice: slice a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 3] | slice(1, 2) }}" will return [2])
  • batch: This filter works pretty much like slice just the other way round. It returns a list of lists with the given number of items. If you provide a second parameter this is used to fill up missing items.
  • sort: sort a list (e.g. "{{ [3, 1, 2] | sort }}" will return [1, 2, 3])
  • trim: remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string (e.g. "{{ ' foo ' | trim }}" will return "foo")
  • unique: remove duplicates from a list (e.g. "{{ [1, 2, 1, 3] | unique }}" will return [1, 2, 3])
  • split: split a string into a list (e.g. "{{ '1.2.3' | split('.') }}" will return ['1', '2', '3']). By default, splits on whitespace.
Removed filters The following filters are removed from the builtins:
  • attr
  • indent (indent with spaces, could be useful?)
  • select
  • selectattr
  • dictsort
  • reject
  • rejectattr
  • round
  • map
  • title
  • capitalize
  • urlencode
  • escape
  • pprint
  • safe
  • items
  • float
  • tojson

Extra filters for recipes

The version_to_buildstring filter

  • ${{ python | version_to_buildstring }} converts a version from the variant to a build string (it removes the . character and takes only the first two elements of the version).

For example the following:

  cuda: "11.2.0"

  string: ${{ hash }}_cuda${{ cuda_version | version_to_buildstring }}

Would evaluate to a abc123_cuda112 (assuming the hash was abc123).

Various remarks

Inline conditionals with Jinja

The new recipe format allows for inline conditionals with Jinja. If they are falsey, and no else branch exists, they will render to an empty string (which is, for example in a list or dictionary, equivalent to a YAML null).

When a recipe is rendered, all values that are null must be filtered from the resulting YAML.

    - ${{ "numpy" if cuda == "yes" }}

If cuda is not equal to yes, the first item of the host requirements will be empty (null) and thus filtered from the final list.

This must also work for dictionary values. For example:

  number: ${{ 100 if cuda == "yes" }}
  # or an `else` branch can be used, of course
  number: ${{ 100 if cuda == "yes" else 0 }}

Error handling

Build tools should be aggressive about Jinja errors:

  • Undefined variables should always be an error. To workaround, the user should use the default filter (e.g. ${{ foo | default("bla") }}).
  • Unknown functions should always be an error.
  • Syntax errors should always be an error.